i am going to call my mom tonight. i miss her. probably because i know i can't see her anytime soon. it will be me calling and then crying. thats what i do when i am sad and i talk to mommy.
things i want to do:
go home, sleep in my bed, cook food in my house, sleep on my couch. just be home.
not work 65 hours a week.
live in a place that does not rain 6 out of ten days.
more on this later...
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/06/2004 21:59 #25998
this too shall pass07/05/2004 20:27 #25997
pic of salami07/05/2004 20:22 #25996
salaminicole is funny. when she was in nyc she got the biggest salami sandwich ever. she ate half. she paid 11 bucks to eat part of a half of a huge salami sandwich containing only samlami b/t two pieces of bread. thats a lot of salami. seeing and discussing this experience(she had pics of the sammi)inspired me to have a salami sandwich of my veyr own. it was good. lesson learned: never ever pay 11 dollars to eat a pound of salami, you will habe a tummy ache. and also, take note at the smaller things. they can be very funny.
week one of no home and no mommy has gone much better than planned. this week will be rough, but fri starts the week of me and house, which = me and house, alone, or with people and drinks and hot tub?
taco....wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. the end. publish.
week one of no home and no mommy has gone much better than planned. this week will be rough, but fri starts the week of me and house, which = me and house, alone, or with people and drinks and hot tub?
taco....wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. the end. publish.
07/01/2004 23:23 #25995
estrippers and stripclubsthe site is getting so crazy and big. paul has done an amzaing job. i just feel like i enjopyed it more when it was smaller. i felt like i could read everyones blog and get to know them. i even got to meet some people in person that i didn't know. now, its getting so big, and i feel not so connected. i like small groups, call me crazy, but i do. how do i get unlost in this big crazy growing site of estrippers?
p.s. sometimes when i say estrippers, well actually everytime i say it, i think about strippers. i am highly opposed to paying to see trashy naked people. if i want to see a naked person i will just look at myself. if i want to see a naked boy, i think i have someone in mind. does anybody else think strip clubs are just dumb? and how do they get that area so smooth and hairfree? wtf mate? must be a lot of work.
p.s. sometimes when i say estrippers, well actually everytime i say it, i think about strippers. i am highly opposed to paying to see trashy naked people. if i want to see a naked person i will just look at myself. if i want to see a naked boy, i think i have someone in mind. does anybody else think strip clubs are just dumb? and how do they get that area so smooth and hairfree? wtf mate? must be a lot of work.
06/30/2004 13:24 #25994
its gonna be a lonely daymommy's left for az. she's got a long drive ahead of her.
ny was fun. sisters are fun. jersey city is fun. i heart ny. i will live there in a couple years. maybe one and a half.
i miss my room, i miss my house. i want to go home. i wish this to be al over with. miving is absolutely the worst thing ever.
being an adult is no fun either. i hate work. poo poo.
i will write again when im in a better mood.
p.s. who are all of these strange new people? this site is too big for me now.
ny was fun. sisters are fun. jersey city is fun. i heart ny. i will live there in a couple years. maybe one and a half.
i miss my room, i miss my house. i want to go home. i wish this to be al over with. miving is absolutely the worst thing ever.
being an adult is no fun either. i hate work. poo poo.
i will write again when im in a better mood.
p.s. who are all of these strange new people? this site is too big for me now.