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Lilho's Journal

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06/21/2004 01:38 #25989

so, today all in all was a god day. not a productive day, but a good day. usually i hate sundays, but this one was nice. it would be good to have a lovely monday as well.

before i forget, welcome to all new epeeps. also, when is this supposed dogeball thing happening??? because, when it does, i want to be there.

we got the precious today, but i had to leave early and get aunty from airport. i am making no sense.

goodnight, i need to wake up early and pack.

stickboy, i gt one of those bumber stickers from this magazine. i am gonna write, "I LOVE LIPGLOSS" on it, because, well, i love it. no funny, just true. it was kinda cool finding it, becausei was reading your journal thought that was weird and kinda cool. the spectacle has taken us hostage.:O(

06/19/2004 10:54 #25988

count me in!

I am so up for some dodgeball madness, tshirts and all! :O)

06/18/2004 23:57 #25987

i am bad at giving my entries titles, so, well, that is all i have to say about that.

calling taiwan is really confusing. either tina gavce me the wrong number, or her line is always busy. this is bad. this may sound strange, but, whenever i am upset, i want to talk to tina. it isn't that other people don't listen or care; there is something about just hearing her voice that makes me feel better. i feel so comfortable around her, that i feel ok just letting it all out. she doesn't think im being silly or over emotional, she just listens and gives me her advice. she is just amazing. she always has just the right thing to say. she never judges. she always listens. and afterwords, i feel soooo much better. god, if you exist, thank you for her. she is a little slice of heaven. my slice of heaven is gone for the summer, and i don't know how to call her. help!

i feel like a jerk, i have ignored most of my friends, and even family these past few weeks. it is really hard for me to deal with things with so many people around. i get really irriatated and cranky, and i always react with a good long cry. i will just say this, no matter how much i say i want things to change, it is so hard, the hardest part of life is change, and i am really scared. i feel like i am being forced into complete independence, and i don't like it. i don't like the confusion of having so many people around when i am trying to gather my thoughts. i have not packed, and i need to.

goodbye childhood. hello adult-life.

p.s. paul matthew and terry... i miss you. you make-a-me smile! i will come visit soon!

06/17/2004 11:58 #25986

runnning away is the answer
my aunt has not cleaned out my room or gotten rid of that cat. the cat will kill me befoe i kill it. anybody want a cat? its a pretty one.i shall live in a box and accept donations.

nobody is returning my phone calls, and this makes me want to go far away. arizona perhaps? i need some happy pills. as my mother says, "there just isn't enough prozac in the water."

big sisters make it all better.

06/16/2004 22:45 #25985

my mommy is leaving me:O(

i was in the car with my mom today, and she grabbed my hand and started to cry. i've never see her cry; she is such a strong woman. i'm sad. i hate crying. im happy for her though; she is finally getting the life she deserves to have.

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." -Buddha

I am going to just let this happen, and go with it. Crying is not a sign of weakness, it's just a part of being human right?