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01/29/2004 02:11 #28584

Gaps in the South and Nanotechnology
These are the two things that are peaking my curiousity today. The first is do Gaps and other stores in the South have winter clothes out when we do or do they have like spring/summer clothes out all year round. I always assumed I could go to any chain store across the country and find the same selection but now I'm not so sure. And then does that mean that they have more and/or different spring and summer collections and so then do I need to start shopping in many different states to get the full variety of clothes I want.

On a lighter note, nanotechnology is this thing I am learning about about these little tiny things that are like machines and could possibly in the future make everything that we have today with no need for nature. But they could go terribly wrong and evolve and learn to reproduce and kill us all. Really at the moment I cannot even begin to get my head around it but I guess I will have to for the tests and stuff in the class I am taking. I am much better at things like Scriptwriting or Advertising or Social Theory. Science is not my forte!

01/28/2004 14:54 #28583

Willa Cather, Why Do You Haunt Me?
So, yeah I thought I had battled the beast that is Willa Cather and would never have to hear that name again. Not only is it associated with the evil Judy but also just a generally boring author I spent an entire semester studying while being taught by Willa's biggest cheerleader/fan/stalker. But now, in my scriptwriting book for my class, one of the opening quotes is by none other than the mistress of rural boringness Willa Cather. I mean it is not like I have to study her or anything but just the fact that I had to see her name again makes me sick. It will take me a while to recover!!! Ok now I have my four hour break at school, maybe i should go home or something but I am too lazy to brush off my car most likely.

01/26/2004 01:39 #28582

Alcoholic, No! Model, Yes!
So Paul's birthday party was a lot of fun. It was neat that my cousins were there too!!! I also proved I am not an alcoholic, ok well I may have been basically drinking straight whiskey out of a chalise like it was pop but still I did not get that drunk and/or decide to just fall asleep and so that was cool. It was weird seeing so many people that have journals but it was fun. Unfortunately I didn't bring a camera and so have no embarassing making out photos of anyone but check out SouthernYankee's journal for pictures of the party. She is a most interesting person.

Tonight Yosepha had me model for her photo class project thing. Most likely because I was availalbe and can bend my arms all carzy, but hey I'll take what I can get. Some pictures were shirtless with vaseline smothered on my face and sparkle like substance under my eyes. I know, you're thinking, that would just be too hot, I don't know that my eyes can take seeing a greased up shirtless mike right? I'm sure those will be great, especially the ones where you can see all my ribs. Hey I never said my torso was my best feature. I'll be sure to post the pictures when she develops them in two weeks, NOT! (ok i probably will, I am a slut to the attention, even if it is of the "Wow you look crazy and anorexic in that picture" kind of attention)

That's all for now, I start my second week of classes tomororw.

01/19/2004 23:31 #28581

School Tomorrow
So it doesn't really feel real since I had an incredibly long break but I go back to school tomorrow. That means my daytime tv watching is going to be greatly reduced as I will be in school or at work from 1130-9 every weekday Mon-Fri except for a I think three hour break on Wednesday afternoon. We'll see how that goes. Well tomorow I have three classes, Biotechnology and Society which could be interesting, Social Theory, and Principles of Advertising. I think my classes should be fun this sememster or at least interesting except for Physical Anthropology which nothing could sound worse to me!!! Ok that's all for now.

01/17/2004 02:38 #28580

Second Work Party
So last night we had our make up work party since we decided the first one wasn't as fun as it could have been. It was me, Eric, Nick L., Brian and his g/f and Michele and her b/f at Michele's apartment. We played many a drinking games that were fun and I think I had no idea what was going on and/or how to play and so it became get Mike drunk games a little bit, but hey its all fun. And I didn't throw up no matter how much I thought I was going to. I drank only beer which is weird cuz I usually don't like beer that much, I must be getting used to it. That's a good thing, right?

My mom thinks I am an alcoholic or on the verge even though I have maybe been drunk about 6 times in my life but she told me today that she thinks that maybe I don't drink often but that if I am around drinking than I have no control. Which is true but only in an Eckerd-related or like holiday-related or special occassoin-related party or just like if that is the whole point of the party. LIke I can go out to clubs or whatever and not drink if I don't want to. I'm glad my work friends are nice and are nice to me when I am drunk and sick and passed out on their floor. It reminded me of all the fun times that Eckerd pharmacy used to be. I'm glad I work there.