Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/27/2006 00:47 #25372
30 seconds to marsCategory: music
Just got back from the concert - they put on a great show! I can't hear a thing out of my left ear. We were situated with fantastic viewing right by the stage, yet far too close to the speakers. Oy. Jared Leto is fucking HOT with make-up on! I didn't bring my camera but (e:nejifer) did, so either she'll post or I'll get em from her and post later. (e:imk2) brought her daughter. What a cool mom you are! I would shit myself if my mother took me to a concert when I was 12! If you've never heard of the band, check em out ;)

03/24/2006 14:35 #25371
holy bruises batman! and OPMCategory: sports
I played volleyball last night. This morning, I wonder if something is wrong with me. My arm shouldn't look like THIS after a game of volleyball.
Also, I won VIP passes to OPM lounge tonight. Anyone want to join me? Supposedly free food a drinks chillin with the DJ's before the show. I know 10:30 is early for OPM...but I'm down with free drinks and maybe a round of billiards. Let me know. It's still $12 to get in though, which is a little choof.

Also, I won VIP passes to OPM lounge tonight. Anyone want to join me? Supposedly free food a drinks chillin with the DJ's before the show. I know 10:30 is early for OPM...but I'm down with free drinks and maybe a round of billiards. Let me know. It's still $12 to get in though, which is a little choof.

ajay - 03/24/06 23:38
Did you like beat up the other team when you lost the game? Or were you playing with a sand-filled ball??
Did you like beat up the other team when you lost the game? Or were you playing with a sand-filled ball??
jenks - 03/24/06 18:25
yeah...see...that is exactly why I don't play volleyball. Ouch!!
yeah...see...that is exactly why I don't play volleyball. Ouch!!
codypomeray - 03/24/06 15:47
whoa, yeah your arms should definately not look like that after volleyball, unless of course it was full contact and there was a "rumble" between the benches. i love that word rumble, right out of the outsiders. haha..hope you heal fast :)
whoa, yeah your arms should definately not look like that after volleyball, unless of course it was full contact and there was a "rumble" between the benches. i love that word rumble, right out of the outsiders. haha..hope you heal fast :)
imk2 - 03/24/06 15:29
holy shit! do you usually bruise so easily?
holy shit! do you usually bruise so easily?
03/24/2006 01:29 #25370
las cataratas de niagaraCategory: photos
This song is stuck in my head as I have had such a lovely day. I had fun, smiled, laughed... all those things that just make you feel good deep down. It got my mind off a lot of things. (photos below)
"Just a perfect day,
You made me forget myself.
I thought I was someone else,
Someone good."

"Just a perfect day,
You made me forget myself.
I thought I was someone else,
Someone good."

metalpeter - 03/24/06 18:28
Nice Pictures from the Falls. I admit I have never been there During the Winter except to see the Festival Of Lights but to see the falls them selves I've never been there with the Ice And snow. Maybe next winter looks like it was fun.
Nice Pictures from the Falls. I admit I have never been there During the Winter except to see the Festival Of Lights but to see the falls them selves I've never been there with the Ice And snow. Maybe next winter looks like it was fun.
jenks - 03/24/06 06:33
oooh I love that song. Very fitting. :) yay! Anti-meep!
oooh I love that song. Very fitting. :) yay! Anti-meep!
03/23/2006 00:34 #25369
i love clogsCategory: potpourri
I added a clip of paul screaming about his stolen sweater (from Mardi Gras at Marcella's). Go check it out under the GATHER tab. The pick up code is: 0064343001143091777.
Had to take my mom shopping for more baby stuff today. We swung by Salvation Army for the big 50% off family day savings. I found an Old Navy P coat for $4!!! I'm so stoked. I've been hunting for a coat forever.
I also found these crazy Norwegian clogs for $1.50! I don't think they were ever worn. I love clogs. They are so comfortable! And hey, for $1.50, made by Vikings...can't go wrong there! Ciao!

Had to take my mom shopping for more baby stuff today. We swung by Salvation Army for the big 50% off family day savings. I found an Old Navy P coat for $4!!! I'm so stoked. I've been hunting for a coat forever.
I also found these crazy Norwegian clogs for $1.50! I don't think they were ever worn. I love clogs. They are so comfortable! And hey, for $1.50, made by Vikings...can't go wrong there! Ciao!

metalpeter - 03/23/06 18:58
I'm not a fan of Clogs but those are cool because they look like they are mocasins with clog bottoms.
I'm not a fan of Clogs but those are cool because they look like they are mocasins with clog bottoms.
twisted - 03/23/06 03:07
Hot DAMN! Great find!
Hot DAMN! Great find!
03/22/2006 02:41 #25367
little alien among usCategory: auntie
My nephew on the horizon....I really dig sonogram photos!

Just got official word that my little sister is coming up from Orlando with her baby's daddy for Easter. Now I'm in charge of throwing her a baby shower, much like I was for my older sister. Good news is, big sis will be coming up with my little nephew Max to join the festivities. I'm happy to have the chance to cradle his delicate body in my arms again. Maybe I'll bring my new guitar along and play him a lullaby.

Just got official word that my little sister is coming up from Orlando with her baby's daddy for Easter. Now I'm in charge of throwing her a baby shower, much like I was for my older sister. Good news is, big sis will be coming up with my little nephew Max to join the festivities. I'm happy to have the chance to cradle his delicate body in my arms again. Maybe I'll bring my new guitar along and play him a lullaby.
Glad you had a great time. I have seen them before they where very good. I couldn't go last night wish I could have, wish I had one of there CD's also.