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07/16/2006 11:12 #28426

Italian Taste Martin
Category: photos
Yeah I'm a little bit behind on posting pictures. I have some up finally that refer to previous posts. I put up a few from the taste of Buffalo. Then the next set of pictures is Paris Burning (short hair singer Rob Bilson). Then the next pictures are from the Same night of Jeff Martin. Then finaly a couple pictures from the italian fest. I went for a couple hours and had fun. I ran into one person from work and there family and then my sis who lives near there. Also saw the New Pirates of the Carbbean move. I thought it was good had a little more physical comedy and a few kinda gross things then I thought but it was good. There where a few shots of some white sand beaches. If you have never been on a white sand beach it is hard to describe but they really are amazing. Hope you enjoy the pics.

























metalpeter - 07/16/06 16:18
Two things I forgot to mention about yesterday was that I saw a lot of ladies out running. Yeah it does inspire me go get back into good shape but not enough to do anything about it yet. Also on my way home I saw people having a Cook out or a BBQ on the lawn at kleinhans but I couldn't think of a way to get a good pic with out really introuding they had a canopy type thing up.
mrmike - 07/16/06 11:44
Nice pics, thanks for sharing, lets me see what I've been missing of late

07/14/2006 19:50 #28425

Sabres Logo and more
Category: hockey
For those of you who don't know there is a new Sabres logo that was sliped onto the internet. It isn't offical and from what i have read sabres officals have not confirmed it as there logo. There are a lot of people who don't like it, me being one of them. I like the current jersys and the old style and would even like to see a modernisation of the old jersys but the new symbol is yuck to me. if you want to check it out go to.

The sqaure was a lot of fun I liked both Burning Paris and Jeff Martin they both where preaty good. It was a great time and I was only a little bit distracted by the ladies and general sournings. Hopefully I will have pictures up sometime this weekend. But Havn't downloaded them. The one thing I didn't like about Burning Paris is that Rob Bilson can really sing but it seems like he was holding back or that the music wasn't writen for him to really sing like he can. Wish I knew how to explain it better. Oh yeah in the papper I saw canal fest is going on and so is the Itailin fest. I gotta check out the itailin fest.
metalpeter - 07/15/06 19:56
With going to See Pirates of the Caribbean and the Itailin fest I don't have time to put up picks but hopefully on sunday they will go up.

That logo is insane. I don't know if this is the case or not here. But I have heard that sometimes teams now change the jersys for money (NBA) at least. Since they are fashionable people won't want to wear the old jersys so they then go out and buy the new ones but NBA jersys are basicly tank tops and and less expensive but it wouldn't surprise me if that was the case here why else would you change to that ugly thing.
mrdt - 07/15/06 15:15
I guess that means Bilson left that crappy band Seven Day Faith. Burning Paris Myspace page :::link::: . not too bad...
jenks - 07/15/06 07:00
it looks like a hamster.
mrmike - 07/14/06 21:31
The new logo looks like an angry toupee. I'm thinking if they took the logo from the red jersey and re colored it in blue and gold - people would be cool with it, but this just smacks of missing the point

07/11/2006 18:40 #28424

Thursday (not the band)
Category: events
Well I do belive Jeff Martin who used to be the lead Singer of "The Tea Party" will be at the Square on Thursday. I do have his new CD, I don't like it as much as I do "The Tea Party" but it is still good. I don't know if he will do any Tea Party stuff or not but I'm looking forward to going, I have to go and maybe get a few pics as well. If memory serves me correctly the italian fest starts on thursday as well and runs through the weekend it might be wendsday but I think it is thursday. I know I will at least make it there on Saturday. I been tired this week I guess from work and keeping kinda busy. But tired or not I plan to be at the concert even if it means I have to have a few energy drinks.
metalpeter - 07/12/06 19:33
90 wow that is hot. I was thinking about maybe seeing a movie to. I want to see the New Pirates of the Caribean movie and if it is open in Buffalo yet A Scanner Darkly , looks like some interesting animation and it looks twisted. I hope all the rain is over with and there is no rain for the concert on thursday.
mrmike - 07/11/06 20:59
Italian fest has a preview thing on Wednesday night. That would be the night to go as it's going to be so hot over the weekend, 90 is a little warm for pasta faglioi for me

07/09/2006 11:31 #28423

quick taste
Yesterday was a good day. I worked for a few hours and that will make the paycheck nice. Got home went up to the bank and then picked up my pictures at walgreens there are a couple pictures that I don't remember taking at the party. I also got some pictures of 30 seconds to Mars (e:ladycroft) took they are preaty good. Then I went tot he taste of buffalo for a little bit before my concert. I ran into (e:PMT) as they where leaving. I had couple things to eat but it was really packed and it was frustrating it seemed that some people just wouldn't walk. At the concert Nickleback was really good really loud and had really hot fire that looked like the speakers where on fire, my seats where preaty rad. Some chick actully came up and talked to me she was preaty nice. I admit I couldn't read the signs if she was into me or if she was just friendly she seemed cool though. Hobastank was great they picked up on the stiffness of the crowd but where verry good. I also really liked Hinder and three days grace I had a great time. I will be going back to the taste today and hopefully post some pics.
metalpeter - 07/09/06 17:00
The prices arn't that bad really 7 tickets is about the most expensive thing and that would be $3.50 basicly. I have heard people say that the proportions are small. Well ofcourse there small they arn't going to give you an entire dinner for 4 bucks, besides they want you to try a lot of differant things then hopefully if you like the food you will go to that resturant. In terms of the crowd that is tough to handle at times I will admit. Sometimes I just want to scream "Don't fucking stand there keep those feet moving at all times." But The eye candy makes up for it sometimes. Today there was this dark (white girl) skined girl with Get Black Hair and a Dragon Protecting a cross Tattoo and some other Tattoos, I think I may have let her "Donkey Punch" me, well maybe not. Today was fun I went with my sister for a few hours.
mrmike - 07/09/06 11:40
You're a better man than I. I've lost patience with the Taste in recent years. With the prices and crowds, it just hasn't been worth it.

07/07/2006 19:33 #28422

Busy Saturday 2nd week in a row
Category: events
Saturday and Sunday is the taste of Buffalo. I plan on going sometime Saturday Afternoon. I'm supposed to be waking up early and going into work on Sat hopefully that happens. So then I'll come home and then wind up going to the taste of buffalo. Saturday Night I'm going to see Nickleback, Hobastank , Three Days Grace and Hinder. So that should keep me busy. Originaly the two opening bands where other bands that I wanted to see but I can't remember who and they changed but I want to see the opening bands to. I admit I'm going to see Hobastank more then Nicleback. Yeah Sorry Henry Rollins (He has on more then one ocasion bashed them) I know if you knew me you would be disapointed. I really do like some of there new stuff but I saw them a few years ago before they where this huge band. So it should be a great time.

Touching on my last post for a second. What bothers me isn't that the ads are for web cam and dating sites. I in fact think some of those sites can be good. It is that the person misrepresents, lies, or tries to trick you into thinking they know you or are interested in you that gets to me. Just me honest and say what you are and I might visit or maybe join but when you are decitfull then I get upset and I won't join. Ok enough of that Hope everyone has a great weekend and who knows maybe I or some of you will have random Peep sightings on sat or sunday at the taste or out and about around town.