ok, i really am stupid, i guess the dementia comes with the old age... i turn 22 and it all goes down hill from there...
i have been trying to log onto this site since last night around 11:45 when i got home from our state championships (which i don't want to talk about... it didn't go well) and we were all too tired to go out for my birthday, sad eh??? but the day was ove,r so too late to celebrate anyways...
but here's where my stupidity comes in... my name is JULIE we all know that... it's been my name since i was born. i learned how to spell it when i was like 3 years old... that's 19 years of spelling it... yet somehow i was typing my name into the "login box" as "JUILE" but it wasn't working... of course it wasn't working... it's not my name, i'm soo stupid!!!! what's wrong with me?? ahhh
but off the track of my stupidity, i finally got a call back from a company about a job for this summer... it's the company i would die to work for!!! they design stadiums and big things like that... that's what i got into architectural engineering to do!!! ever since i started seeing the HSBC arena going up on my way to school every morning... (it wasnt called that then though was it?) well anyways, i sent them my resume and stuff the other day and got a call back on Friday... unfortunately, we were driving and then at the race course all day Friday and i didn't get the message till late Friday night, but i can't wait till Monday to call em back (i called on Saturday, but the guy i needed to talk to wasnt in tht office) but i'm soo excited!!!
and i met my landlord for this summer and next year... i never had a landlord before... i'm soo excited!!! although she is known to be a psycho bitch... it's still an apt!!!
but for now i have to get back to work... i have to finish my senior design project by monday, eeeek, while i have my FE (fundamentals of engineering) exam this saturday, oh, i'm soo not ready for that :( and it's an entire 8 hours of multiple choice questions about everything i've learned since freshman year... i didn't know i had to remember that stuff...
and i only have about a month left of the semester... that means only 1 more month with all my friends i have been in classes with since freshman year... school just wont be the same at all with out them... we were all talking the other day... about them all leaving, they were sad, i think i was upset the most... i'm still gonna be stuck here next year, but they're not gonna be here anymore :(
ahhh, and that means my time is running out to make my move on a certain gentlemen in my class... i really want to do it, but at the same time, there's only 1 month left and he's going away to grad school next aug :( oh well... a month will have to be long enough... ;)
wow, i'm so glad i finally learned how to spell my name right again!!!!
Julie's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/10/2005 15:33 #24811
i'm stupid...04/04/2005 22:51 #24810
SAN DIEGO!!!WOW, i had such a great time in San Diego this past weekend!!! unfortunatley have not yet settled back into the east coast time zone yet though...
but we had a BLAST!!! racing went soo well!!! much better than we could have imagined it to be... we had been warned of these terrible wind conditions, but it was beautiful, a little wind yes, but nothing too dramatic.
And hanging out in CA was great!!! a bunch of us had never been to the west coast before (the farthest west i think i had ever been was to Indiana, that's not west at all) but it was soo nice and we had such a good time!!!
and of course i have pictures for ya... lovely digital camera!!!
first off is a pretty little shot of san diego on our drive to the hotel from the race course

then here's a shot from the hotel... soo hilly, we never see hills here, they seem crazy to me!!!

and then a group of us at the hotel waiting for everyone else so we could go to dinner!!!

then sat morning at the race coursem such a pretty course, eh? (it's a shot of our other boat)

then i couldn't go without a shot from inside the van. we spent so much "quality time" in those vans... belting otu some good old "all for one" and "boys 2 men" (sorry i didn't get any pictures of that, but i know someone got video!!)

and then a shot from on top of a big bridge on our way to the beach

and another one with a shot of san diego

then at the beach, here are some sand dunes... i've never seen anything like this before... i don't think

and then some frolicking on the beach

then sarah, karen, laura and jacks in the pacific ocean!!!

and then jacks and I... wow, the pacific is a lot colder than the atlantic, especially when it splashes up on your legs...

and some pretty flowers we saw... named after some bird, oh, i forgot what it's called

then a bunch of people riding this "bike"???

and of course, what better way to end it than with a picture of everyone sprawled all over in the (LAX) airport heading back to miami on our lovely red eye flight

so there ya go, a view of my trip, kinda ;)
but we had a BLAST!!! racing went soo well!!! much better than we could have imagined it to be... we had been warned of these terrible wind conditions, but it was beautiful, a little wind yes, but nothing too dramatic.
And hanging out in CA was great!!! a bunch of us had never been to the west coast before (the farthest west i think i had ever been was to Indiana, that's not west at all) but it was soo nice and we had such a good time!!!
and of course i have pictures for ya... lovely digital camera!!!
first off is a pretty little shot of san diego on our drive to the hotel from the race course

then here's a shot from the hotel... soo hilly, we never see hills here, they seem crazy to me!!!

and then a group of us at the hotel waiting for everyone else so we could go to dinner!!!

then sat morning at the race coursem such a pretty course, eh? (it's a shot of our other boat)

then i couldn't go without a shot from inside the van. we spent so much "quality time" in those vans... belting otu some good old "all for one" and "boys 2 men" (sorry i didn't get any pictures of that, but i know someone got video!!)

and then a shot from on top of a big bridge on our way to the beach

and another one with a shot of san diego

then at the beach, here are some sand dunes... i've never seen anything like this before... i don't think

and then some frolicking on the beach

then sarah, karen, laura and jacks in the pacific ocean!!!

and then jacks and I... wow, the pacific is a lot colder than the atlantic, especially when it splashes up on your legs...

and some pretty flowers we saw... named after some bird, oh, i forgot what it's called

then a bunch of people riding this "bike"???

and of course, what better way to end it than with a picture of everyone sprawled all over in the (LAX) airport heading back to miami on our lovely red eye flight

so there ya go, a view of my trip, kinda ;)
03/29/2005 23:20 #24809
white hairs...ahhh, not even 22 yet and i already have white hairs!!!
my friend sitting behind me in class today tapped me on the shoulder to tell me i had a white hair, so of course, my instinct was "get it out" so i asked her to, she did, and she handed it to me...
it was soo white!!! at first i thought it might just be a blond one, i have a bunch of those from the sun, but nope, it was a white one!!!
and after we got that one taken care of and half the class was laughing at me since i had her pull out the evidence, she started noticing a bunch more white ones...
where did they come from???? why do i have em??? they were telling me i must have been thinking too much, that that causes them, what kind of explanation is that???
so i guess at the ripe old age of almost 22 i have a few options...
1) start dying my hair to hide those white little strands
2) live in denial that they exist by wearing my hair in a ponytail so noone can see em, unlike wearing it down as i had it today
3) except that im getting old, going white and grey, then balding, then before i know it, menapause will side swipe me on some random tuesday...
ahhh, so stressful!!!
but on a side note, i finally went after my poor little easter bunny... he's been hanging out on my desk for over a week now, it had to happen, just as I'm going "white," he had to go deaf eventually ;)

my friend sitting behind me in class today tapped me on the shoulder to tell me i had a white hair, so of course, my instinct was "get it out" so i asked her to, she did, and she handed it to me...
it was soo white!!! at first i thought it might just be a blond one, i have a bunch of those from the sun, but nope, it was a white one!!!
and after we got that one taken care of and half the class was laughing at me since i had her pull out the evidence, she started noticing a bunch more white ones...
where did they come from???? why do i have em??? they were telling me i must have been thinking too much, that that causes them, what kind of explanation is that???
so i guess at the ripe old age of almost 22 i have a few options...
1) start dying my hair to hide those white little strands
2) live in denial that they exist by wearing my hair in a ponytail so noone can see em, unlike wearing it down as i had it today
3) except that im getting old, going white and grey, then balding, then before i know it, menapause will side swipe me on some random tuesday...
ahhh, so stressful!!!
but on a side note, i finally went after my poor little easter bunny... he's been hanging out on my desk for over a week now, it had to happen, just as I'm going "white," he had to go deaf eventually ;)

03/26/2005 16:03 #24808
YEAH!!!OK... so last night i finally found out that i made the boat that is going to san diego!!! I MADE IT!!! the lineup is set and I'm going!!! I'm sooo excited!!! I've been killing myself the past 4 years to make it and finally i got it!!! YEAH!!!!
and I finally talked to (e:amanda) last night... hehehehe sounds like she's having soo much fun!!! no, not really... but SHE WILL TONIGHT!!! why? how? you may ask... CUZ IM GONNA GO VISIT HER!!!! really late tonight though... eeek, but we have tomorrow off, go figure, it's Easter... but I'm soo excited to finally get to see her!!!
herm... but the past few days have been soo stressful with stuff, here is a view of what i have been doing to get my mind off all of it ;)
these are little "mini jenga blocks" as i call em, or the actual name is "mini timber tumble" i like the name i gave em better... but i got em at target the other day for a dollar... i really like that $1 section they have in the front... you can get some good crap there... for real cheap!!! so this is how they start out:

and then i start to play:

but then i go a little too far, and :( :

but it's ok, cuz i can just start over again, and make any design i like:

but i have to say it is a risky thing leaving it set up on my desk... i already bumped it the other day with a book and... they all fall down, it's a sad sight, but just more time to waste rebuilding it!!!
ahhh, i really gotta do my work, I'm sooo behind and have hardly studdied for that 8 hour test i have coming up in april, ahhhhhh!!!! oh well, forget about that now, I'm back to playing with the blocks till (e:amanda) calls and i head to the keys!!!
oh, and happy easter bunny day ;) (tomorrow)!!!
and I finally talked to (e:amanda) last night... hehehehe sounds like she's having soo much fun!!! no, not really... but SHE WILL TONIGHT!!! why? how? you may ask... CUZ IM GONNA GO VISIT HER!!!! really late tonight though... eeek, but we have tomorrow off, go figure, it's Easter... but I'm soo excited to finally get to see her!!!
herm... but the past few days have been soo stressful with stuff, here is a view of what i have been doing to get my mind off all of it ;)
these are little "mini jenga blocks" as i call em, or the actual name is "mini timber tumble" i like the name i gave em better... but i got em at target the other day for a dollar... i really like that $1 section they have in the front... you can get some good crap there... for real cheap!!! so this is how they start out:

and then i start to play:

but then i go a little too far, and :( :

but it's ok, cuz i can just start over again, and make any design i like:

but i have to say it is a risky thing leaving it set up on my desk... i already bumped it the other day with a book and... they all fall down, it's a sad sight, but just more time to waste rebuilding it!!!
ahhh, i really gotta do my work, I'm sooo behind and have hardly studdied for that 8 hour test i have coming up in april, ahhhhhh!!!! oh well, forget about that now, I'm back to playing with the blocks till (e:amanda) calls and i head to the keys!!!
oh, and happy easter bunny day ;) (tomorrow)!!!
03/24/2005 13:56 #24807
I like this place. I really don't know anyone, well i can't really say that... I met (e:mike) a few times through (e:amanda) and of course i know (e:amanda) but she signed on even after i did. ahh, whatever, i really like this though. im away at school but i still kinda get to hear about what's going on back in buffalo, and all the other places people have ventured to for that matter. but what's great about the buffalo part is that when it snows, i get to play with it!!! and if i get sick of it, all i have to do is "shovel" and it's all gone!!! that is sooo cool, that's the buffalo i would love!!! ;) but this is definitly a fun thing to do. I get to tell my stupid stories, and it relieves the people here from having to hear em all, instead you guys get most of em ;) well some of em... but what i like about it is i feel like i can write about anything, even about more than i would tell most people here, embarrassing things (I know of at least one thing in particular that still to this day, i only think like 2 people here even know about, hehehehe but it's open for anyone here to read about) and that's ok with me. so i don't think anyone should have to censor themselves, especially (e:paul) if you wanna put up a picture of yourself, go for it! there's no shame in it...
ok, but now onto a totally different topic... (or 2) so i didn't go to see (e:amanda) the other night when she got in :( but i guess it's a good thing cuz she said she didn't get in till like 2:30 am, and if i would have waited up for that, that would have been BAD!!! but i have been trying to get a hold of her to see if i should drive down to where she is for like a few hours (she's only about 2 hours away... how can i not go?) but she has been telling me NO! :( she's soo close and i have sunday (Easter) totally off, and saturday, i am free after practice. but ahhh, i still don't know what's going on with the rowing thing. am i in the boat, or am i out??? i keep asking the coach but he refuses to answer me... NOT COOL!!! i know he knows... i just wanna know if I'm going to san diego or not. but if I'm not, I'm gonna be pissed that i got knocked out, cuz i know i shouldn't get knocked out... ahhhh, i hate not knowing...
ahhh, i don't have any pictures for ya this time. I had a cool (funny) picture idea, but it didn't come out well... here, try to picture it... it was of me standing in my swimsuit on the beach (probably too bright which is why it didn't come out) ok, but it looked like i was really tan, except i wasn't just wearing my swimsuit, it looks like im wearing a pair of white shorts and a white wife beater with my swimsuit on top(oh, and a pair of white socks too) ... ahhh, i prolly didn't explain it well at all... but it really is funny looking. stupid tan lines... all from 1 week... oh well... i love my tan lines :)
I like this place. I really don't know anyone, well i can't really say that... I met (e:mike) a few times through (e:amanda) and of course i know (e:amanda) but she signed on even after i did. ahh, whatever, i really like this though. im away at school but i still kinda get to hear about what's going on back in buffalo, and all the other places people have ventured to for that matter. but what's great about the buffalo part is that when it snows, i get to play with it!!! and if i get sick of it, all i have to do is "shovel" and it's all gone!!! that is sooo cool, that's the buffalo i would love!!! ;) but this is definitly a fun thing to do. I get to tell my stupid stories, and it relieves the people here from having to hear em all, instead you guys get most of em ;) well some of em... but what i like about it is i feel like i can write about anything, even about more than i would tell most people here, embarrassing things (I know of at least one thing in particular that still to this day, i only think like 2 people here even know about, hehehehe but it's open for anyone here to read about) and that's ok with me. so i don't think anyone should have to censor themselves, especially (e:paul) if you wanna put up a picture of yourself, go for it! there's no shame in it...
ok, but now onto a totally different topic... (or 2) so i didn't go to see (e:amanda) the other night when she got in :( but i guess it's a good thing cuz she said she didn't get in till like 2:30 am, and if i would have waited up for that, that would have been BAD!!! but i have been trying to get a hold of her to see if i should drive down to where she is for like a few hours (she's only about 2 hours away... how can i not go?) but she has been telling me NO! :( she's soo close and i have sunday (Easter) totally off, and saturday, i am free after practice. but ahhh, i still don't know what's going on with the rowing thing. am i in the boat, or am i out??? i keep asking the coach but he refuses to answer me... NOT COOL!!! i know he knows... i just wanna know if I'm going to san diego or not. but if I'm not, I'm gonna be pissed that i got knocked out, cuz i know i shouldn't get knocked out... ahhhh, i hate not knowing...
ahhh, i don't have any pictures for ya this time. I had a cool (funny) picture idea, but it didn't come out well... here, try to picture it... it was of me standing in my swimsuit on the beach (probably too bright which is why it didn't come out) ok, but it looked like i was really tan, except i wasn't just wearing my swimsuit, it looks like im wearing a pair of white shorts and a white wife beater with my swimsuit on top(oh, and a pair of white socks too) ... ahhh, i prolly didn't explain it well at all... but it really is funny looking. stupid tan lines... all from 1 week... oh well... i love my tan lines :)