oh, i liked that article of (e:jessbob)
kinda in relation to it... so my parents just got a new mealthcare plan or whatever, and before, with the old plan, filling my "birth control" was like $15, still a little expensive i think to have to pay each month, but now, this stupid new health insurance WILL NOT PAY FOR IT!!! so i have to pay the whole thing!!!! while my parents are getting their stuff filled for much less than before....
well i am pissed, and the reason is, (im almost positive this is the reason) is because the insurance company doesn't support birth control. and i know a lot of people who's insurance doesn't cover it either... how messed up is that???
I see how they don't want girls going around and sleeping around and using birth control to prevent getting knocked up, or even that "birth control is just wrong!" ya-di-ya-da... yeah yeah...
stupid insurance companies, a goal for them would be to realize that "birth control" is not only used by slutty girls as a preventitive way to not get knocked up... and even if it were... well let em use it... better that then having to insure the little kids they will be popping out, regardless of who they go to, (adoption or kept by the mother, or father... whatever that guy (e:ajay) knows is talking about) or they will go and have an abortion, but isn't that what we are trying to avoid in the frist place???
blah... im just annoyed i have to pay more now because people are being all "PRO-LIFE" and shit. hell I'm pro-life, and im not even sleeping with anyone... stupid stupid insurance companies
oh, and i do like the color change... don't really understand what the brown is for, but it's nice not being gloomy grey snow anymore... it's more bright and lively now!!! even if it is brown...;)
Julie's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/16/2005 23:50 #24804
kiinda about abortion...03/15/2005 19:49 #24803
lobster!!!oh my god... i am a moron, our first day of spring break training, practice at 7 and 11, and everyone else knew to use sun screen (or as (e:amanda) calls it, "sun tan lotion"), but me??? NOPE, i forgot!!! how does one forget??? i don't know... but i forgot... i have the sock tan, shorts tan, tee shirt tan, ahhh, i take my clothes off and it looks like i am still wearing a tee shirt, shorts, and socks... well the body shots didn't work out too well, but the face... look at that red face

there ya go...
oh, and i did that little "dumb political test" this is me...
On Non-Fiscal Issues, you rank as a Moderate Liberal (38).
On Fiscal Issues, you rank as a Strong Liberal (12).

there ya go...
oh, and i did that little "dumb political test" this is me...
On Non-Fiscal Issues, you rank as a Moderate Liberal (38).
On Fiscal Issues, you rank as a Strong Liberal (12).
03/15/2005 00:18 #24802
camera pictures...it works!!!ok, its really small, maybe there is some other way i can do this, but i tried the thing (e:ajay) posted and this is what i came up with... i think if i play with it a little more i will figure something else out.
(its a pic of my dad and i sitting at one of the fountains on campus during the little tour)

or maybe this...

oh wow, i think i got it...

thanks ajay ;)
(its a pic of my dad and i sitting at one of the fountains on campus during the little tour)

or maybe this...

oh wow, i think i got it...

thanks ajay ;)
03/14/2005 23:15 #24801
and they are gone...I just said good bye to my parents. they are heading back to buffalo tomorrow morning, hehehehe, back to the cold, i just laughed at them ;) and all of you too, hehehehe... but i really shouldn't laugh too much, it's nice here but definitly not as warm as it has previous years around this time of year. but yes, definitly warmer than the 8 degrees you guys had today...
so yeah, they are gone, but not for too long, they are going to another race in 5 weeks, the ACC championships i think...
oh!!!!!!! and aside from all the restaurants they took me to during their visit, they got me an early early birthday present!!! a digital camera!!!!!! im soo excited!!!!
and i know, it's not my birthday yet, but i had to open it!!! i couldn't let it just sit there and not be played with, that would just be wrong ;)
and so once they dropped me off and before then left for the hotel i took em for a little tour de campus, with the intension of taking some pictures with my new camera! but no, it was too dark, only a few turned out, but i just deleted the bad ones ;) soo cool!!!
ahhh, and i would post a pic now, but they are too big... yikes, how i have to figure out how to make em smaller so i can post em... herm...
so yeah, they are gone, but not for too long, they are going to another race in 5 weeks, the ACC championships i think...
oh!!!!!!! and aside from all the restaurants they took me to during their visit, they got me an early early birthday present!!! a digital camera!!!!!! im soo excited!!!!
and i know, it's not my birthday yet, but i had to open it!!! i couldn't let it just sit there and not be played with, that would just be wrong ;)
and so once they dropped me off and before then left for the hotel i took em for a little tour de campus, with the intension of taking some pictures with my new camera! but no, it was too dark, only a few turned out, but i just deleted the bad ones ;) soo cool!!!
ahhh, and i would post a pic now, but they are too big... yikes, how i have to figure out how to make em smaller so i can post em... herm...