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07/18/2004 17:54 #26006

oh lazy sunday
i just typed this whole long entry and then realized that it was all a bunch of garbage. whenever i try top write something interesting here it turns out to be a bunch of blah.

what was the name of that game where you had those little red zit stickers?

i don't know why i am saying this now, but i really, really, really hate the police. they are useless. i just watched fight club. if i could fight anyone, it would definitely be a police officer, POW!

07/15/2004 15:54 #26005

sickits and burning poo gas
im a sickypoo-poo. you know that feeling when you first feel you throat hurting. its all scrathy and you drink a million glasses of water, and ur still so freakin thirsty, you feel like you need a trough to drink out of? well, thats me. give me water. give me a trough to drink it out of.

work is good. call into second job today. one job was enough. schools are a breeding place for germs.

i was reading the paper this morning. the news has absolutely nothing of value, except stories about men lighting a cig in the johnny on the spot, and all the methane from the poopoo lights the place up and the man must be treated for burns. what a dumbass. no matter how bad your day was. at least you didn't get burned by shit. hahhaha.

delirious, need sleep. pimples be gone.

07/15/2004 15:54 #26004

sickits and burning poo gas
im a sickypoo-poo. you know that feeling when you first feel you throat hurting. its all scrathy and you drink a million glasses of water, and ur still so freakin thirsty, you feel like you need a trough to drink out of? well, thats me. give me water. give me a trough to drink it out of.

work is good. call into second job today. one job was enough. schools are a breeding place for germs.

i was reading the paper this morning. the news has absolutely nothing of value, except stories about men lighting a cig in the johnny on the spot, and all the methane from the poopoo lights the place up and the man must be treated for burns. what a dumbass. no matter how bad your day was. at least you didn't get burned by shit. hahhaha.

delirious, need sleep. pimples be gone.

07/14/2004 21:41 #26003

all work and no play makes sarah :O(
where to begin...

i have lost contact with all estrippers. some of them aren't talking to me. some of them forgot about me. i forgot about some of them. and most i just don't know anymore. thats ok. time is limited. 60 hr work week makes me crazy. so does a big lonely house with no one in it. i want to go home so bad. i miss my mom. i miss my sister. i miss my room. i don't know what to do. i feel like a huge baby and i don't want to give up, but im not sure what to do.

i feel guilty for making people feel like they need to take care of me. i should be able to care of myself right? i just know don't know what to do. if i stay i am so so far from all of my family. if i go, i am so so far away from everything i know. i don't want to keep working so much. i just want to feel like me again.

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.
Anatole France

i guess im not done dying yet.

07/09/2004 15:52 #26002

how to be a loser
i have found out the secret to boringness... just work a million hours. all you will want to do is sleep, or work more. working makes me feel good though. especially at one of my jobs. those kids really need us. i question what kind of care is being given at home. kids come in unbathed, without lunches, no breakfast, dirty clothes, bruises, cuts, scratches. but we have a good old time and spoil them and love them and we're just there for them. what a great job. i get paid too. as for my other job, i just get paid.

i miss sister, mother, and even brother now too. aunt is in hospital. i don't see granny enough. sunday is my day for catching up.

one boy i work with; he was not born disabled. his mother's boyfriend was driving drunk, and he was asleep in the back seat. he will never live a mornal life, but he is so happy and such a hard worker. his name is chris. he was 8 at the time of the accident.

life for me is good; great.

paul, matthew, terry, return safe from your trip! hopefully i will see/hear from you soon!

jill, good to see you. we always welcome you at premier! :O)