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Lilho's Journal

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11/18/2005 18:49 #26222

where are you dude?

11/18/2005 14:32 #26221

e:strip meet-n-greet
lets all meet out! im gon post around 5 and let ya'll know when and where.
hodown - 11/18/05 16:01
Dude- I can so see through your attempt to get people to give you rides since your car is busted. Bravo on the attempt, boo on the execution.

11/15/2005 11:54 #26220

i feel a glow just thinking of you.
i see (e:hodown) and my favorite city in just over a week. who needs turkey when you can party like a rock star!

11/13/2005 15:52 #26219

u are wrong
5 people (e:paul)? try 18. i know its karma for missing the last one.
metalpeter - 11/14/05 18:47
Sorry I couldn't make it. That is still a lot more then would come if I had a party.

11/12/2005 16:28 #26218

final notice
[size=l]party! woo![/size]

my house, tonight, 1000 hours. be there. if you aren't there, you suck

2527 delaware ave.booyokasha.
hodown - 11/13/05 03:08
Sorry I was at the St. Regis drinking Crystal and eating petit fours. Maybe next time...
metalpeter - 11/12/05 16:39
Ok I Suck I admit it sorry. I would only be able to stay for about and hour and a half or 45 minutes at the latest. So I'll just chill at home I hope everyone has a great time. Sorry for not being able to make it.