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07/01/2004 23:23 #25995

estrippers and stripclubs
the site is getting so crazy and big. paul has done an amzaing job. i just feel like i enjopyed it more when it was smaller. i felt like i could read everyones blog and get to know them. i even got to meet some people in person that i didn't know. now, its getting so big, and i feel not so connected. i like small groups, call me crazy, but i do. how do i get unlost in this big crazy growing site of estrippers?

p.s. sometimes when i say estrippers, well actually everytime i say it, i think about strippers. i am highly opposed to paying to see trashy naked people. if i want to see a naked person i will just look at myself. if i want to see a naked boy, i think i have someone in mind. does anybody else think strip clubs are just dumb? and how do they get that area so smooth and hairfree? wtf mate? must be a lot of work.

06/30/2004 13:24 #25994

its gonna be a lonely day
mommy's left for az. she's got a long drive ahead of her.

ny was fun. sisters are fun. jersey city is fun. i heart ny. i will live there in a couple years. maybe one and a half.

i miss my room, i miss my house. i want to go home. i wish this to be al over with. miving is absolutely the worst thing ever.

being an adult is no fun either. i hate work. poo poo.

i will write again when im in a better mood.

p.s. who are all of these strange new people? this site is too big for me now.

06/25/2004 00:26 #25993

rainy, lonely, night
slept in this room for 16 years.
this is our last night together.
once filled with many many many things.
now houses only a bed, some clothes and me.
my childhood is over.

goodbye house.

06/24/2004 11:28 #25992

oh baby
paul, this site s getting crazy. crazy good. im so proud of you pookie. i will bring you home special nyc treat. you wll be of in computer land, and i will be outside seeing and interacting with people. i miss you and your crazy computer ways. lets do lunch, next week sometime maybe?

rachel, i just read ur journal about getting up for work at 8pm. i must say, i was quite amused, and the thought still brings a smile to my face. i think everyone has done that once or twice!

i had a dream last night that my grandma died, and i wasnt so nice to her the last time i saw her. i hate these dreams. i keep having dreams that just seem so real, and i wake up all comfused and disturbed. maybe that is why i felt so sick to my stomach this morning. be gone with you horrible dreams and poopy stomach.

i must not put off until tomorrow what i can do today. hopefully i can do a lot! have a splendiferous day fellow epeeps.

06/23/2004 17:23 #25991

last two days of packing...

  • i love plastic bins

  • i love nyc. i love sister in nyc. i will see her soooooon.

  • matthew, sorry i havent come by. maybe tonight? i make no promises.

  • my mom is just the best. she is no longer crazy lady, she is loving mommy.

  • i have a place to live, and a pool to swim in. ilove places to live and pools and hottubs.

  • i love summer and prospects of a bright future.

  • someday i will be your maid hodown, you know it. i was born a little brown skinned for a reason.