Seems we will not be getting our tables again today. Oh well. The delivery guy called us, at least, to let us know his truck is still not fixed. He said it is supposed to be fixed sometime today, but he didn't want to leave us hanging today and would call first thing tomorrow morning to arrange a time. That's reasonable. Thank goodness, because i was beginning to wonder if Sofas and Chairs didn't give a shit about customers once they paid.
So, now we have a day to be out and about as we wish.... so we decided to go to a movie. We haven't been to one in a while. We are even going to be brave and go to the Movies 8 Theatres... we had probs the last time we were there (no sound is a bit of a drag, i would say). I think we will end up eating lunch at Star of India (in Kenmore on Deleware Ave) and then see Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy... my best friend, Mark, said, "it's a suck fest" but i won't get bored listening to Stephen Fry's voice. He's got a great soothing British voice... i loved listening to his autobiography, Moab is my Washpot, on tape that a friend got for me...
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/30/2005 12:14 #25483
Dinner and a Movie06/30/2005 11:25 #25482
JasonSo, here is what i wanted to comment to your comment.:

Sorry you feel shitty today, (e:Jason). I understand those kinda days. As we say here in this household, you have "used up all your excess nice" today, and you're just plumb out. We only have so much nice in us each day, i reckon, and today, your well isn't as full as it could be. Don't fret, one day, it will be overflowing and you will just be nicing all over the place. :O)

Sorry you feel shitty today, (e:Jason). I understand those kinda days. As we say here in this household, you have "used up all your excess nice" today, and you're just plumb out. We only have so much nice in us each day, i reckon, and today, your well isn't as full as it could be. Don't fret, one day, it will be overflowing and you will just be nicing all over the place. :O)
06/29/2005 13:32 #25481
Think Like e:Paul?As i learn how to use this cool and grooovy system (e:Paul) has set up for us all, (e:uncutsaniflush) tells me to "think like (e:Paul)" when i can't figure something out. Oddly enough, so far, that has worked out. Until today. See, i think (e:Paul) is a smartie trousers, as we would say in this here household. I guess i just don't have my (e:Paul) hat available today. I even went downstairs to see if my clever husband, (e:uncutsaniflush) could find the "think like (e:Paul) hat, but he couldn't either.
You see, what i want to do is comment on someone's journal. I posted a comment to (e:Jason), he commented and i want to comment again, but, well, when i click the show/hide/add comment link, all it does is open it or close it. At first, i tried to click on it once. and all it did was open the comments. OK, i thought to myself, i need to click on that side of the link. Nope. Then, in my "think like (e:Paul)" frame of mind, i clicked it 3 times, 'cause it's the third thing there. Nope.. it opened, closed and opened again...
Any ideas?
You see, what i want to do is comment on someone's journal. I posted a comment to (e:Jason), he commented and i want to comment again, but, well, when i click the show/hide/add comment link, all it does is open it or close it. At first, i tried to click on it once. and all it did was open the comments. OK, i thought to myself, i need to click on that side of the link. Nope. Then, in my "think like (e:Paul)" frame of mind, i clicked it 3 times, 'cause it's the third thing there. Nope.. it opened, closed and opened again...
Any ideas?
06/29/2005 12:55 #25480
Taste Good on No TablesWe decided to do chinese take out for lunch while waiting to see if they would call us to let us know they are coming with our tables...
No luck on the tables. The truck won't start and we were advised not to stay home waiting.
We did, however, have very good chinese take out. Taste Good on the corner of Hertel and Deleware.. They have excellent mock chicken and mock beef dishes for those of us that are vegetarians.
Seems, however, that not all the mock dishes are on the menu, so we went in person to look at the handwritten board. Then, i copied it all out on the back of the take out menu so we can call an order in next time. I highly recommend them!
No luck on the tables. The truck won't start and we were advised not to stay home waiting.
We did, however, have very good chinese take out. Taste Good on the corner of Hertel and Deleware.. They have excellent mock chicken and mock beef dishes for those of us that are vegetarians.

06/29/2005 10:43 #25479
Choices RuleI am a big supporter of the right of all consenting adults to be in the relationship they want to be in. I don't care if someone is gay or straight, into open relationships or tensomes, so long as it i all above board and honest and no one is getting hurt, physically or emotionally. I am often surprised at the traditional path i ended up taking by getting married (and not "living in sin"), but we suspect that the decision had more to do with immigration than me needing to have a new last name and a band around my finger.
I am very happy to hear that Canada appears ready to finally pass same sex marriage in the House of Commons.
I remember the first bit of news regarding Canada heading down that path and i was proud to be Canadian.
Often, i think of how difficult life would have been had i fallen in love with another woman from the US. We wouldn't have had it so easy (not that the immigration process is easy, per say) as we did with the K-1 fiance visa i was able to get because Walt is a boy and i am a girl. I mean, what the hell difference does it make?
I am happy that i have choices. That i was able to decide to marry Walt. That i was able to come and live with him in the US. I only wish all others would have the same choices i have.
I am very happy to hear that Canada appears ready to finally pass same sex marriage in the House of Commons.

Often, i think of how difficult life would have been had i fallen in love with another woman from the US. We wouldn't have had it so easy (not that the immigration process is easy, per say) as we did with the K-1 fiance visa i was able to get because Walt is a boy and i am a girl. I mean, what the hell difference does it make?
I am happy that i have choices. That i was able to decide to marry Walt. That i was able to come and live with him in the US. I only wish all others would have the same choices i have.