Thank you, (e:Uncutsaniflush) for you post about gay marriage in California [inlink]uncutsaniflush,110[/inlink] As ya'll may have noticed, i am not very political, but i do have a few issues i stand firmly behind. Gay marriage is one of them. I think every adult should be able to choose who they marry. I understand why it has become a political issue in theory, but i just don't understand why it has to be. I think i tend to be naive about it, however. I assume that everyone thinks in the same open minded way i can...
Taste Good?
A week or so ago, we decided we were going to get take out from Taste Good. [inlink]leetee,10[/inlink] After much confusion due to language barriers, i thought i understood that they no longer had any of the mock chicken and mock beef vegetarian stuff i loved so much. *pout* So, today, when we decided to get more take out, i ordered some tofu. While picking it up Walt asked about it, and it turns out i missunderstood "we no carry" somehow. Go me. I ended up having a pretty crappy tofu dish (imagine hot and sour soup, without the sour, with soft tofu and frozen peas and carrots floating in it... and it wasn't even a soup i ordered!!) wishing i had some of the curry mock chicken. Walt, the sweetie that he is, offered to go back and get some for me, but we decided to strain out some tofu and stir fry it for me.
What's The Green Thing, Paul?
I think my eyes are going... What is the green thing beside a post when it is a mobile post, (e:Paul)? I think it looks like a fish; (e:Uncutsaniflush) thinks it might be a turlte. We both thought it might be a green cell phone. Inquiring minds want to know!
I just saw the weirdest faucet.... called the "dante", it seems as though some people do not know how to turn the darned thing on!

Well, time for me to go attack the ice cream we bought earlier!