ok, so first of all, I'M DONE WITH SCHOOL!!! (for this semester, still have 2 classes next fall) im sooo excited!!! i have already started to celebrate, went to see a movie last night, "hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" weird weird, but funny movie, and went golfing this morning (well just the range, but still, it was something) now i can't wait till sunday to really celebrate!!! university of miami rowing will be over for me FOREVER!!! and with that ending our "dry season" we will be celebrating!!! I WILL BE CELEBRATING!!! I'm even hanging out here an extra week to "celebrate" for the last time with all my classmates who are gonna be graduating :( that's sooo sad, I'm gonna miss em :(
ok ok, but on to the title of this entry...
so as i said i was golfing today, and as we were walking to the car from the club, there were 3 "older" men walking in front of us... and i hear the one say "Buffalo" so i nudge eric to listen and I try to listen closer... next thing i hear is "snowing in may" and "oh so cold there" and i just started chuckling!!! everyone has been talking about how nice it is there, and three little old men in miami think you guys are still playing in the snow...
ok, i guess it's not that funny, but still, i laughed.... has it ever really snowed in may in buffalo before??? i know it has in april... but may??? oh well... have fun in the sun everyone... when i get back there, everyone is gonna be more tan than i am ;)
Julie's Journal
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05/11/2005 11:19 #24820
snow in may in buffalo???05/03/2005 22:52 #24819
it's done!!!
ok, there's a southwest view of my building... and I'm done with it!!!! don't think i've ever spent so much time on one project until this, eeek, i have to do my time log tomorrow, that will be fun to make up # of hours of the last 9 months ;)
but the drawings are all printed out, the presentation was presented, the calculations done (except for the cost analysis, again, gotta do that tomorrow) so that's enough to say "it's done" to me!!!
but speaking of the presentation, all i have to say about that is i am technically challenged... i had so much trouble with the clicker!!! on the slideshow, first i accidentally clicked backward to the previous slide, then i guess i held the button down too long cuz it advanced like 8 slides, and wouldn't stop... then i had to scroll back like a moron... then after being all baffled by that, i meant to press the laser pointer, but no, i pressed the advance slide clicker again... what's wrong with me??? and of course, after the presentation, we get critiqued and questioned, and of course, i get a question about plumbing that i didn't even realize was directed toward me... i had no idea what he was talking about... ahhhh, oh well, IT'S OVER!!!!
05/02/2005 09:44 #24818
getting charged...ok, i was reading the stuff here about the "runaway bride" and how there's discussion on how she should be charged for her actions and such... and i honestly know nothing about the story other that what i kinda got from here, (no time to watch or read the news right now) but i have heard of some news down here from a few weeks ago...
two girls (freshmen) at my school got run down by a lady who ran a red light driving on the highway right off campus. and one of the girls died!!! how terrible, right??? but what i find even more terrible is that the woman who hit her is only getting charged for running the red light. a girl is dead because of it, and i don't know the current condition of the other (lack of news again) but shouldn't she get charged with a little more than just a stupid ticket for running a red light?!?!? what about negligent homicide??? something... i mean, I'm sure she is suffering enough knowing she killed some girl, (at least she should be) but still!!!
ok, this was a nice little break, gotta get back to working on my building... it's due tomorrow!!! the presentation is tomorrow!!! I"M GONNA BE DONE WITH IT TOMORROW!!!! and then I'll have time to do my other projects ;)
two girls (freshmen) at my school got run down by a lady who ran a red light driving on the highway right off campus. and one of the girls died!!! how terrible, right??? but what i find even more terrible is that the woman who hit her is only getting charged for running the red light. a girl is dead because of it, and i don't know the current condition of the other (lack of news again) but shouldn't she get charged with a little more than just a stupid ticket for running a red light?!?!? what about negligent homicide??? something... i mean, I'm sure she is suffering enough knowing she killed some girl, (at least she should be) but still!!!
ok, this was a nice little break, gotta get back to working on my building... it's due tomorrow!!! the presentation is tomorrow!!! I"M GONNA BE DONE WITH IT TOMORROW!!!! and then I'll have time to do my other projects ;)
04/27/2005 22:12 #24817
public service announcementpublic service announcement:
no animals were harmed in any way in the writing of my previous journal!!!
(i knew i was gonna get in trouble for that...)
no animals were harmed in any way in the writing of my previous journal!!!
(i knew i was gonna get in trouble for that...)
04/27/2005 20:17 #24816
how do you eat an elephant???Has anyone ever heard of that saying???? cuz i was a little taken back when a girl in my engineering group (and all my classes for that matter) said that to me the other day...
I was telling her how stressed i am with all of my projects and stuff, and how no matter how much tI'me i was spending on it all and all the work i was doing, it still felt like i wasn't getting anywhere
she said one of her grade school teachers told her that when she was little...
ok, so the answer is "a piece at a time" (and i know this is prolly gonna piss off some elephant lovers/non meat eaters, but it's just a saying, ok ;) )
so from this little... i don't even know what i would call it... i realized i needed to focus on one project at a time, and then once that was done with, i could move onto another.
however of course, just as parts of an elephant would go rotten if it just sits there too long and doestn get eaten, projects have due dates and other factors like group members...grrr. so after scheduling out my days, i have managed to put the head down for a few days (head is sr design... the building we've been working on all year) and have managed to ingest and fully digest 2 of the legs!!! got HVAC out of the way the other day with the help of another girl in my class, and then the past 2 days have been the lighting project (another group though) and we presented that this evening!!!
now i just have to start to nibble at the masonry project, oh... that's not a tasty one :( and then construction management, ahh, another group project...
but at least i have completed 2 of them!!! now only 3 to go, plus finals, plus rowing.... ahhhh, elephants are big animals!!!!
oh, and i had a job interview today!!! yeah, but i don't think it's much to get excited about... i mean it's a job, but not engineering, but it's dept of transportation "sun guide control center" something to do with transportation... but i don't know anything about transportation.... oh well... I've wasted enough time writing this... time to go study for an HVAC test I have tomorrow... eeek :(
and what's all this talk about snipping certain body parts??? i have never heard it being done to a woman, why on earth would anyone ever do that??? that just sounds absurd!!! oh well... people do strange things to their kids i guess... (it is just done as babies right?) ahhh, i don't want to think about it!
im out...
I was telling her how stressed i am with all of my projects and stuff, and how no matter how much tI'me i was spending on it all and all the work i was doing, it still felt like i wasn't getting anywhere
she said one of her grade school teachers told her that when she was little...
ok, so the answer is "a piece at a time" (and i know this is prolly gonna piss off some elephant lovers/non meat eaters, but it's just a saying, ok ;) )
so from this little... i don't even know what i would call it... i realized i needed to focus on one project at a time, and then once that was done with, i could move onto another.
however of course, just as parts of an elephant would go rotten if it just sits there too long and doestn get eaten, projects have due dates and other factors like group members...grrr. so after scheduling out my days, i have managed to put the head down for a few days (head is sr design... the building we've been working on all year) and have managed to ingest and fully digest 2 of the legs!!! got HVAC out of the way the other day with the help of another girl in my class, and then the past 2 days have been the lighting project (another group though) and we presented that this evening!!!
now i just have to start to nibble at the masonry project, oh... that's not a tasty one :( and then construction management, ahh, another group project...
but at least i have completed 2 of them!!! now only 3 to go, plus finals, plus rowing.... ahhhh, elephants are big animals!!!!
oh, and i had a job interview today!!! yeah, but i don't think it's much to get excited about... i mean it's a job, but not engineering, but it's dept of transportation "sun guide control center" something to do with transportation... but i don't know anything about transportation.... oh well... I've wasted enough time writing this... time to go study for an HVAC test I have tomorrow... eeek :(
and what's all this talk about snipping certain body parts??? i have never heard it being done to a woman, why on earth would anyone ever do that??? that just sounds absurd!!! oh well... people do strange things to their kids i guess... (it is just done as babies right?) ahhh, i don't want to think about it!
im out...