As they would say in the south, we gone done done it. We went to a Taste of Buffalo, too. I want to thank all the
(e:peeps) that journaled about it, since we weren't sure if we wanted to go or not.
I'm not that big a fan of crushing crowds (of humans that is), and not a fan of heat, so we decided to go first thing this morning. I've been to a great deal of street festivals in my time (felt like Hamilton had a lot of them when i lived there, and i know the 'hoods of Toronto must have one every weekend somewhere in the summer), but never one entirely dedicated to food.
My overall impression was that there were 2 kinds of booths at the Taste of Buffalo. People trying to raise some extra money, and some honestly trying to generate some extra business for their restaurants with tastes of their menu, since prices were incosistent (and i could see some were raised with masking tape, new pieces of paper with staples and even dct tape!)... i paid the same for a portabella musroom with feta, artichoke hearts and a light marinade as i did fopr a deep fried twinkie -- 7 tickets @ 50 cents a pop is $3.50. Maybe it's just me, but i think the mushroom was a way better deal.... and far better.
I don't know what the appeal of a deep fried twinkie is, but i was curious and i forked over the tickets...
Food wise, my only other negative experince was Louie's sweet potato fries. What the freakin' hell kinda shit do they dump on top of those things? Aren't they good enough without that sweet greasy goo on top? I like sweet potato fries and i like their veggie burgers, so i thought i would give the fries a try. Never ever again. Wouldn't eat them if someone paid me to... (ok, i reckon that depends on HOW much someone is willing to pay me.. for a million bucks, i would eat the same amount as i chucked into the dust bin this afternoon).
Overall, i enjoyed myself. My mom and
(e:uncutsaniflush) both seemed to as well. Well, they both had some alcohol...
We had a nice weekend, too.
(e:uncutsaniflush) posted a very sweet post about our zoo birdie aventures

It was so nice to see my mom that happy. Perhaps it is of her own design, but her life isn't what she would have imagined it to be and i really want her to experience joy.
I wish the same for my father, but i must admit, i am slightly offended for his lame ass reason for not coming to visit me and Walt here. Sure makes me feel a hell of a lot less important than his comfy chair and his big screen tv. *sigh*
My mom also went to some book stores to pick up some bargains. Like me, she can bury herself in a book...
She made it home safe and sound.. tomorrow morning at 4.30am her alarm will go off and she will get up and start another day of her insane work schedule. Anyone who said that being your own boss is a dream come true was neither a hairdresser or a printer...