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02/28/2005 23:58 #26118

impossible outcomes
we all have to deal with it. sometimes, things just don't go the way you want them too.

p.s. why does it never stop snowing?

p.p.s. why do i have to drive home from school at 10pm? its scary, when it snows that is.

i miss my mom and my sister :O(

02/27/2005 21:36 #26117

i moved into the new place. really, i did.

i made the simeon more sick- he was the man. he wears a gold star now, and a sash. for being the expert mover. i better watch. i been wanred that i will be abandoned is there is another move. theres been three thus far.

moving losses: one awesome earing. three bad smelly housemates. one ant infested house. i loose the ghetto.

moving gains: just about everything else. i love elmwood! (the new place in on ashland near potomac, right off elmwood...yay!

02/25/2005 14:50 #26116

send me messages
or i boycott this whole thing.

who makes a message system and then nobody sends me any. this is all wrong.


weekend. yay. moving? i sure hope so. my operations are alway so half-hazard.

at least i got some pretty flowers around the room. what am i talking about...i need lunch. and maybe some bacon-later though. i need to ease into the day.

02/17/2005 23:52 #26114

oh yea
one phrase says it all


02/17/2005 06:14 #26113

same entrry, different entry written over thrice, work and school again tomorrow. nicole bringeth home the wild one in me... go home biatch. i got work to do!!!!!!! (YOU TOO!)