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04/28/2004 20:59 #28644

Oh my!
So this is the week of embarassing moments. The other day I walked into my class which is in a small computer lab, and I was a little early, saw some people from my class (but in the wrong seats) and sat down. And then I realize there was a teacher talking. Another class was going on in there. So I walked back out. How embarassing!

Then Amanda realized I had my jacket on backwards. This was after my presentation in which my computer wouldn't hook up to the screen thing, and then the screen thing wouldn't work with the other computer, and then the sounds wouldn't work so ended up using two computers at once. And then to top it off my nametag thing we were using because we were each playing more than one character, well the name tag had gotten entangled in the wiring so I had to rip it off the yarn and just hold it in front of me. Othersiw a good day/presentation. I think everyone liked it.

04/26/2004 01:15 #28643

Grrrrr and Thanks
All I can say is grrr and hopefully one day I will no longer appear as an obsessive five year old stalker. Some day I"ll be a normal functioning human being. Jeers to circumstances making me look crazy but Cheers to Teres for our late night convo and consoling!!! Thanks for listening to my random babble! Florida is in our future!!

04/25/2004 22:02 #28642

Cold Case Video Montage
Cold Case, a tv drama about this lady who solves crime cases that were like abandoned years ago is so good. Well actuallyI haven't watched the show that much but I always try to catch the last few minutes because they always do like video montageesque stuff over like great songs. I love it! It makes me want to make a video so bad, I am so mad that my plug in my computer is broken so I can't hook up my camcorder to my computer and make fun projects but soon school will be over and I can send my computer in to be fixed. And that will be glorious.

04/22/2004 23:19 #28641

Sadly not my First Olsen Twin Entry
So I was reading this article about the Olsen Twins and learned a few interesting facts:

1. The Olsen twins will admit to hanging out with people who drink, but won't admit drinking themselves

2. They won't declare their virginity or their sexualness. They want everyone to make their own decisions.

3. THey don't swear but will sometimes say Bleep Bleep.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: THEY SAY THEY WON'T DO TWIN MOVIES FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES??? WHAT, then what will happen to ABC Family channel. The Olsen twins should stick to what they know best and that is definetely twin movies like Double Double Toil and Trouble and How the West Was Fun. The only way they are getting out of twin movies is if they switch to twin porn frankly and lets all hope they don't. Right?

04/20/2004 01:31 #28640

Bush Protest
I'd like to think I'm ambitious enough to get up early and go to the Bush protest, but do I really care enough to be there by 8:30 am? I prolly should, but sadly, maybe not. Am I really that lazy and into sleeping? Maybe, we'll see.