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02/09/2005 15:11 #26110

i disagree
that chili was diggity damn good. mmmmmmmmmmmm. it just needed mucho hot sauce and chili powder and cheese and chips on top. nothing like being a total fatass.


so anyway. i am le tired.

flacidness and i are soon to be roomies. oh the joy of him. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. sorry.

02/06/2005 18:49 #26108

bon weekend!
why did it go by so fast? :O(

a few more hours left to enjoy.

...had the most most delicious mussels scampi sat night.............mmm. thank you(you). had tummy ache last night, maybe because the sauce contained a whole stick of butter and i consumed half of it. then the "cold ones". then a workout, tummy ache for little sarah. as if you even care.

tax time. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. tax return. wooooooooooooooooooo.

blah blah blah. off to enjoy the mansion.

"hello to the princess soybean, from all of us here @ estrip!"

p.s. its ok, it good to buy new balance stuff, made in usa. from now on, all my sneakys will be that brand.

02/04/2005 01:15 #26107

twisted: BLT goodness
well, if you wanna make it fancy, baguette is your best bet. make sure it is "sameday" fresh, otherwise it gets to crusty. another suggestion? plain old white bread, but toasted, the bread, whatever it is, MUST be toasted. wish i could come and help! have fun western friend.


02/03/2005 16:26 #26106

we live in a beautiful world
and i just erased my entire entry. yes, we have all done it once, and im sure you understand the pain and anger im going through right now. all of those beautiful words gone forever.

once again, i shall list:

didn't move out. two people did. one left kitty behind. crazy stupid girl.

anyone want cute little kitty? otherwise i chop it up and eat it. us asians always like the taste of the savory chat. or take it to spca.

talked to lady about nanny job. maeet her this weekend with resume and stuffs. yay!

time to do taxes!

still havent unpacked from when i thought i was going to move. been wearing same three outfits for over a week now. my bad.

three trips. nyc. nyc. az. i have the best fam ever. mom, send me some money? yeah right.

camera phones are the coolest.

"we are young. we are free. we have teeth, nice and clean. see your friends, see the sites, feel alright."-supergrass

01/30/2005 20:57 #26105

quickest post ever
off for a fun night out with the teenster....

aint she great?

good weekend, minus the whole trying to move thing. that just didn't work. oh well, ghetto apartment until, well until then.....

:O) i will be the boggle master.

p.s. who wants to start a scooter club this spring? how cute would that be! italian soda and cookies and scooters, hello kitty style.