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05/11/2004 20:00 #28648

Mrs. Kratzenberg
Hey, I know some of you who read this (wait some people must read this right?) had Ms. Kratzenberg at Kenmore West. She was a crazy but great teacher and I guess she is retiring after 40 years and someone is trying to put together a memory scrapbook and possible luncheon or something, so I got the info if you want it or know anyone's email address that had her that I could email the info to. E-mail me about it here (

05/07/2004 01:35 #28647

Me and Jill went to Brodo the new soup restaurant on Elmwood next to Spot tonight. It was very good and I recommend it. Although the waiter defintely liked the people next to us better it was all still very good. I had a caesar salad and a chicken rice soup. It was very tasty and not too expensive. Definetley you should try it out. Nice decor too.

05/06/2004 11:18 #28646

Could Life Be Sweeter?
Just finished my reading responses for Soc. and my script for scriptwriting and then to top it all off Ellen just mentioned Golden Girls on her show. Her next segment is Ellen at the mall and then Lindsay Lohan is on. Could life be better?

Ok...time for school and then a 15 page, 10 page, and 5 page paper, and studying for finals.

05/05/2004 01:21 #28645

Has anyone ever heard of BotBall? It is like two teams make robots who have to pick up an orange ball and/or push certain colored cups to the other teams side of the table. Other than that there seems to be no rules. Some teams use one robot, some three. And the craziness ensues. Me and Jill watched it for like 3 or 4 hours until 4 AM Saturday morning and every minute of it was enthralling. It was on like the community access cahnnel even though the even took place in New Mexico. The host messed up numerous times including telling the wrong team they won and he kept beilng like this was a close one.... and the score was like 18 to -2. It was hilar...ok maybe not if it had not been 4AM but i defeintley recoommend it if they ever repeat it. Oh and they gave away awards for everything including and I swear this is fall off the table. Yes basically most defective robot. It was ridiculous although we did get to see an interview with the inventor of BattleBot who I am sure is reaping millions from this community access channel broadcast....

04/28/2004 20:59 #28644

Oh my!
So this is the week of embarassing moments. The other day I walked into my class which is in a small computer lab, and I was a little early, saw some people from my class (but in the wrong seats) and sat down. And then I realize there was a teacher talking. Another class was going on in there. So I walked back out. How embarassing!

Then Amanda realized I had my jacket on backwards. This was after my presentation in which my computer wouldn't hook up to the screen thing, and then the screen thing wouldn't work with the other computer, and then the sounds wouldn't work so ended up using two computers at once. And then to top it off my nametag thing we were using because we were each playing more than one character, well the name tag had gotten entangled in the wiring so I had to rip it off the yarn and just hold it in front of me. Othersiw a good day/presentation. I think everyone liked it.