Thanks to (e:Jason), (e:Joshua) and (e:alicia) for their input about my tattoo.... i really appreciate it. That said, i spoke with and made an appointment at Strange Brew. This Thursday at noon, i will be getting a tattoo on my upper back near my neck. I was told to bring money for 2 1/2 hours, but it should take about 2 hours. Ah, pain.
I also want to thank (e:ladycroft) for being willing to deliver tomatoes all around Buffalo for us (e:strip)pers. I will definatly be giving you a call!! Tomatoes rock.
(e:Uncutsaniflush) and i were productive today. Got quite a few errands done. Finally got some curtains (thank goodness for blinds, or it would be curtains for us all!!) for the wee window on the kitchen door. The sun drives me nuts when we are eating. Also got a kitchen towel bar (harder to find than you would think, we found ours at Kmart) so we no longer have to keep our tea towels scrunched into the drawer handle. Yay. It's the little things, isn't it folks?
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/23/2005 18:14 #25516
ThanksCategory: tattoos
08/23/2005 12:14 #25515
Decisions, DecisionsCategory: tattoos
I've made a decision. Thanks to Anthony Bourdain and his travel/food show No Reservations
He got a tattoo on last night's show and i guess mine has been in the back of my mind for a while now. I woke up this morning, having made a decision.
This is the design i am going with.

Just a few moments ago, i spoke to an artist i liked before when i was thinking about this. But once again, the decision found me without me over thinking it. Kinda the way Diamond did when she was a kitten... her finding me. Perhaps that is why i am thinking about this tattoo in her honour this way.
The place i am going to is Strage Brew Tattoo (damn, i just asked her what her name is as well and i forgot already, my brain just forgets some things soooo quickly.. i reckon i will find her, there is only her and her apprentice there that tattoo) on Elmwood in Kenmore. I am going to go show her what i want and see if and when she can do it. I would like it to be done on the 25th. This one or the next one, but it has to be on the 25th. The anniversary date of when Diamond died.
If anyone has heard anything good, bad or indifferent about this place, will ya'll let me know? Thanks!
P.S. To "guest" in chat that was looking for "where to find" me... If you want to find my journal entries and i am not in the last 12, go to the box in the upper right hand corner with the last 12 in it and hit show all... i hope i would be in there somewhere. If that is what you meant by it. That's all i can think of. Or, you can email me. Your choice, mr or ms mystery guest person.

This is the design i am going with.

Just a few moments ago, i spoke to an artist i liked before when i was thinking about this. But once again, the decision found me without me over thinking it. Kinda the way Diamond did when she was a kitten... her finding me. Perhaps that is why i am thinking about this tattoo in her honour this way.
The place i am going to is Strage Brew Tattoo (damn, i just asked her what her name is as well and i forgot already, my brain just forgets some things soooo quickly.. i reckon i will find her, there is only her and her apprentice there that tattoo) on Elmwood in Kenmore. I am going to go show her what i want and see if and when she can do it. I would like it to be done on the 25th. This one or the next one, but it has to be on the 25th. The anniversary date of when Diamond died.
If anyone has heard anything good, bad or indifferent about this place, will ya'll let me know? Thanks!
P.S. To "guest" in chat that was looking for "where to find" me... If you want to find my journal entries and i am not in the last 12, go to the box in the upper right hand corner with the last 12 in it and hit show all... i hope i would be in there somewhere. If that is what you meant by it. That's all i can think of. Or, you can email me. Your choice, mr or ms mystery guest person.
08/21/2005 00:05 #25514
What Happened?Category: friends
(e:Alison) mentioned (e:Matthew) in her post today, which made me think that i wanted to take yet another look at (e:Matthew)'s beautiful photos and all that was there was a default face and a no posts. Your favie 5, categories and links are still there, (e:Matthew), and the only way to get to one of your journal entries is to click on a category and select a journal entry. Going back 10 doesn't work. I hope the construction (e:Paul) is doing with Linux isn't making your entries invisible!!
I would also like to thank (e:Ladycroft) for her generous offer of tomatoes!
Sweet of you to offer them to us all!
My friend Mark has been in town for the weekend (both he and Walt are sleeping now, or else, no offense, i wouldn't be typing here). Sure is nice to see him... i miss him like crazy sometimes. Know him for longer than any other person that is not family. Over 20 years... close to 25. Hell, i reckon by now, he is family. Wish i could see him more. He's the person who made me be the person i am today. His love and support and friendship through thick and thin... don't know what i would have done without it. He is the one person that taught me that silly is good. Me being silly is better. Me and him being silly is fun. Love the guy. Wish he were my blood family (and that's NOT because his 'rents are rich! lol).
I would also like to thank (e:Ladycroft) for her generous offer of tomatoes!

My friend Mark has been in town for the weekend (both he and Walt are sleeping now, or else, no offense, i wouldn't be typing here). Sure is nice to see him... i miss him like crazy sometimes. Know him for longer than any other person that is not family. Over 20 years... close to 25. Hell, i reckon by now, he is family. Wish i could see him more. He's the person who made me be the person i am today. His love and support and friendship through thick and thin... don't know what i would have done without it. He is the one person that taught me that silly is good. Me being silly is better. Me and him being silly is fun. Love the guy. Wish he were my blood family (and that's NOT because his 'rents are rich! lol).
08/17/2005 21:57 #25513
RIP EmoCategory: pets
Today, my best friend Mark had to have his 18 year old cat, Emo put to sleep. Emo had kidney failure and needed to have pills every day and injections every other day. More recently, Emo had troubles eating and it was discovered that he had yet another abcessed tooth. More meds to battle another infection may have interfered with his kidney pills and despite it being a hell of a lot harder than he thought it would be, Mark made the decision it was time to let Emo go.
Back in February, Walt and i stayed at Mark's place in Toronto and took care of Emo. Mark went to Boston to help out his friend (and ex girlfriend), Aimee after she was in a car accidnet that killed her boyfriend and left her with a broken pelvis. I couldn't do much to help Aimee but i could do what i had in my power to help Mark to help her by staying with Emo. I got to know Emo even better during those 8 days. I didn't get much of a chance to hang with Mark and Emo after i moved out of Canada, soi it was like getting to know this very affectionate kitty all over again.
Mark called Emo an affection whore.. and he was. Anyone would do. He loved just being with people. Just laying there, smucking the top of his head against your hand as if to say "Pet me, DAMNIT!" He had respiratory problems and i know some of you may not believe it, but he was rather sensitive about it. Once Emo fell asleep near my face and i could hear the snoring and snored right back at him. He didn't like that much, the sensitvie guy.. gave me quite a swat. I deserved it.
Emo used to be called Michael. A fine name, but Mark didn't care for it much. He used to be the store cat of a used clothing store on King Street East in downtown Hamilton. That store... hell, that building isn't there anymore. Michael, as he was called then, was a mere 6 months old when Mark took him home. Mark knew almost right away what he would call him. Emo, named after his favorite comedian, Emo Philips
It's not the best photo, but it is the only one i have. Taken during the time Walt and i were in Toronto looking after him.

RIP Emo. I will miss you lots.
Back in February, Walt and i stayed at Mark's place in Toronto and took care of Emo. Mark went to Boston to help out his friend (and ex girlfriend), Aimee after she was in a car accidnet that killed her boyfriend and left her with a broken pelvis. I couldn't do much to help Aimee but i could do what i had in my power to help Mark to help her by staying with Emo. I got to know Emo even better during those 8 days. I didn't get much of a chance to hang with Mark and Emo after i moved out of Canada, soi it was like getting to know this very affectionate kitty all over again.
Mark called Emo an affection whore.. and he was. Anyone would do. He loved just being with people. Just laying there, smucking the top of his head against your hand as if to say "Pet me, DAMNIT!" He had respiratory problems and i know some of you may not believe it, but he was rather sensitive about it. Once Emo fell asleep near my face and i could hear the snoring and snored right back at him. He didn't like that much, the sensitvie guy.. gave me quite a swat. I deserved it.
Emo used to be called Michael. A fine name, but Mark didn't care for it much. He used to be the store cat of a used clothing store on King Street East in downtown Hamilton. That store... hell, that building isn't there anymore. Michael, as he was called then, was a mere 6 months old when Mark took him home. Mark knew almost right away what he would call him. Emo, named after his favorite comedian, Emo Philips

It's not the best photo, but it is the only one i have. Taken during the time Walt and i were in Toronto looking after him.

RIP Emo. I will miss you lots.
08/17/2005 15:34 #25512
UPS SucksCategory: venting
Today, i had to stay at home to wait for a package to come, as delivered by UPS. I decided, since it was after 2pm, to track it online. Well, glory be, the package that was due to arrive on the 17th for the past 4 days is suddenly rescheduled. Last time we got a package from UPS the guy that delivered them (the chairs for the front porch) said he hates coming all the way out to the west side because it is "such a bad neighbourhoo". *sigh* So, i called UPS to see what the hell was up with this package. The girl at the national call center said someone from the Buffalo area center would call me "within the hour" to discuss options with me. You see, i can't stay at home and wait all day tomorrow, too. It's been about 45 minutes. Who wants to bet what i won't hear from them until i call?
This all started as a favour for my best friend, Mark, who is coming to visit us this weekend. Prying Mark out of his beloved Toronto is difficult... the option of feeding the lorikeets at the Buffalo Zoo tempted him (are my friends and family coming to see me or the birdies?). Recently, Mark boycotted Nike, who now owns Converse, which means he cannot wear his former uniform of chucks. So, he found a place in Toronto that sells PF Flyers, but they don't have any black ones. Mark said "what if i suddenly need to go to a funeral; i can't wear red shoes!", and he found a place online that has his size. But said company won't take out of country credit cards. OK, so, i used mine and got them to ship the shoes here... via UPS (i told the guy at the company that the Post Office might be cheaper and more efficent, but he just laughed... i was SERIOUS!! Sheesh!). They said they would be here Tuesday, Wednesday at the LATEST. We are going to Canada tomorrow, to visit with my family and then we will pick Mark up on Friday morning and all drive back here. We were hoping his damn shoes would be here so he can have and wear them on the weekend. Looks like UPS doesn't want that.
Still no ring ring ring from UPS. Shocked? I'm not. *sigh*
UPS called. They take take the complaint seriously that they don't like to deliver to the "west end". Someone will be there to deliver the package "between 5 - 5.30pm" today. Wow. Shock. If it happens, it appears as though Mark will have his shoes and i need to find me some vegetarian crow.
This all started as a favour for my best friend, Mark, who is coming to visit us this weekend. Prying Mark out of his beloved Toronto is difficult... the option of feeding the lorikeets at the Buffalo Zoo tempted him (are my friends and family coming to see me or the birdies?). Recently, Mark boycotted Nike, who now owns Converse, which means he cannot wear his former uniform of chucks. So, he found a place in Toronto that sells PF Flyers, but they don't have any black ones. Mark said "what if i suddenly need to go to a funeral; i can't wear red shoes!", and he found a place online that has his size. But said company won't take out of country credit cards. OK, so, i used mine and got them to ship the shoes here... via UPS (i told the guy at the company that the Post Office might be cheaper and more efficent, but he just laughed... i was SERIOUS!! Sheesh!). They said they would be here Tuesday, Wednesday at the LATEST. We are going to Canada tomorrow, to visit with my family and then we will pick Mark up on Friday morning and all drive back here. We were hoping his damn shoes would be here so he can have and wear them on the weekend. Looks like UPS doesn't want that.
Still no ring ring ring from UPS. Shocked? I'm not. *sigh*
UPS called. They take take the complaint seriously that they don't like to deliver to the "west end". Someone will be there to deliver the package "between 5 - 5.30pm" today. Wow. Shock. If it happens, it appears as though Mark will have his shoes and i need to find me some vegetarian crow.