I have nothing to complain about. My life is wonderful. I have nothing to complain about. My life is wonderful. I have nothing to complain about. My life is wonderful. I have nothing to complain about. My life is wonderful.
If i repeat that mantra, perhaps all the little things that annoyed me today will not bother me so much?
Today was interesting. It started last night even. I reckon if it began after midnight, it counts for today?
We have a mouse in our house. Don't know how long he (she?) has been here, but it appears as though we might need to think about rent soon. Last night, mousey decided he wanted to listen to our cds. Of course, trying to hide behind them doesn't help! We tried to catch him. Instead, he decided to run across my foot! Oh, i behaved like a girl, and i am ashamed. I squealed and fell down from the squat i was in.
This morning, the bug bites i got the other night felt worse than ever. Walt tells me they look better, though... which accounts for something. But damn it, they itch like hell. And burn. I think they are spider bites.
And then, when i was cleaning our streaky bathroom mirror for what felt like the zillionth time, the light fixture gave me a shock. I screamed. Hurt to my shoulder. Poor Walt came running, not knowing what sort of clumsiness i was up to now. Looks like we need to update our groovy 60's light fixture! No more floresent for us, thank you!
I also decided it is finally time for me to go to a dentist. I've been meaning to for the LONGEST time. [inlink]leetee,24[/inlink] Thanks to both
(e:Hodown) and
(e:Mike) for their recommendations. I couldn't find the dentist you told me about,
(e:Hodown), so i went to the one you recommended,
(e:Mike). I am getting my teeth cleaned this Wednesday. They had a cancellation. Not with Brenda, though. With someone named Cheryl, i think. The receptionist told me she is gentle. I am SUCH A WUSS.
After the odd morning i had, we decided to go out to lunch. We went to Sahara Grill. Silly me, i wore a white tank top. And they so like to garnish with paprika. They are mad for the stuff, i tell ya. And, not to brag, but i do have quite a chest... particularly with the push up bra. And i had paprika boobies. My poor favie Betty Bop tank top! The food was good, but they got mine and Walt's mixed up. I don't like pickles so much, so i picked them out of my sandwich to give to him.
Last night and now this evening, our poor little iBook is illing. Don't ask me what is wrong with it. I have no idea. Walt knows, i am sure. Or at least suspects. We think we might be able to get it fixed under some sort of warrantee. Thank goodness i am uptight enough to keep reciepts from 2 or 3 years ago, eh?
I don't always go in this direction, but i decided to paricipate in a little retail therapy. I love a bargain and with a coupon, i am unstopable. I got a pleather jacket to replace the one i bought in England oh so long ago on a dreary wet day. I also got a pair of shoes and a couple of tops... and i think with the discounts and coupons, i basicly got the tops for free. Yay me. We also bought some clearance storage bins at Home Depot while we were looking for new bathroom light fixtures... Oh, how i LOVE a bargain!