if you were ever wondering, what is the difference b/t a 19 yr old and a 20 yr old, apparently it is just too much to even comprehend. i was lucky enough to see some kiddies partying last night, all at the ripe age of 19, here's what i observed:
- they were 19, but seemed 15
- are they still in hs? it seems like it-i swear i even saw some varsity letters
- the boys and the girls were kinda separate- boys in one room, girls in the other
- boys were doing some strange dance-perhaps to get the attention of the girls
- there wasnt much alcohol, but everyone seemed wasted
- lots of minskirts
- lots of eyeliner
- lots of highlighted hair
- sports jerseys-real people, not athletes actually wear these? they remind me of when i had to wear pinnies in gym class
- lots of really skinny girls
so, this is what i saw. very interesting.i was definitely as outsider, but i enjoyed observing from afar. what an odd group of kids, i feel like im 15 again! or 19, whatever. if you wanted to know what the kiddies are doing, that's it.
i want thai food so bad right now. i would fight for it. thai food...yum. indian food...yum. where is sister? sister, i want to eat yummy food with you.:O(