that is what i want to say to some people sometimes. mainly people at school...
anyway. if you need advice on how to be trashy, i have it.
if you need a haircut, let me do it. im good, and ill do it for free, or for food. i just like to work on the youngsters, not the oldsters.
new apartments are wonderful. i need to unpack.
terry filed my taxes for me this afternoon; my life is complete. finally.
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/04/2005 18:29 #26119
kiss my ass02/28/2005 23:58 #26118
impossible outcomeswe all have to deal with it. sometimes, things just don't go the way you want them too.
p.s. why does it never stop snowing?
p.p.s. why do i have to drive home from school at 10pm? its scary, when it snows that is.
i miss my mom and my sister :O(
p.s. why does it never stop snowing?
p.p.s. why do i have to drive home from school at 10pm? its scary, when it snows that is.
i miss my mom and my sister :O(
02/27/2005 21:36 #26117
yes-a-meshi moved into the new place. really, i did.
i made the simeon more sick- he was the man. he wears a gold star now, and a sash. for being the expert mover. i better watch. i been wanred that i will be abandoned is there is another move. theres been three thus far.
moving losses: one awesome earing. three bad smelly housemates. one ant infested house. i loose the ghetto.
moving gains: just about everything else. i love elmwood! (the new place in on ashland near potomac, right off elmwood...yay!
i made the simeon more sick- he was the man. he wears a gold star now, and a sash. for being the expert mover. i better watch. i been wanred that i will be abandoned is there is another move. theres been three thus far.
moving losses: one awesome earing. three bad smelly housemates. one ant infested house. i loose the ghetto.
moving gains: just about everything else. i love elmwood! (the new place in on ashland near potomac, right off elmwood...yay!
02/25/2005 14:50 #26116
send me messagesor i boycott this whole thing.
who makes a message system and then nobody sends me any. this is all wrong.
weekend. yay. moving? i sure hope so. my operations are alway so half-hazard.
at least i got some pretty flowers around the room. what am i talking about...i need lunch. and maybe some bacon-later though. i need to ease into the day.
who makes a message system and then nobody sends me any. this is all wrong.
weekend. yay. moving? i sure hope so. my operations are alway so half-hazard.
at least i got some pretty flowers around the room. what am i talking about...i need lunch. and maybe some bacon-later though. i need to ease into the day.