Hilbert College in Hamburg, N.Y. is hosting their annual Battle of the Bands competition TONIGHT March 21, 2006!
Eight bands are performing and the show should prove to be an incredible event. The show is open to the public, and is $4 for non-Hilbert students. Free food will also be provided!
The following acts will be gracing the stage:
6:30-7pm: Standard of Living
7:15-7:45: Phil Sivecz
8-8:30: Now or Never
8:45-9:15: The Great Mistake
9:30-10: Any December
10:15-10:45: John Schmitt
11-11:30: The Thermidors
11:45-12:15: Dorian
Each of these bands has a Myspace profile if you want to check them out.
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/21/2006 16:24 #25366
battle of the bands tonightCategory: music
04/09/2006 04:14 #25365
fukin chippewaCategory: america fuck yeah
Fucking haite chippeaw! I didn't want to go out otnight but my friend said it woudl be good for me, so I did. Started at Marcellas witch is great. Love it there. Great music, cool people...I was having an ok time there. Not my usual self these days, so that's why it wasn't a GREAT time. Anyooo, i was doing ok. Then they wante to go to Level. Not my thing, but whatever. I'll go because my friensd wanted to. I dance dot one OK song, but then it turned to shit. The music was so bad I couldn't bring myself to dance to it. So I let htme go at it while I stood to the side. THEN....some total ass fuck monkey decides to put his beer bottle on the ledge where i was standing, only he pushes it right off. He knocks a cup of drinkinto me and then it hits the floor, so it splashes all down my body and up into my face. But what's MORE...his beer bottle goes off too, and lands on my fucking foot, then busts on the floor so fucking glass an dbeer goes all over my foot and legs. I was like "Hey mother fucker!!!!" but he was so drunk and stumbling he didn't even here me. I seriously wanted to kick his prick ass abercrombie frat boy bad hair cheap cologne mother fucking ASS! I hate schippeaswa!
04/08/2006 22:57 #25364
by circumstanceCategory: potpourri
New shoes by circumstance...that's what I should call my book. This week I have bought 2 new pair of sneakers by necessity. First I got caught in the rain and bought these, which I think (e:Twisted) will approve of.

Today I tried to dress more like a girl. I was wearing heels. I met (e:Decoyisryan) and (e:Theecarey) at SPOT.....and yes, both my 'Spotties' (TM) were working today :).....then we walked down to Saigon Cafe for lunch. Well, the tootsies weren't having it. I had to remove my shoes within 2 blocks and go barefoot. Not exactly barefoot weather, and concrete isn't very foot friendly. On the way back I couldn't take it, so I stopped into ShoeFly and scored a sale on these lovelies.

Today I tried to dress more like a girl. I was wearing heels. I met (e:Decoyisryan) and (e:Theecarey) at SPOT.....and yes, both my 'Spotties' (TM) were working today :).....then we walked down to Saigon Cafe for lunch. Well, the tootsies weren't having it. I had to remove my shoes within 2 blocks and go barefoot. Not exactly barefoot weather, and concrete isn't very foot friendly. On the way back I couldn't take it, so I stopped into ShoeFly and scored a sale on these lovelies.

jenks - 04/09/06 09:03
Hehe... I like. Especially the orange ones. (then again, I own three pairs or orange shoes.)
Hehe... I like. Especially the orange ones. (then again, I own three pairs or orange shoes.)
twisted - 04/09/06 05:04
I HIGHLY approve of both pairs! We must go shoe shopping some time. Your state or mine? ;-)
I HIGHLY approve of both pairs! We must go shoe shopping some time. Your state or mine? ;-)
theecarey - 04/08/06 23:19
hehe sweet. Not sure what I would wear them with, but I could probably muster something..
hehe sweet. Not sure what I would wear them with, but I could probably muster something..
pyrcedgrrl - 04/08/06 23:14
I think that last pair singed my retinas.
I think that last pair singed my retinas.
03/19/2006 23:06 #25363
st mattie's dayCategory: photos
With lots of love, photos from your celebration :) Muah!
Also, a few St Pattie's Day celebration shots....

the birthday boy!

tea with the queen, anyone?

at the parade

super mchottie david of jackdaw

(e:jenks) and i ran into (e:metalpeter) at cozumel

we danced the irish jig with random boys

(e:jenks) got some lovin

i got some lovin

jackdaw rippin it up in the cozumel tent

i think peter looks like jesus here

hottie mchottie david and jenks
Also, a few St Pattie's Day celebration shots....

the birthday boy!

tea with the queen, anyone?

at the parade

super mchottie david of jackdaw

(e:jenks) and i ran into (e:metalpeter) at cozumel

we danced the irish jig with random boys

(e:jenks) got some lovin

i got some lovin

jackdaw rippin it up in the cozumel tent

i think peter looks like jesus here

hottie mchottie david and jenks
metalpeter - 03/20/06 19:46
Great Pics That one Close up of Jackdaw is awesome. My pics where far away. It was nice to run into you and Alex and the concert. The closet I got to Lovin was being felt up by a few chicks but not in a groping way in the "I'm going that way get out of my way kinda way" One chick punched me wich was cool but It looked like she was with a guy so but that was cool. In that one picture with my head down I do look like him, I think it might be time for a make over. Glad you and the ladies had fun and thanks for sharing the pictures.
Great Pics That one Close up of Jackdaw is awesome. My pics where far away. It was nice to run into you and Alex and the concert. The closet I got to Lovin was being felt up by a few chicks but not in a groping way in the "I'm going that way get out of my way kinda way" One chick punched me wich was cool but It looked like she was with a guy so but that was cool. In that one picture with my head down I do look like him, I think it might be time for a make over. Glad you and the ladies had fun and thanks for sharing the pictures.
matthew - 03/20/06 19:18
Thanks for coming! I had a good time.
Thanks for coming! I had a good time.
paul - 03/19/06 23:43
looks like the parade was fun!
looks like the parade was fun!
03/18/2006 18:36 #25362
for matthewCategory: birthdays
Feliz Cumpleanos Matteo!
That place is just lame. Remember my post about that alleged "fetish ball" I went to?
I really can't tell you where to go out, but lately I have been really comfortable on Allen St, the place where you spent a good amount of time on Fat Tuesday.
BTW hope my myspace comment helped a small bit.
next time your having a lousy time give me a call and I'll join you so we can venture off making the best of things. I was just thinking about the good times we had at marcella's on mardi gras.... we should do that again sometime.
I admit I know a few people who go to level so hopefully it wasn't them. On a side note I would say that all dance music is :-) bad so I don't know how you could tell the Differance. There are always drunks at bars and when I go I accept that they may bump into me but that guy went to fare. Sorry you didn't have a good time, I havn't gone drinking on the chip strip in a long time, I can't really go after Thursday in the square since I work fridays.
oh hun, someone actually said that going out--anywehere, but especially to Chippewa- would be *good* for you?!
Your assignment for today: Please come up with an acroynm using the following words: drunks, stumbling, prick, ASS, abercrombie, fratboy, bad hair, cheap cologne, mother fucker and any other words that seem appropriate to make one hell of an acroynm for future use/reference.
Dancing would be good for you.. wonder if anything is coming up at OPM-- even w/drunks it doesnt seem too bad. People seem to just dance..
Hope today is a better one..
i ended up on chippewa, as well. Sub Zero - yuck. Should have just stayed home and slept. I hate being guilted into things.
That sucks!
Speaking of pricks, today I went SIX rounds of email with this guy who posted in craigslist m4w under "SF: Haight neighborhood" before he finally confessed he actually lives in Seattle, but he visits SF often. WTF! Do I look like the goddamn welcome wagon? (Of course I'm happy to be the welcome wagon for any of you guys. But not for some selfish prick I don't even know who lies to me right off the bat and apparently thinks California is the "get laid state.")