When i was about a year old, my very forthcoming and direct grandmother looked at me and asked my mom, "What the hell is wrong with her eyes... they're goin' all over the fuckin' place." Not long afterwards, i was at an eye specailist and had glasses -- lazy eye in both eyes. By the time i was about 11 or 12, i didn't need the glasses anymore, and i had experienced pre-laser method eye surgery. *shudder*
I was also one of those kids that gets ear infections like crazy. I still get them a lot, more than most adults, and now that i have lived in Eastern Tennessee for a small chunk of my life, i have seasonal allergies, which seem to effect me as though i have a sore throat and an ear infection.
The result of both of the above leads me to be a rather clumsy person. Some days, i think i should be in a slapstick comedy routine.
Because of the lazy eye, my brain wired itself to see things in an unusual way. Almost as though my 2 eyes see independentaly and i often have to close one eye to read. I have pretty bad perspective problems, which have made me feel afraid to get a drivers license.... at the ripe old age of 36, i have never learned to drive. I believe i will someday and i promise y'all i will warn you before i do so you can pay more attention when you are out.
The ear infections have left my balance slightly off kilter, and when i was involved in gymnastics when i was a wee little tyke, i often over compensated.
Both issues converged on me yesterday afternoon.
(e:uncutsaniflush) and i were at a Sprawl-Mart buying a dehumidifier for our wet basement and looking at fans. He took one off the shelf and i decided to help him out and put it back. The boxes were just over my head and there wasn't enough room for the box. But with my perspective issues, i couldn't quite judge that lack of space.
(e:uncutsaniflush) was able to grab the box so it didn't do too much damage, but the box did bounce off my head hard enough to smash my sunglasses and have them fly off the top of my head. I'm still not sure if they helped or gave me a headache worse than i would have had with simply the box. I think the worst was me cringing knowing what was about to come.... i clenched my teeth and they were throbbing a bit last night.
Soooooo... should i sue?