I called today to wish them a happy anniversary and spoke with my father. Not something he does usually. He's not a phone person. Mom wasn't home. What was she doing? Exciting stuff. Going to the laudromat to wash their big king sized bedpread that doesn't fit in her washer (i say hers 'cause my dad wouldn't know how to use it). Such a way to celebrate, eh? But i heard that last night they opned up one of the bottles of Biltmore Estates Reserve wine we got them for xmas and my dad reported they are going out to dinner. To the Keg... *shudder*
We, (e:uncutsaniflush) and i that is, decided to go for a walk at the Tifft Nature Preserve

After that, we decided to head over to Elmwood. We had decided on what we think would be an ideal gift for a friend of ours (she reads this or else i would tell ya'll what we bought!!) and then decided to go for lunch.
At first, we thought we would go to Louie's. Then, we got distracted by the latest incarnation of Vietnamese restaurant that is on the west side of the street between Hodge and Utica... oh, darn my brain... (e:uncutsaniflush) would remember the name of the place but i forget. We ate there and i had a really yummie tofu dish.... marinated and fried with lemongrass and some other spicy salty flavours. We had some veggie summer rools too that were good. (e:uncutsaniflush) had a noodle soup with beef and meatballs (that he said tasted sorta like sausage) that he really enjoyed too. It was my first time eating and a Vietnamese place... i have eaten at Thai/Vietnamese places before, however. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Now, i think i am going to continue to work on my desk -- getting everything in it and organized. Thanks to (e:Paul) and (e:Boxerboi) for the complments on my dream desk. I will take and publish pics once it is all full of it's stuff.
Speaking of papers, we got the papers for the house today. The deed and the search... both are interesting reading, particularly the latter. If one can manage to wade through all the legalese, it's interesting to find out who owned what bits of this land and the over a hundred year old house before we did...