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07/23/2004 20:07 #26010

a night of quiet reflection
it friday night. i'm staying in.

wow. this is huge. i remember the days when friday night was party night, but i ust don't seem to have that urge lately. maybe its because everyon who i would be partying with just aint around, or maybe its because im a silly, still-a-little-sick sleepy-head.

instead of going out, i will spend some time in my room; hopefully drawing, listening to music, and cleaning the mounds and mounds of clothing. i have so many things to wear, but i really only wear a few things. maybe i will be thirteen again and plan out my outfits for a week. i used to lay them on the floor like they were on me, kinda cute, kinda weird.

i feel like there are so many things happening right now, and it is hard to know quite what to make of it all. i have work to do, financial stuff to figure out, an apartment and roommate to tag down, car stuff(which is always the worst ever, i even put off getting gas until i have to), friend stuff, family stuff, work stuff, school stuff, doctor stuff...yea. but, i assume i am just babbling, and that all of you have the same exact things on your mind as me. i am determined however, to overome my fear of adulthood, and learn to face it all head-on. i will no longer avoid problems and pretend that they don't exist until they get so bad that i have to deal with them. i will just be a go-getter.

congratulations to it being the weekend. i've been a good kid, or at least tried to be. i am gonna go eat something right now, preferably something meaty. i love meat. i know its bad, but i can't deny my carnivorous instincts.

i hope p, m and, t have a safe trip on their canooing/camping adventure. guys, the christians are praying for you!

07/22/2004 19:47 #26009

what a day for a daydream...
its only 20 to 7. why has this been the longest day of my life? not the longest day that is a bad day. it HAS been the longest day thus far, but the best long day. i would try to write something poetic about this, but i am not a poet. it would just be bad, god-awful poetry.

good things about today:

chicken in homemade sauce.

i would go on, no, i wouldnt.

i still am yet to use the spell check. incorrect spelling is the new black.

07/21/2004 16:22 #26008

what a day
1. i hate the zoo. its just an afwul sad smelly place. i also hate the zoo when it is 90 out. way too hot. way too stinky. too much chasing around crazy girls in wheelchairs. (i was also wearing jeans and a long shirt, whoa baby)

2. i hate the dmv. they still havent sent me my registration renewal and it is nearing two months. those bastards. they are impossible to get ahold of. the check cleared, but no registration. what up with that?

i like the sun and hot weather, but i think i will opt for a nap before i venture out this fine evening. i think i smell too. i need shower.

i tried finding people to swim and eat ice cream with, everyone is working. i am going to find another job. peace out.

07/19/2004 10:52 #26007

robin, i feel ur pain
so, i was just reading your journal. i read it a lot as it is one of my favorites. i owe my mom a lot of money, and she keeps paying my bills for me. and now she moved to az, and i m still here, but not even in my own place; staying with some friends of the family. i feel like i don't want to stay here anymore. i hate coming home. i have no real home, unless i decide to go there. or i could move to nyc. sell my car and just go there. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i can't find anyone who needs a roommmate. does anyone on this site need a roommate? i need a roommate, i or have to move far away. maybe i should just move far away. at least i wont suffer through this awful weather anymore. but then there is the problem of people and missing them and all that.

i can't make a fucking decision, and now im sick again, and i don't know why i have gotten aout 8 sinus infections this past year. the doctor doesn't open until 11 and i don't want to be here. i don't feel welcome.

07/18/2004 17:54 #26006

oh lazy sunday
i just typed this whole long entry and then realized that it was all a bunch of garbage. whenever i try top write something interesting here it turns out to be a bunch of blah.

what was the name of that game where you had those little red zit stickers?

i don't know why i am saying this now, but i really, really, really hate the police. they are useless. i just watched fight club. if i could fight anyone, it would definitely be a police officer, POW!