ok, i had a realization the other day in class that i am totally screwed and going to have to practically kill myself in order to finish everything this semester.
first of all, i am stupid for signing up to take the stupid FE (fundamentals of engineering exam) for this spring... TOMORROW!! because it's a pass fail test... and after my practices and studying, passing doesn't look all that likely. but it's an 8 hour test!!! 8 hours which i don't have, not to mention all the hours i've spent studying for the stupid thing... ahhhh, and what pisses me off even more is the fact that im one of only 3 people in my class who are even taking it this spring (it's offered only twice a year) because everyone else is waiting until they have more time (like the fall or nest spring after they graduate) to actually study for it...WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT?????
ok, so aside from the FE, i have the due dates of 5 big projects coming up... only 1 of which i have even started yet... and that's the one i have been working on since august... and i want to kill 4 of the other 5 people in my group... since i know how to do the stuff i have gotten stuck doing plumbing and drainage in addition to all the other shit i already had to do with the stupid building...
the other projects are:
2) designing a HVAC system for my apt (and figuring out all the cooling loads and stuff... i don't know how to do that)
3) designing the lighting and electricity of my apt (but that's a group project... but the girls im working with don't do shit!!! go figure) (and yeah, i picked my apt again... don't have to go far to do the analysis ;) )
4) designing the structure system of a big masonry building for my masonry class... yeah... um....
5) cost analysis and all that bullshit for my senior design building (and yes... with the same bastards im working on senior design with... grrr)
ok, and then finals are coming up... ahhhhh!!!! it's still too soon to even think of that though....
and rowing!!! oh god ROWING!!!! i think i already f'd that up... the past 2 days at practice i totally lost my seat to mot just 1 person, but to 3 people!!! meaning if i want to get back in the boat, 3 people have to get really sick come time for the ACC championships... i know that's horrible to say, but ahhhh!!!! and another senior on the team who has been sucking worse than me even, burst into tears today about 3/4 through practice, slightly causing herself to hyperventilate... well deep down all i was thinking was thank God it was her not me, or even her before me... cuz once that happened and went on for a good 10 minutes, our coach had to send us in to the dock... we were out of time!!! no more pieces!!!!
so now that i have efficiently wasted a good bit of time writing this, i guess i need to get back to studying for that stupid test... :(
(e:amanda), you know i love ya... but you may miss him, but how on earth would you have time for him right now??? well aside from all your "shots" hehehehehehe, my little alcoholic ;) i gave up on all that boy stuff for now... no time!!! :( but if im still here for the summer ;)
ahhh, that means i still have to find a job!!! ahhhh, why doesn't anyone want to hire me??? I'm not a total moron all the time... am i???
ahhh, now i really want a drink... STUPID STUPID DRY SEASON!!!!
may 15th can't come soon enough!!! ;)