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02/17/2004 01:13 #28599

Dad's Randomness
So randomly at dinner the other night my dad was like "Mike do we have instant messages on our computer?" and I was like "yeah!" and he was like "I want you to get off there, I don't want any instant messages on our computer" and I was liek "um it's part of aol" , and he was like "I don't care I don't want it", he eventually agreed it was ok but would never explain why he wanted it gone so bad. Nohting like random's what i'm living everyday.

02/16/2004 02:21 #28598

Valentine's Day
First off, my new userpic is a picture Jill drew of me senior year for my birthday as part of a pin the crown and mic on Mike game she made for me. I still don't want to put an actual picture of me up (even though numerous other ones can be found of me on the site) and so I thought this was a nice compromise for now.

So this weekend was Valentine's Day and Jill went out with Ted, Yosepha got three responses on JDate, Jen went to Niagara Falls for the weekend with her boyfriend, and I ....well I hung out with sine friends on the actual day and today I celebrated Valentine's day/mom's birthday withy my mom, dad, grandma, brother, terry and matt. I know what you're thinking, Too romantic right?

My Valentine's week horoscope (which i am starting to fear Artvoice horoscopes one syaing I'm going to die and now this one) was basically to sum it up that I need to just love myself and ask myself out on dates and by the end of the week ask myself to marry myself. Cool, everyone else's was about finding that other person or at least sex or something but no mine was about staying single...too cool.

P.S. I updated like three times in the last hour or so so just read them all, I always fear if I update too close , some entries wil be completely ignored.

02/16/2004 02:14 #28597

Jen "entertains" Our Troops
We should all thank Jen for doing her part by "entertaining" our troops. Enough said.

02/15/2004 22:01 #28596

A Prom? At My Age?
So last night I went to Coffee & with Katrina, Amanda, Yosepha, Lisa, and Teres and Jill were there for some of the time too. It was an ecclectic mix, well I mean basically just more people than just me, jill, teres, and the occassional Yosepha. Anyway we missed the musical players that ended at 11 but I digress this was not the point of the story.

Katrina thinks I should go to her little sister's senior prom with her because her sister is really shy. I think it would be weird. I mean I love highschool and proms as much as the next person but I think as a junior in college I may be too old to go. Her sister is only 17 (although she will almost be 18 by the time of the prom) so it is pseudo-illegal well not really cuz we aren't having sex or anythign but it seems wrong. And it would just be awkward and weird. I mean I guess I could, I just think it would be weird.

And let's face it, I haven't been on a date in, well lets just say a long time, I am by no means a professional escort who knows the ropes of the dating scene. I think it would be a big letdown for her not the dream come true they tried to tout it as, but we'll see.

Unrelated sidenote, I need to stop getting carried away in my dreams and bring myself back to reality and seeing things for what they really are.

02/13/2004 02:50 #28595

Can something be the best thing that has happened to you and the worst thing at the same time? Well not the worst, but like in one way it was a great time and I just loved it (THANKS TERES) but then it just at the same time reminds me of what I don't/can't have. So good but so bad. I don't know it makes more sense in my head.

ok i seirusoly have been searchign for a song for like an hour or more that applies to how i feel right now and cna't find one, i guess this one is sorta close, sorta in a way:

I don't know who I'm kidding,
imagining you care,
and i could stand here waiting,
a fool for another day,
but i don't suppose it's worth the hhprice, worth the price the price that i would pay
Everyone keeps asking, what's it all about?
I used to be so certain and I can't figure out
What is this attraction? I only feel the pian
There's nothing left to reason
WIll it ever change?

Ok that's not right at all now that I am reading it over again, wlel kinda but that sounds sad and I am not sad I am happyesque so hmm I don't know. I'll try to find a better one