or i boycott this whole thing.
who makes a message system and then nobody sends me any. this is all wrong.
weekend. yay. moving? i sure hope so. my operations are alway so half-hazard.
at least i got some pretty flowers around the room. what am i talking about...i need lunch. and maybe some bacon-later though. i need to ease into the day.
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/25/2005 14:50 #26116
send me messages02/17/2005 06:14 #26113
grrrrsame entrry, different entry written over thrice, work and school again tomorrow. nicole bringeth home the wild one in me... go home biatch. i got work to do!!!!!!! (YOU TOO!)
02/16/2005 00:32 #26112
i for one,think the new message system is fantastico.
in fact, i will send one(maybe two) now!
in fact, i will send one(maybe two) now!
02/11/2005 18:45 #26111
its friday.i just fell out of the chair. that hurt.
sister( (e:hodown) ) comes next friday. oh boy. left bank. car wash. the possibilities are endless...
here comes the [size=l]SUN[/size]
[size=l]no; wait, that's snow:O([/size]
sister( (e:hodown) ) comes next friday. oh boy. left bank. car wash. the possibilities are endless...
here comes the [size=l]SUN[/size]
[size=l]no; wait, that's snow:O([/size]