Good now that I got your attention by pretending we would have to win another war against the British circa 1777 now I can talk about some really important stuff. Namely two things. One, the lesser important one, why do I know who the serial killer is on Days of Our Lives but no one on the show will find out til like next December. That is too much freakin time for this story to play out in. Give me some resolution, not a three year story. Although I am intrigued as to how they will explain Marlena being the killer.
Ok now the REALLY IMPORTANT STUFF. I put on swim trunks and a new tshirt I bought today to pretend that I was in a tropical paradise when in fact I was just standing in front of the furnace in my bedroom wall. It was fun though as I always enjoy admiring myself in front of a mirror as anyone who has went to Lake Effect with the mirror wall can attest too. Not that I am full of myself or think I am so hot, there is something so great thought about seeing youreslf in the mirror. But I digress, I recommend everyone wear summer clothes and stand in front of a furnaceso that they too can feel that little bit of summer niceness. I got on this kick when I got in my car today after school and low and behold it was ACTUALLY WARM since it was sunny out. This crazy little tidbit of warm sensation tempted me to want more of the spring/summer heat that I adore. Ehh stupid groundhog and his 10 more years of winter prediction.
Anyone wanna go on a vacation to somehwere warm soon or over spring break? Warm, yes and cheap!!!
Oh and Jill about the ketchup and the janitor. It is used to clean copper according to the Queen of Clean book we have here in the Visco household.
Mike's Journal
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02/03/2004 01:02 #28588
The British Are Coming02/01/2004 22:49 #28587
Janet Jackson's BoobI think during the super bowl halftime show just a little bit ago Justin Timberlake ripped off part of Janet Jackson's shirt. They showed some boob with no sensors. It was only a second but still it seems a little crazy. I wonder if it was planned?
01/31/2004 13:36 #28586
Jessie's SongOK, seriously DVD's are amazing as they allow me to watch the entire first two seasons of Saved By The Bell whenever I want. I used to be excited because I had a few episodes on tape, but now this is heavenly. I can't wait for the rest of the seasons to come out. Today I watched the episode called Jessie's Song which is one of if not my favorite episode ever and also a great piece of television history.
Even someone who claims not to be a SBTB addict as I am will know the episode where Jessie gets addicted to caffeine pills and on the night of Hot Sundaes performance for the record company can't sing and says those 9 famous words
Polling has shown that that is one of the most recognizable episodes of any television show in history and most people at least my age would know and recognize that line, (ok by polling I mean I asked my friends and people at school over the years and every time it came up the entire room burst out in I'm so excited, I'm so excited, I'm so scared)
Even someone who claims not to be a SBTB addict as I am will know the episode where Jessie gets addicted to caffeine pills and on the night of Hot Sundaes performance for the record company can't sing and says those 9 famous words
Polling has shown that that is one of the most recognizable episodes of any television show in history and most people at least my age would know and recognize that line, (ok by polling I mean I asked my friends and people at school over the years and every time it came up the entire room burst out in I'm so excited, I'm so excited, I'm so scared)
01/30/2004 01:40 #28585
There's no WE in Mike & Jill, Just 2 I'sOk so the other night me and JIll came to the realization that to the outside world we may appear to be a slightly insane couple. What just because we finish each other's sentences, are together every day, answer everything in the we form, and touch each other innappropriately in public, that makes us a couple? I think not! Well anyway we are making a concerted effort to be separate people, I mean we are still hanging out together everyday and actually not changing much but we are going to start answering questions in the I form. I think that is an importnat first step in establishing that we at least have our own minds, even if they think the same things. We also are trying this new "talk to people we don't know" thing instead of sequestering ourselves off in corners singing Too Shy in alternating loud and soft and high and low voices. We'll see how it turns out. Oh and we also plan on singing the theme song to Sister, Sister with a choreographed dance number every time we enter a room. ... hey we never said this new plan was to make us look cooler,.
01/29/2004 02:11 #28584
Gaps in the South and NanotechnologyThese are the two things that are peaking my curiousity today. The first is do Gaps and other stores in the South have winter clothes out when we do or do they have like spring/summer clothes out all year round. I always assumed I could go to any chain store across the country and find the same selection but now I'm not so sure. And then does that mean that they have more and/or different spring and summer collections and so then do I need to start shopping in many different states to get the full variety of clothes I want.
On a lighter note, nanotechnology is this thing I am learning about about these little tiny things that are like machines and could possibly in the future make everything that we have today with no need for nature. But they could go terribly wrong and evolve and learn to reproduce and kill us all. Really at the moment I cannot even begin to get my head around it but I guess I will have to for the tests and stuff in the class I am taking. I am much better at things like Scriptwriting or Advertising or Social Theory. Science is not my forte!
On a lighter note, nanotechnology is this thing I am learning about about these little tiny things that are like machines and could possibly in the future make everything that we have today with no need for nature. But they could go terribly wrong and evolve and learn to reproduce and kill us all. Really at the moment I cannot even begin to get my head around it but I guess I will have to for the tests and stuff in the class I am taking. I am much better at things like Scriptwriting or Advertising or Social Theory. Science is not my forte!