what a weekend. friday we moved tina out of the dorms. that was crazy, and also somewhat fun-gotta love the iternational dorm. sat we partied. sunday we felt like puking and then celebrated mothers days without our mother and with the granny and aunt. i will stop talking in the thired person. or, i guess i was talkin about tina and i. we are the dynaminc duo. and soon, the duo will be split up. i am not happy about this.
this year would have been so different without her. i can't even explain how it feels to make a new friend that feels like someone you have known your whole life. it is the best feeling ever. someone who always knows when something is bothering you, even before you open your mouth. someone who will sacrifice sleep, just to stay up and hang out or talk when you aren't feeling your best. thank you tina. i will miss you this summer, and wait for your return!
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/10/2004 10:51 #25956
goodbye :O(05/08/2004 01:17 #25954
party!ok people, here's the deal. you missed the last hodown, and you missed out. so, be there sat april 8th at 1030, for some good family fun! there is sure to be some estrip folks there, and also some not estrip folks too. its byob, so byob. and bring ur music. and bring ur friends. and bring ur danciny clothing shoes, and fancy party shoes. we shall dance the night away in springtime fashion! email me for info on location...
05/06/2004 20:59 #25953
i diedthere is no end to the allergy season for me. i shall live a live of stuffy nose and tissues. i have so much to look forward to.
i really do have a lot to look forward to. i just have to do lots of work to be able to enjoy this summer. i must paint, and opack, and get rid of lots of things. i have to be frugal and boring, and not stylish, and not spend any money this next month and a half. if you see me spending money, slap my hand and say, "NO!".
my mother is having surgery on the 18th. I am kinda nervous. She has abnormal pap smears, and they need to remove some pre-cancerous stuff. I just hope it all goes well. I love my mommy, no matter how crazy she can be. She is the greatest, and she buys me mexican yummy lunch when i don't feel well.
I have come the conclusion that I am now boring. I used to want to do so much crazy stuff, and now I look forward to be domestic. What happened to crazy party sarah? I think she is tired now. partying is only fun once in a great while, and since i seem to have a huge aversion to any kind of drug, i am going to take the "high" road and be high on life. well, most of the time that is.
i want someone to have a spring party, lets have a srping party, and wear fancy spring clothes and be happy.
my nose is starting to clear up. the doc said it was completely blocked. nasal passages are not meant to swell shut.
i really do have a lot to look forward to. i just have to do lots of work to be able to enjoy this summer. i must paint, and opack, and get rid of lots of things. i have to be frugal and boring, and not stylish, and not spend any money this next month and a half. if you see me spending money, slap my hand and say, "NO!".
my mother is having surgery on the 18th. I am kinda nervous. She has abnormal pap smears, and they need to remove some pre-cancerous stuff. I just hope it all goes well. I love my mommy, no matter how crazy she can be. She is the greatest, and she buys me mexican yummy lunch when i don't feel well.
I have come the conclusion that I am now boring. I used to want to do so much crazy stuff, and now I look forward to be domestic. What happened to crazy party sarah? I think she is tired now. partying is only fun once in a great while, and since i seem to have a huge aversion to any kind of drug, i am going to take the "high" road and be high on life. well, most of the time that is.
i want someone to have a spring party, lets have a srping party, and wear fancy spring clothes and be happy.
my nose is starting to clear up. the doc said it was completely blocked. nasal passages are not meant to swell shut.