Hung out at Gooodbar on the estrip last night and saw Laura who I haven't seen in years, possibly since we had to have her ambulanced to the hosptial after she hyperventilated on the flying bobs at Fantasy Island. It was fun night even though me and Teres ditched everyone at 2am and went home.I'm sure the fun contintued after we left. This leads me to the question,
If three people in a car pull up next to you while you are walking alone down elmwood around 1 or so in the morning and try to get you to go with them to a party or their house do you think
a. ok and get in or
b. they must be psycho murderers
I chose the later but now I'm thinking maybe I overreact to people being psycho murderers.
Everyone should go to Eighties night at Off the Wall tonight. We're going to be there most likely and it will be fun.
Got a mole removed for a biopsy today. FUN FUN FUN
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/28/2004 15:36 #28658
It's About that Time05/24/2004 00:47 #28657
Lesbian ViriginityMe, Jill, Jesse and Teres were debating today at Spot, what point constitutes a lesbian losing her virginity? And sort of related does a man using a toy on woman constitute her losing her viriginity or no because the real deal is available? Any opinions, as none of us are lesbians we don't know if there is an official like definition. Anyone know?
05/23/2004 01:39 #28656
Say Goodnight Not GoodbyeCleaning out my room brought me to looking at all my pictures and memoribilia from highschool and it was so good. I hadn't really done it in a while. Ok a while for me is not so long I suppose but I really was liek reading through everything. Especially the memory book thing MK made me that is amazing and reminded me of great htings. And it was funny like reading letters from my friends and stuff that was like "we have to keep in touch when we go to college". Did we really think we wouldn't keep in touch? I remember sitting in Diana's driveway when we were finally like "this is it, this is the end of what we've had for so long and just like it really hitting us finally. But four years later we'll still going strong, but things have changed and just want everyone to know I'm glad their my friends still. Anyway, the song by Eve 6, Here's to the Night is so good for looking at photos too. I'll post a little here...
Put Your name on the line, along with place and time, want to stay, not to go, i want to ditch the logical, here's a toast to all those who hear me all too well.
Here's to the nights we felt alive, here's to the tears you knew you'd cry, here's to goodbye, tomorrows gonna come to soon, all my time is frozen in motion can't i stay an hour or two or more
Put Your name on the line, along with place and time, want to stay, not to go, i want to ditch the logical, here's a toast to all those who hear me all too well.
Here's to the nights we felt alive, here's to the tears you knew you'd cry, here's to goodbye, tomorrows gonna come to soon, all my time is frozen in motion can't i stay an hour or two or more
05/20/2004 01:14 #28655
Home by Midnight...Other Side of 200Eat...Eat...Eat...that is all I have done all week because I am home at ridicuosly early hours with nothing to do but eat...pretty soon you'll have to get a helicopter to haul me through the roof because I won't fit through the door.
On a better note, E. William MIller did not make it on the school board! THANK GOD!!!
Ok now time to consume mass quantities of chicken nuggets and eggplant parmigiana. One from my grandma's cooking, one from a microwavealbe box, hmm which is which do you think...
..and a cheesecake with my name on it in the fridge....see you on the other side of 200 lbs.
On a better note, E. William MIller did not make it on the school board! THANK GOD!!!
Ok now time to consume mass quantities of chicken nuggets and eggplant parmigiana. One from my grandma's cooking, one from a microwavealbe box, hmm which is which do you think...
..and a cheesecake with my name on it in the fridge....see you on the other side of 200 lbs.
05/19/2004 03:02 #28654
Walker Kenmore RangerAhh I love the summer. All my senior citizen friends were already in their pajamas and ready for bed at only 10 o'clock tonight so I went for a nice long walk around elmwood. It was fun and I may have seen a prostitution deal go down but I'm not sure. Thank God for summer.