my house next saturday. hopefully all those who showed up will bring themselves back and then some... we gotta top it off this time. next week, marks the end of beauty school for me, and the beginning of something beautiful!
[size=l]so, (e:strip) bitches, git yo ass there![/size]
Lilho's Journal
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11/04/2005 20:29 #26214
congratulations partay!10/29/2005 13:32 #26213
kim is not my middle nameit is ann. and sorry but i wont be at the party, im in toronto, being a good friend.
i will be there in spirit.
p.s. im having a party soon though, hopefully you will still want to be my friend. :O) the reason for celebration is me being done with school, thats right, done.
i will be there in spirit.
p.s. im having a party soon though, hopefully you will still want to be my friend. :O) the reason for celebration is me being done with school, thats right, done.
metalpeter - 10/29/05 14:48
Hope T.O. Is a lot fun. I know I was so Happy When I finished school, that I never went back there.
Hope T.O. Is a lot fun. I know I was so Happy When I finished school, that I never went back there.
paul - 10/29/05 14:44
When is your party. Oh wait, we can't make it. sorry. We are going to be busy being a "good friend" with Basra.
When is your party. Oh wait, we can't make it. sorry. We are going to be busy being a "good friend" with Basra.
ladycroft - 10/29/05 14:05
Awesome, congratulations on finishing school! This doesn't mean you'll stop doing my hair though does it!? Everyone at work is holding their breath waiting for the next edition of 'what colour will her hair be'!
Awesome, congratulations on finishing school! This doesn't mean you'll stop doing my hair though does it!? Everyone at work is holding their breath waiting for the next edition of 'what colour will her hair be'!
10/23/2005 17:45 #26212
maybe its just me?does anyone else find it really fun to look up people on myspace and laugh?
wait, or is this really similar?
wait, or is this really similar?
metalpeter - 10/24/05 17:53
I like myspace. Most people who I have looked up and thought were interesting never return my messages. It is a good place to find some good bands and for forums, but that is just me.
I like myspace. Most people who I have looked up and thought were interesting never return my messages. It is a good place to find some good bands and for forums, but that is just me.
mike - 10/24/05 10:54
As you know I love that! It's so funny how much I know about people that I have never met or barely know who they are because of their online world! Sidenote: lilho you better come to the halloween party or bleh!
As you know I love that! It's so funny how much I know about people that I have never met or barely know who they are because of their online world! Sidenote: lilho you better come to the halloween party or bleh!
10/23/2005 17:19 #26211
i got my love to keep me warmso, i really don't like cold weather at all. at all. or snow. or rain.
what i do like about these winter months is that its just so romantic. everyones looking for someone to cuddle with, and thats great.
i went out with my skater boys last night. you ask, whats it like for you(single straight chick), to hang out with lots of young single men? its amazing! i think thats what i want to do every weekend. i just love hanging out with guys. they did make me trudge around in the rain and go to a million bars, but they bought me drinks, and i bought a drink for the birthday boy. i think i actually have some boy issues, in that i am boy crazy. gay, straight, let me at em. theres something about guys that girls don't have. cattiness. i know, because i could be the most catty. i think i don't like girls because they are like me, huh.
anyway, im torn between staying here or going to toronto next weekend. if i stay, all of my cute guy friends can come. if i go, i get to see cute boys there too, and a friend who might need some cheering up.
its taken a long time for me to feel this way, but right now, i love life.:O)
p.s. if i ate a weed brownie on tues night, would i still be high all day wed? (e:hodown) says yes. i don't believe her.
what i do like about these winter months is that its just so romantic. everyones looking for someone to cuddle with, and thats great.
i went out with my skater boys last night. you ask, whats it like for you(single straight chick), to hang out with lots of young single men? its amazing! i think thats what i want to do every weekend. i just love hanging out with guys. they did make me trudge around in the rain and go to a million bars, but they bought me drinks, and i bought a drink for the birthday boy. i think i actually have some boy issues, in that i am boy crazy. gay, straight, let me at em. theres something about guys that girls don't have. cattiness. i know, because i could be the most catty. i think i don't like girls because they are like me, huh.
anyway, im torn between staying here or going to toronto next weekend. if i stay, all of my cute guy friends can come. if i go, i get to see cute boys there too, and a friend who might need some cheering up.
its taken a long time for me to feel this way, but right now, i love life.:O)
p.s. if i ate a weed brownie on tues night, would i still be high all day wed? (e:hodown) says yes. i don't believe her.
mike - 10/24/05 20:55
Sarah you better be here on Saturday!
Sarah you better be here on Saturday!
joshua - 10/24/05 20:49
The middle name has been revealed!
The middle name has been revealed!
hodown - 10/23/05 18:03
Sarah Kim Ho- How dare you question the Grand Puba. I am right. How many times do we have to go through this? You thinking Im wrong, then discovering I'm right and you paying for not believing me. Silly silly Sarah...
Sarah Kim Ho- How dare you question the Grand Puba. I am right. How many times do we have to go through this? You thinking Im wrong, then discovering I'm right and you paying for not believing me. Silly silly Sarah...
alison - 10/23/05 17:27
hey-- stay next weekend-- the weather is cold and i am in need of a boy to cuddle with.
i haven't gotten any in so long. i vote that we trudge around like cuties and remedy this.
talk to ya soon, homegirl./
hey-- stay next weekend-- the weather is cold and i am in need of a boy to cuddle with.
i haven't gotten any in so long. i vote that we trudge around like cuties and remedy this.
talk to ya soon, homegirl./
10/21/2005 18:48 #26210
chinese maximalismim headed to the akag tonight, afterwards, who knows. i just recieved more bday gifts, so im sill in celebration mode. bring it on boys.

check it out ya'll.

check it out ya'll.
alicia - 10/23/05 14:15
when was your b-day?? happy belated birthday
when was your b-day?? happy belated birthday
I enjoyed the last Party so I'm sure If i'm able to make it I would enjoy this one also. It would help if I knew where you lived, ok take care.
p.s. If I get some dye and come over earlier, would you do my hair?!?
I'm there!