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02/03/2005 22:40 #24778

what's that noise???
so I'm on this kick of telling stupid little stories, so here's another ;)

so... last night, i went out to the living room to sit and watch some TV with Imani, one of my roommates. ya know, just wanted a little break from the stupid pointless homeowrk i was doing...

and as i sit down, i start to hear this humming.... so i ask her, "what's that noise?" and at first she says she doesn't hear anything... and i think to myself, 'how can she not here that???' then she said she can kinda hear it and she must have zoned it out, but think's it must be from outside or something... i even asked her to turn the TV off to see if that was making the noise, but nope... still this humming noise.

then i see this look on her face... this little evil look, and i think to myself, 'Oh, my God, what is she doing???'

so i left the room a minute to go get something from my room and to leave her alone a minute... and by the way, I was begining to get really disgusted by what i thought she was doing...

then i came back, really not anxious to sit out there with her, and i still heard it... and by the look on her face i was even more convinced that she was up to something....

so as i was about to give up on sitting there with her, i reached under the coffee table in front of her to grab my sandals to go outside for a few minutes when i saw it....

she had a little foot massager under there... that's what was making all that noise...

I was like, "what the Hell, you knew all along what that noise was!" and yes, she did, but she knew what i was thinking and wanted to see how long i would go believing it....

ahhhh, hasn't my poor sofa gone through enough this semester??? ;)

but i guess the foot massaging didn't do the trick, cuz i just got back from her basketball game, and Duke beat them :(

maybe the other noise would have helped more ;) jk

01/31/2005 22:45 #24777

and it begins... again
every semester i hit this wall in which i get these assignments and i have absolutly no idea how to do them... but it's only the 3rd week, the start of the 3rd week... and i already don't know how to do this stuff :( what the hell!!!

i spent so long on my HVAC homework... but i guess since i never understood thermodynamics, it's understandable that i can't do this stuff... ahhh, so frustrating. my professors always just look at me like im a moron when i go to ask em for help on these assignments... but come on now... how am i suppossed to know how to calculate the enthalpy of the moist air at such and such relative humidity at both sea level and at 1525 meters above sea level??? ahhh, i don't even know where to find that.... this sucks...

but now I'm gonna try my masonry assignment, again... but like i said above, I never understood my concrete class so what makes me think I'm gonna have any idea how to do this masonry stuff???

ahhh, soo frustrating... and way too early in the semester to be this confused :(

01/30/2005 23:10 #24776

ah ha!!! i finished the work i needed to finish with time to spare... so I'm gonna use that time to tell of what i learned as i was doing my work all day.

One of my roommates, Alex, get's her hair redone about every 2 weeks... i remember the first time i saw her right before she had it done i said to her, "oh my god, you cut your hair so short!" but no, stupid me... the long hair i always see isn't real... i was soo shocked at this, but whatever... so today and tomorrow she's getting it redone!!!

but before it can get done, she has to cut out the old one which was sewed in, there were literally brown threads that stitched her actual braided hair to this stuff that really reminded me of the "kid sister" doll, you know... the girl form of "my buddy"?



but my job this morning was to cut the threads... so nerve racking, i thought i was gonna cut her hair... and its so short already... i don't wanna cut any more...

well I'll tell ya, that was interesting... i would have never thought you could sew hair onto other hair... i've heard of it, but eeek, never actually saw it up close

and now and all day she has been sitting out on the floor in the living room and a girl from the track team is braiding these, what look to be 3 foot long hairs (after braded) to her head... it's been taking all day and I'm thinking will take long into the night... but still... it amazes me, so much effort...

and i thought brushing my hair and putting it in a pony tail after my shower, with the every few month trim, was enough work...

ok, well, that's all for now... gotta get to sleep ;)

01/30/2005 10:30 #24775

Busch Gardens, Tampa!!!
My weekend (or 30 hours of it) summed up right here.

So a bunch of girls on my team and I went to Busch Gardens, in Tampa, FL yesterday. We left Miami around 6:30 Friday night, drove on, and on and on, because our 3 and a half hour tour turned into a 6 and a half hour drive. Why, you may ask? Because the girl who gave me directions has never taken those directions, nor does she drive, so while she has lived in Tampa all her life, she really knows nothing of the area, or how to get to her house. So after driving around the Tampa area, back and forth for about 2 and a half hours with her laughing at the fact that she had no idea where, on the street she told us to take, we were.

Ok, so forget about that night, we found a hotel and gas station right before I was about to run out of gas (after miles of nothingness) at 1:00 in the morning, and we stayed the night there instead of going to her house.

Ok, so Saturday! That was Busch Gardens Day! We locked our wallets and cameras and everything in the lockers all day so I have NO PICTURES! But 2 girls did have their cameras so hopefully I can get some pictures from it here soon.

The rides were really fun. We rode em all (those that were running), several times. There were no lines for anything, so it was great! And of course, we checked out all of the animals!

(e:amanda), I think we should have gone there last year, aside from the rides, you would have loved it!

And then at the end of the day, after hours and hours of stuff, we went back on the ride we started out the day with (3 times in the morning, 3 times before we left) It was Gwazi, a big wooden roller coaster, fastest and longest in the southeast US. Ok, so the morning was so fun, it was fast and all, and threw you around like crazy, but still do-able, over and over again. Later on, before we left was a different story. It was still fun, but my brain had taken enough abrupt movements by that point that it just became painful. But of course we insisted on doing it again, and again. By the third time, after the first loop, my head hurt so bad that I was only waiting for it all to end, it was so sad to say that, but we still had fun!

Then we hoped in the car, and drove back, that was a long 4 hours (45 minutes of that spent at a Wendy's along the way somehow) and we were back on campus before 9:30. Then I hung out w/ my roommates for a little bit then fell asleep!

OH, OH, OH, the funniest part of the day! The last time we were on that roller coaster at the end, I'm sitting next to Yassi, we have our hands up the whole time, the ride stops, she looked at me and said, "I lost my bra!" Somehow it slipped up off of her and ended up by her neck by the end of it. We were so tired we just laughed so hard until we were just too tired to laugh anymore.

So there you go, 30 hours of my weekend
11 spent in my car
7 spent in the park
7 spent in a sketchy little hotel room

weird how that doesn't add up, eh???

01/27/2005 22:39 #24774

camera phones...
Ok, so i guess since i don't have one, i don't fully get the thrill of a camera phone; however, what i experienced in class today just kinda... i don't know what to say aobut it... it was just kinda weird...

so im sitting in class, its a boring class, really boring, and just like 15 ppl in in a little classroom. So I'm messing around with the guy next to me, Danny, just doing whatever, to pass the time, ya know... and then the girl to my left, Beka, starts passing notes to me (i know... so middle school and stuff, but it passes the time alright!) and then as she is writing something i look past her... 2 seats past her, to her left, and what do i see??? the girl is holding her phone all funny while still peering into it... then she presses something... smiles... turns to the girl to her right, to Beka's imediate left and shows her what she just did...

She took a picture of Danny!!!

So i hit Beka for her to look... she sees it, and BURSTS OUT LAUGHING!!! well of course that forces me to start laughing (come to think of it, it really wasnt that funny, but at the time, it was the funniest thing in the world)

So we are laughing, and have to tell Danny... he gets all embarrassed, but what the hell... and we sat through the rest of class picking on Danny and watching these 2 girls take pictures of this other guy 2 seats in front of me (who does have really good eyes) and trying to take more of Danny.

Now who does that??? really now... It is a Tuesday/Thursday class. we meet 2 hours each of those days... isn't that enough time to see these guys that they need to take several pictures of them stare off into space as they are bored out of their minds sitting in class... and i have a bunch of classes with both of them and I'm sure those girls do too...

I guess im just saying "how pathetic are people that they sit in class and take pictures of cute guys?" Now I'm serious... i admit it, i did my share of what some may refer to as "stalking," but i never took pictures of him... (e:amanda) always wanted to to, but even that was too much for me...

what sick sick ppl, but it was still definitly funny and helpful in passing the time in that class a little better