Dear Tina,
This one's fer you. I have finally begun to sort through my stuff, in prep for he big move. I stumbled upon the missig mp3 cd you made for me, that i am no listening to for the first time. it's crazy, all of the memories that are racing through my mind. most of all, i just remeber smiling, and laughing with no desire to stop. i think about you a lot, and i hope that you are safe and happy. things just aren't the same without you around. i need somebody to talk serious fashion with!
I know i tell you this way too much, but you may just be the best part of my years at ub, the only good part part of being there. knowing you will be back in a couple months bring a huge smile to my face.
To all those who don't know tina, shes the best. everbody should know that.
I love you Tina(ming!), and i miss you. until we meet again...
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/07/2004 18:16 #25979
a note to a distant friend...06/07/2004 11:22 #25978
glass half fulltis better to be content with less. the person who has more, will always feel that they need more. i am not sure where i fit into this riddle, but i know i sure don't have much. i'm ok with that. i don't really need anything else. i just need some good food, good people, and sunny weather. maybe some lipgloss too?
word to the wise: if you eat a brwnie for breakfast, make sure it is fully cooked first. i think i go a slight raw one, and my tummy is mad at me now.
final thought: i definitely think i sleep too much. its so fun though...
word to the wise: if you eat a brwnie for breakfast, make sure it is fully cooked first. i think i go a slight raw one, and my tummy is mad at me now.
final thought: i definitely think i sleep too much. its so fun though...
06/06/2004 19:45 #25977
sleepy sundayafter a couple of produvtive days, i managed to slee all day today. well, at least until now.
if you were ever wondering, what is the difference b/t a 19 yr old and a 20 yr old, apparently it is just too much to even comprehend. i was lucky enough to see some kiddies partying last night, all at the ripe age of 19, here's what i observed:
so, this is what i saw. very interesting.i was definitely as outsider, but i enjoyed observing from afar. what an odd group of kids, i feel like im 15 again! or 19, whatever. if you wanted to know what the kiddies are doing, that's it.
i want thai food so bad right now. i would fight for it. thai food...yum. indian food...yum. where is sister? sister, i want to eat yummy food with you.:O(
if you were ever wondering, what is the difference b/t a 19 yr old and a 20 yr old, apparently it is just too much to even comprehend. i was lucky enough to see some kiddies partying last night, all at the ripe age of 19, here's what i observed:
- they were 19, but seemed 15
- are they still in hs? it seems like it-i swear i even saw some varsity letters
- the boys and the girls were kinda separate- boys in one room, girls in the other
- boys were doing some strange dance-perhaps to get the attention of the girls
- there wasnt much alcohol, but everyone seemed wasted
- lots of minskirts
- lots of eyeliner
- lots of highlighted hair
- sports jerseys-real people, not athletes actually wear these? they remind me of when i had to wear pinnies in gym class
- lots of really skinny girls
so, this is what i saw. very interesting.i was definitely as outsider, but i enjoyed observing from afar. what an odd group of kids, i feel like im 15 again! or 19, whatever. if you wanted to know what the kiddies are doing, that's it.
i want thai food so bad right now. i would fight for it. thai food...yum. indian food...yum. where is sister? sister, i want to eat yummy food with you.:O(
06/05/2004 01:30 #25976
garage sale...wooooooooi think this computer is about to break any moment. here's the info:
Where: 27 Mang ave. (kenmore) b/t elmwood and delaware
When: sat and sun 8-3
Why: we movin
What: anything from 100 yr old trunks to kitchen things, who know what you may find
-stop by if you can, even just to say hi, i have to wake up at 5:30 for this crazy event. i hope my mom does not physically harm me.
p.s. matthew, i have a bench for yo jardin. come n get it!
Where: 27 Mang ave. (kenmore) b/t elmwood and delaware
When: sat and sun 8-3
Why: we movin
What: anything from 100 yr old trunks to kitchen things, who know what you may find
-stop by if you can, even just to say hi, i have to wake up at 5:30 for this crazy event. i hope my mom does not physically harm me.
p.s. matthew, i have a bench for yo jardin. come n get it!