Oh, i was so busy cuz i had a recruit this weekend... that just means that a girl who is interested in coming here next year to row was staying with me for the past 2 days... it was a lot of fun, we got to go to nice restaurants and do fun little touristy stuff and even after living here 4 years, i still love doing that stuff!!!
but tonight!!! the 3 recruits, the 4 hosts, our 4 coaches and our team manager all went out to China Grille

ok, but it's "family style" i guess, so you order big huge "things" and just pass it all around and share... but with 12 of us that pretty much meant ordering pretty much everything on the entire menu (it seemed) and eating it all.... it was crazy.
the appetizers, the sushi (I'll get back to that), then the entrees, and then the desserts.... but it was literally sooo much food it was insane!!! but sooo good!!!!
ok, so to the sushi!!! now freshman year (3 yrs ago) i attempted to eat sushi one night when a few girls from my team dragged me out to "experience sushi" or something like that... well i think i had a California roll or whatever the "easiest" thing was and i was really about to spit it right up, i couldn't get over the chewy-ness. it felt like i was chewing on flesh, not like i ever did that, but i figured if i did, that's what it would be like...
so for the past 3 years i have stayed far far away from it... until tonight
and now is when i wish i had a camera phone or something... it was the most interesting looking thing, i just had to try it, only 4 ppl were eating it and everyone kept telling me to go for it... SO I DID!!! and IT WAS SOOO GOOD!!!! and they turned the lights down real low just in time so i really couldn't see the piece of salmon flesh covering it. but it was really sooo good!!! they were saying that that was the best sushi they have ever had so maybe i jumped into the good stuff too fast and really don't like normal sushi, but regardless, look what i have been missing all these years, I'm actually tempted to try out that all you can eat sushi place now!!!
just not tonight, I'm still pretty full from that dinner, yummy!!! and what do you know, all free!!! go recruits!!!