ok, there's a southwest view of my building... and I'm done with it!!!! don't think i've ever spent so much time on one project until this, eeek, i have to do my time log tomorrow, that will be fun to make up # of hours of the last 9 months ;)
but the drawings are all printed out, the presentation was presented, the calculations done (except for the cost analysis, again, gotta do that tomorrow) so that's enough to say "it's done" to me!!!
but speaking of the presentation, all i have to say about that is i am technically challenged... i had so much trouble with the clicker!!! on the slideshow, first i accidentally clicked backward to the previous slide, then i guess i held the button down too long cuz it advanced like 8 slides, and wouldn't stop... then i had to scroll back like a moron... then after being all baffled by that, i meant to press the laser pointer, but no, i pressed the advance slide clicker again... what's wrong with me??? and of course, after the presentation, we get critiqued and questioned, and of course, i get a question about plumbing that i didn't even realize was directed toward me... i had no idea what he was talking about... ahhhh, oh well, IT'S OVER!!!!