In a spontaneous gesture, two classmates and I decided to play in the snow. Since the snow was too fluffy to make snowballs and have a proper fight, we decided sumo style with fists of snow fury was the way to go. As I was taking one of them down I somehow was flipped and ended up going head first into a deep bank. I got a seriously compacted cork of snow in my ear canal! It was so bizarre, and quite cold. In all my years of playing in the snow, even having spectacular snowboarding crashes in Aspen, I have never had this happen. Weird.
We went back inside to defrost. Then we had the brilliant idea that we should continue our snow theme and imitate penguins by sliding across a giant boardroom table on our bellies. On my first attempt, I caught my thigh on the edge of the table and ended up doing a booby flop. That's right, a booby flop - with a bounce. Ayna! (That is Afrikaans for 'Ouch'). Subsequent attempts proved much more successful when I had the idea to wrap my abs with my fleece scarf. This allowed for maximum slide down the runway. It was a nice interruption from finals. One paper to go!
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/14/2005 12:29 #25288
i want to be a penguinCategory: snow
12/13/2005 04:38 #25287
soccer wtih bombsCategory: potpourri
Yah, so I am still up. I just finished another paper. I find it ironic that tonight I am tired. It is the first night in about 45 that I am actually tired before 4 am and I have to fight through it to crank out a paper. Insomnia, how I loathe your mockery. Truly I am just frustrated that it took me this long to complete. It should not have, I simply cannot concentrate. I think I need to be tested.
While I was sitting here working on my assignment I had the TV on, you know, background noise. So in the corner of my eye I catch a soccer match. I got excited; oh how I love footy. Suddenly Mario comes running onto the pitch and knocks a guy over. He steals the ball and dribbles down the pitch, kicking and punching guys along the way. It was very entertaining. The point of that was to say there is a new game called Super Mario Strikers out for Gamecube. Looks like so much fun! Soccer with bombs!
Out of curiosity, has anyone seen this commercial where there is a hooker straddling a man she calls 'Senator'? They are on some skanky hotel bed and she starts beating his chest and yelling at him not to die because a new phone is coming out soon. I am not sure I am following that marketing campaign. Ciao.
While I was sitting here working on my assignment I had the TV on, you know, background noise. So in the corner of my eye I catch a soccer match. I got excited; oh how I love footy. Suddenly Mario comes running onto the pitch and knocks a guy over. He steals the ball and dribbles down the pitch, kicking and punching guys along the way. It was very entertaining. The point of that was to say there is a new game called Super Mario Strikers out for Gamecube. Looks like so much fun! Soccer with bombs!
Out of curiosity, has anyone seen this commercial where there is a hooker straddling a man she calls 'Senator'? They are on some skanky hotel bed and she starts beating his chest and yelling at him not to die because a new phone is coming out soon. I am not sure I am following that marketing campaign. Ciao.
metalpeter - 12/13/05 19:34
I have seen both of those commericals. The hooker one is one in a series of them. Maybe not a series but at least a couple the tag line is along the lines of don't die or stayalive I'm kinda foggy on the other one maybe it is someone hit by a bus or a car. I think that mario one is funny to.
I have seen both of those commericals. The hooker one is one in a series of them. Maybe not a series but at least a couple the tag line is along the lines of don't die or stayalive I'm kinda foggy on the other one maybe it is someone hit by a bus or a car. I think that mario one is funny to.
jessika - 12/13/05 10:43
i saw that commercial yesterday. it is seriously the weirdest commerical ever.
i saw that commercial yesterday. it is seriously the weirdest commerical ever.
12/12/2005 20:11 #25286
violin virtuosoCategory: memories
Wow! Talk about a throwback in time. I turned on my TV to see if I could catch some of the soccer championships as I finish another final and work on a paper. What do my wandering eyes find but the Lewiston-Porter 6th grade orchestra playing some very boring holiday song.
There was a guy in my class whose dad used to join us and play the bass with him. I always thought he was cool because he carried around one of those battery pack mobile phones. He was playing tonight. How weird. (e:Theecarey), do you remember 'Pinker'?
Anyhow, I cannot believe the same director is there. I never liked her. I thought her teaching method was uncreative and stifling, not to mention totally demeaning. She always yelled at people about how bad there were or how poor their posture was instead of sharing with them the ways they can improve.
She also used to make us stand to play. I always hated that. Well, obviously not the cello players, but the violins and violas had to stand. In watching this song, I see nothing has changed. Not to mention she still plays along instead of conducting like a conductor should. Who does she think she is, Andre Rieu?
That guy can get away with it because he does not do it for every song and he is a fun and amazing musician. He smiles when he plays, he lets the beauty of his sound move him. She always looked like she had a corncob up her butt. Anyhow, it was a quick trip down memory lane; I just wanted to share it. Ciao.
There was a guy in my class whose dad used to join us and play the bass with him. I always thought he was cool because he carried around one of those battery pack mobile phones. He was playing tonight. How weird. (e:Theecarey), do you remember 'Pinker'?
Anyhow, I cannot believe the same director is there. I never liked her. I thought her teaching method was uncreative and stifling, not to mention totally demeaning. She always yelled at people about how bad there were or how poor their posture was instead of sharing with them the ways they can improve.
She also used to make us stand to play. I always hated that. Well, obviously not the cello players, but the violins and violas had to stand. In watching this song, I see nothing has changed. Not to mention she still plays along instead of conducting like a conductor should. Who does she think she is, Andre Rieu?
That guy can get away with it because he does not do it for every song and he is a fun and amazing musician. He smiles when he plays, he lets the beauty of his sound move him. She always looked like she had a corncob up her butt. Anyhow, it was a quick trip down memory lane; I just wanted to share it. Ciao.
pyrcedgrrl - 12/12/05 23:04
She totally ruined the violin for me, which I had dreamed of playing for years beforehand. Now, when I see her at Orange Cat Coffee in Lewiston I want to stomp on her pinched face. :
She totally ruined the violin for me, which I had dreamed of playing for years beforehand. Now, when I see her at Orange Cat Coffee in Lewiston I want to stomp on her pinched face. :
theecarey - 12/12/05 20:45
p.s. Violin Vomitoso
p.s. Violin Vomitoso
theecarey - 12/12/05 20:42
She ruined my desire to play the Viola. I despised her intently. Fourth grade was the year that Lew Port started instuments, so I had her two earlier than you. You came to LP in 6th, right?
It is sad that someone who was (& still is!) in position to foster learning and growth through playing an instrument was more interested in bullying students. She squelched many students natural inquiry into learning an instrument. I quit as soon as I could and never returned. I dabbled in the drums and made some really poor attempts at the guitar.
I really can't blame my actions now on her, but the effects she had certainly impacted me for a long time. WE were 9 years old in fourth grade! of course we sucked.. but she rubbed us in it. (haha, I bet there is a therapy or support group for ex-meyer students)
Oh, as for "piker", right away I knew you were talking about Tim. Yeh, I remember them playing.
She ruined my desire to play the Viola. I despised her intently. Fourth grade was the year that Lew Port started instuments, so I had her two earlier than you. You came to LP in 6th, right?
It is sad that someone who was (& still is!) in position to foster learning and growth through playing an instrument was more interested in bullying students. She squelched many students natural inquiry into learning an instrument. I quit as soon as I could and never returned. I dabbled in the drums and made some really poor attempts at the guitar.
I really can't blame my actions now on her, but the effects she had certainly impacted me for a long time. WE were 9 years old in fourth grade! of course we sucked.. but she rubbed us in it. (haha, I bet there is a therapy or support group for ex-meyer students)
Oh, as for "piker", right away I knew you were talking about Tim. Yeh, I remember them playing.
12/12/2005 13:10 #25285
attention deficit - not procrastinationCategory: school
Countdown to finals submission: T minus 3 hours 54 minutes
Pages due: 21
Pages remaining: 8
I cannot concentrate!
Countdown continues: T minus 2 hours 24 minutes
Pages remaining: 4.5
I would cry but I do not have time to.
Countdown dwindles: T minus 54 minutes
Pages remaining: 1.5
Panick attack!
Countdown closing: T minus 5 seconds...4...3...2...1....
Pages remaining: 0
Holy Shit I'm gonna be late for my final!
Pages due: 21
Pages remaining: 8
I cannot concentrate!
Countdown continues: T minus 2 hours 24 minutes
Pages remaining: 4.5
I would cry but I do not have time to.
Countdown dwindles: T minus 54 minutes
Pages remaining: 1.5
Panick attack!
Countdown closing: T minus 5 seconds...4...3...2...1....
Pages remaining: 0
Holy Shit I'm gonna be late for my final!
theecarey - 12/12/05 18:04
ugh, your post gave me anxiety. Lol.. I have been there, but for me it is all lazy procrastination.
ugh, your post gave me anxiety. Lol.. I have been there, but for me it is all lazy procrastination.
12/11/2005 12:33 #25284
mac n cheese n frisbeesCategory: dreams
I dreamed I was being chased, as usual, and I had to protect this small group of people, as usual. This is where my sense of part-time superheroinism comes from. Anyhow... you'll love my recipe for salvation. I swiftly escort them all into this big green bathroom that looks like the scene from a condemned sanitarium; complete with grandmother tub and electric shock equipment. Guess what the secret escape route is. Fill the tub with macaroni and cheese. Then we'll jump down the drain pipe. Yah. Maybe it's because I ate macaroni and cheese last night out of a Frisbee. Hey, I'm too busy working on finals to wash my clothes or dishes so I get creative. Why do I even have a Frisbee?

Then, to keep the theme of not sleeping while I sleep, I dreamt of finals again. It was horrifying. I was studying and my classmates were asking me what I thought about the theory of so and so. I didn't have a clue what they were talking about. It was as if I had taken the course and studied for some other course entirely. But it wasn't even real. The theories they were speaking of were entirely fictitious. Or maybe I've just seen the future and there will be the theory of so and so in Student Affairs one day. Blah. I just wish I could sleep peacefully for one night. Ciao.

Then, to keep the theme of not sleeping while I sleep, I dreamt of finals again. It was horrifying. I was studying and my classmates were asking me what I thought about the theory of so and so. I didn't have a clue what they were talking about. It was as if I had taken the course and studied for some other course entirely. But it wasn't even real. The theories they were speaking of were entirely fictitious. Or maybe I've just seen the future and there will be the theory of so and so in Student Affairs one day. Blah. I just wish I could sleep peacefully for one night. Ciao.
jenks - 12/11/05 14:00
aye... I hate hate hate those exam stress dreams. They're always just like you described- showing up on the wrong day, or finding you have an exam in a class you never went to. yikes. I don't envy you. Fortunately I only have to do that once a year these days. Well, it will all be over in what, a week? you can do it...
aye... I hate hate hate those exam stress dreams. They're always just like you described- showing up on the wrong day, or finding you have an exam in a class you never went to. yikes. I don't envy you. Fortunately I only have to do that once a year these days. Well, it will all be over in what, a week? you can do it...
theecarey - 12/11/05 13:11
Last night, I had some cracked out dreams that I totally attribute to my marathon post. I think I will jot it down before I forget.
Last night, I had some cracked out dreams that I totally attribute to my marathon post. I think I will jot it down before I forget.
Sounds like fun just gotta let loose once in awhile
Oh rock my socks!! I dunno how I could live on this planet if it wasen't for you :-)