So last night after a long day at school I went to Jills at like a little after 11 PM but her line was busy so I had to crawl through the snow and go up to her window in her computer room and bang on it, hoping that I had the right room and that it wasn't her parent's bedroom. Luckily I picked the right spot and after about 10 minutes she came to the window and let me in (no not through the window but that would have been cooler). We then searched for apartments online and found none and when I called my dad and was like me and Jill were searching for apartments he said and I paraphrase here "What? You move out? Jill is going to move out of her house? No way!" and then he proceded to question our dedication to the process and wondered why we were wasting our time since we were not really ever going to move out of our homes. I don't know what is worse about that situation, that my parents cannot believe I would ever move out or the fact that I had to call my parents and explain where I was in the first place. Hmmm......really it is time for some independent living. Yet according to the classifieds it is too much to ask for an apartment around elmwood with 2 bedrooms for 500 dolares. But eh I think more will open at the end of the school year. We'll see...
Another funny thing happened Jill was telling her sister about Ted and the first thing that her sister said was Ted Danson? as if she thought Jill was making it up. So funny.... oh Jill might kill me for putting that in here...but what is my purpose in life if not to spread the details of other people's lives.
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/19/2004 14:01 #28601
You guys are going to move out?02/18/2004 15:30 #28600
Mall Addiction?So I definetely am a mall addict. Yesterday since I had the day off of work and school I decided to go to Rochester just because that was the closest place that had a mall I had never been too. I found my way quite easily and it was a nice mall and it had an H & M which was great and I bought two shirts which were ok. The men's department was seriously about the size of my car. It was really small but I still spent like 45 minutes in it and tried like everything on because I had to buy something because who knows when I'll be at an H & M again. The worker said tons of people come from Buffalo just for the H & M. Why does Rochester have two of them, Syracuse has two of them and we have 0? We are bigger than both those places. I guess it is one of those mysteries of the world that can't be explained. I found my way there and back with virtually no problem.
I think a person on the highway on the way home propositioned me while we were driving 80 mph but that is a story for another time and place.
I think a person on the highway on the way home propositioned me while we were driving 80 mph but that is a story for another time and place.
02/17/2004 01:13 #28599
Dad's RandomnessSo randomly at dinner the other night my dad was like "Mike do we have instant messages on our computer?" and I was like "yeah!" and he was like "I want you to get off there, I don't want any instant messages on our computer" and I was liek "um it's part of aol" , and he was like "I don't care I don't want it", he eventually agreed it was ok but would never explain why he wanted it gone so bad. Nohting like random's what i'm living everyday.
02/16/2004 02:21 #28598
Valentine's DayFirst off, my new userpic is a picture Jill drew of me senior year for my birthday as part of a pin the crown and mic on Mike game she made for me. I still don't want to put an actual picture of me up (even though numerous other ones can be found of me on the site) and so I thought this was a nice compromise for now.
So this weekend was Valentine's Day and Jill went out with Ted, Yosepha got three responses on JDate, Jen went to Niagara Falls for the weekend with her boyfriend, and I ....well I hung out with sine friends on the actual day and today I celebrated Valentine's day/mom's birthday withy my mom, dad, grandma, brother, terry and matt. I know what you're thinking, Too romantic right?
My Valentine's week horoscope (which i am starting to fear Artvoice horoscopes one syaing I'm going to die and now this one) was basically to sum it up that I need to just love myself and ask myself out on dates and by the end of the week ask myself to marry myself. Cool, everyone else's was about finding that other person or at least sex or something but no mine was about staying single...too cool.
P.S. I updated like three times in the last hour or so so just read them all, I always fear if I update too close , some entries wil be completely ignored.
So this weekend was Valentine's Day and Jill went out with Ted, Yosepha got three responses on JDate, Jen went to Niagara Falls for the weekend with her boyfriend, and I ....well I hung out with sine friends on the actual day and today I celebrated Valentine's day/mom's birthday withy my mom, dad, grandma, brother, terry and matt. I know what you're thinking, Too romantic right?
My Valentine's week horoscope (which i am starting to fear Artvoice horoscopes one syaing I'm going to die and now this one) was basically to sum it up that I need to just love myself and ask myself out on dates and by the end of the week ask myself to marry myself. Cool, everyone else's was about finding that other person or at least sex or something but no mine was about staying single...too cool.
P.S. I updated like three times in the last hour or so so just read them all, I always fear if I update too close , some entries wil be completely ignored.
02/16/2004 02:14 #28597
Jen "entertains" Our TroopsWe should all thank Jen for doing her part by "entertaining" our troops. Enough said.