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02/07/2004 12:18 #28590

Dreams where I die
So like for 5 nights last week I had dreams where I died. And I don't remember ever having a dream where I died before like I always woke up before I actually died but not in these dreams and so they freaked me out. Especially since my horoscope that week ended up being something to the effect of "look to your dreams for your future". So I was completely freaked out even thought I don't really buy into the whole fortune telling thing but still it was freaky. But now I have went about 3 or 4 days without a death dream and so I think I am in the clear. The dreams were all so weird, here they are.

1. I was on a show similar to Dallas but like it wasn't a show it was my real life but that is what it looked like. Anyway my brother(in the dream, not in real life) tried to kill me and shot me three times but I survived and so they were like ok you can live. But then I went into the basement where I found out my son (played by one of Jill's exb/f) was sleeping with my wife and so he shot me in the lungs and I died.

2. Me and my friends were outside what was suppposed to be Maureen's house and her aunt was outside but wouldn't tell us anything but said the paramedics were on their way. So we assumed that something had happened to Maureen. Then NBC called me to get the scoop on the story for them because they said they knew I would be there and they had my cell number (eh its a dream, crazier things have happened). Anyway as I am talking to them I begin to realize liek there is a huge crowd there and the people are like starting to all burn and are like rolling around burning. Then I realize it is a nuclear disaster of some sort and I burn to death as I am trying to run away.

3. There is a killer in my house and I can see him killing everyone like painfully and slow and I don't want that so I suffocate myself before he gets to me.

4. BY FAR THE ODDEST: Me and this girl Anastasia Brothman (who I went to school with up untinl 2nd grade and then she moved) were riding across Grand Island on a horse. As we were getting off the expressway on our horsees, mine fell over. I tried to pick it up but then it fell backwards and broke its leg. But i had to get to scriptwriting class so I left it and called my mom and asked her to call animal people that could save it. She said I had to go and be there or the SPCA would just leave it there if noone was there when they got there. So I left class but then I ended back at home somehow and my parents were asleep in bed WITH THE HORSE SLEEPING BETWEEN THEM!!! and then somehow the horse killed me and i ended up dead in a coffin. The thing is then when I woke up it soudned liek there were horse hooves outside, (it ended up being the rain) but it still freaked me out and I couldn't sleep.


02/06/2004 01:35 #28589

So I'm not doing so well in my scriptwriting class, which is sad, because that is what I thought I wanted to do. It's not that I'm failing or anything, I just don't feel like I have good enough ideas or can think the way they want us to. I don't know, I still want to be a soap opera writer. It seems so different than what we are doing which seems to focus more on movies. I need a story that doesn't, that is continuous and only bits and pieces at a time and can keep changing. Maybe I'll talk to my teacher about writing soap operas, she loves soap operas, it is like her PhD. We'll see.

02/03/2004 01:02 #28588

The British Are Coming
Good now that I got your attention by pretending we would have to win another war against the British circa 1777 now I can talk about some really important stuff. Namely two things. One, the lesser important one, why do I know who the serial killer is on Days of Our Lives but no one on the show will find out til like next December. That is too much freakin time for this story to play out in. Give me some resolution, not a three year story. Although I am intrigued as to how they will explain Marlena being the killer.

Ok now the REALLY IMPORTANT STUFF. I put on swim trunks and a new tshirt I bought today to pretend that I was in a tropical paradise when in fact I was just standing in front of the furnace in my bedroom wall. It was fun though as I always enjoy admiring myself in front of a mirror as anyone who has went to Lake Effect with the mirror wall can attest too. Not that I am full of myself or think I am so hot, there is something so great thought about seeing youreslf in the mirror. But I digress, I recommend everyone wear summer clothes and stand in front of a furnaceso that they too can feel that little bit of summer niceness. I got on this kick when I got in my car today after school and low and behold it was ACTUALLY WARM since it was sunny out. This crazy little tidbit of warm sensation tempted me to want more of the spring/summer heat that I adore. Ehh stupid groundhog and his 10 more years of winter prediction.

Anyone wanna go on a vacation to somehwere warm soon or over spring break? Warm, yes and cheap!!!

Oh and Jill about the ketchup and the janitor. It is used to clean copper according to the Queen of Clean book we have here in the Visco household.

02/01/2004 22:49 #28587

Janet Jackson's Boob
I think during the super bowl halftime show just a little bit ago Justin Timberlake ripped off part of Janet Jackson's shirt. They showed some boob with no sensors. It was only a second but still it seems a little crazy. I wonder if it was planned?

01/31/2004 13:36 #28586

Jessie's Song
OK, seriously DVD's are amazing as they allow me to watch the entire first two seasons of Saved By The Bell whenever I want. I used to be excited because I had a few episodes on tape, but now this is heavenly. I can't wait for the rest of the seasons to come out. Today I watched the episode called Jessie's Song which is one of if not my favorite episode ever and also a great piece of television history.

Even someone who claims not to be a SBTB addict as I am will know the episode where Jessie gets addicted to caffeine pills and on the night of Hot Sundaes performance for the record company can't sing and says those 9 famous words

Polling has shown that that is one of the most recognizable episodes of any television show in history and most people at least my age would know and recognize that line, (ok by polling I mean I asked my friends and people at school over the years and every time it came up the entire room burst out in I'm so excited, I'm so excited, I'm so scared)