We got our tables!! Yay! Jim the delivery guy called around 8am, waking me up and saying he would be there in 30 minutes, if it was ok with us. It was.
Here they are. Shows our lovely grey rug that we are searching for a replacement of... something to go with leopard print sofas, perhaps?

Then, to celebrate, we decided to go to the zoo. I sure am glad we did! I think we are going to show up early next time we go... it's when all the action is.
First, there was the elephant bath that never happened. The gate the elephant comes out of to go to the area she bathes in had a dumpster in front of it, so the keeper brought her out to the people and we all crowded around her to pet her. I, of course, being the big kid and lover of elephants that i am, was one of the first there!!

On top of that wonderful zoo experience, we were also very pleased to see the lorikeet landing finally open on a day when we were there. We'd been avoiding weekend crowds, and it wasn't open during the week. Next weekend, my mom is coming to visit and i know she is just going to LOVE LOVE LOVE feeding the birds the way (e:uncutstaniflus)h and i got to yesterday!!

We also got to feed the giraffes, but didn't get decent pics of that... Speaking of not so decent pics... man, i am no model!!
After that, we had a nice lunch at a Taste of Thai... yum yum. I looove thai food.
We also went to Target and got ourselves a new tv stand to go with the new tables. We had been eyeing it for a while, but wanted to make sure the wood colours wouldn't clash. They don't. Althought it is not the greatest pic, here it is, along with Judge Judy.

That was our day. Very good one. Productive and fun. :O)