OMG!!! so a bunch of girls on my team have been waiting forever for "The Notebook" to come out on DVD, and it finally did this tuesday. well i had never seen it so no big deal, i just wanted to see what all the hype was about...
so I had some free time tonight, so what did i do??? I borrowed one of the 20 copies circulating throughout the team and i sat down and watched it!!!
OMG, i don't cry at movies, usually don't really get very involved, i mean i really love movies, but this one really hit me. I was warned that i would be crying in it, but "no, i don't cry watching movies" boy was i wrong...
It was such a happy/sad movie... i can't even explain it... yes, it is a love story, but sooo much more...
All i can say is go out to blockbuster or whereever/however you get your movie rentals and sit down with a box of tissues and a nice comfy blanket and watch "The Notebook"
oh, and it totally reminded me of my grandma, i miss her :(
ok, bad transition here, but on a totally different note, i watched the OC in the middle of the notebook (that was a weird transition in and of itself...) and sadly, i have missed a bunch of episodes, but what is going on with the cohen's??? seth, come on, get over her, he's just making a fool out of himself... and the father, come on now... did he really have to go back to her? and miss dinner? on valentines day? what an ass... that's all i have to say...
well after all that, I'm going to sleep, have a good night ;)