So first of all, today my rowing team (here at U Miami) participated in a national fundraiser, Row for Humanity! Pretty much its just a bunch of different rowing programs across the country join together in this ergathon to raise money for their program and to give a portion of the money to Habitat for Humanity. (and I'd like to add that we, all 43 of us, did a habitat house right around here on the 22nd... now that was hard work!!!!)
So the ergathon went well... it was fun!!! It was 12 hours straight of rowing from 7am to 7pm on the ergs, each of us rowed two, 1 hour pieces in the middle of campus right outside out University Center (on the Rock). And when we were picking the times I thought I was being all smart choosing to go from 8-9 and from 3-4. Well, just like Buffalo... we have gotten some cold temps lately too...:( yeah, they don't compare, but still... cold for Miami, like in the 50's and 60's, and one night was even in the 40's!!! Ok, so my selections of times was way off... first, the early one was chilly, but luckily rowing for an hour really warms you up!! But my second shift at 3 was stupid!!! So the sun did come out throughout the day and it did get warm... and just as the sun was directly in our faces, it was time for me to get on for my 3:00 shift, ahhhhh!!! It was soo painful to see, and soo draining. We survived, but it was rough, and of course, right as we got off the ergs at 4:00, the sun went behind a tree and then around 4:30, right behind the building to provide complete shade... ahhh, oh well, I was done by then!!!
All in all, we had a fun little ergathon!!!
Next order of business is TODAY IS AUSTRALIA DAY!!!! Did anyone know that??? I definitely never heard of it, but I supposed I wouldn't since I live in the US and have never been to Australia, but having 2 girls on my team who are Australian and very proud of it, we got to celebrate this wonderful day!!! Well kinda... they made us this Australian dessert... oh, it was sooo good!!! Sooo sweet!!! It was like meringue that you get on a lemon meringue pie but it was crispier, so that was the substance of this treat. Then it was topped off with whipped cream and strawberries!! It was sooo good!!! So HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY!!!!

Next order of business is the sad part of today :( On January 26, 2004, something happened... something very bad... I lost a great friend of mine :( Her name was Lumiee, she was a 1996 Chevy Lumina. She had a shiny grey (with a tint of tan) exterior and a nice cozy maroon interior. She was my very first car!!! I bought her in September 2000 at the beginning of my senior year of High School. My parents were sick of driving me to practice at 5:00 in the morning every morning so it was inevitable I was gonna buy one and Lumiee was the one I choose!!! I loved her. We went through soo much together, so many trips between Miami and Buffalo and all throughout both as well :) We got along so well!!!
But a year ago today, as I was driving myself and 4 other girls from my team back from practice to the cafeteria, I lost her. :( A woman drove through a stop sign and into me, sending Lumiee and the 5 of us inside of her into a tree. We even took the full sized palm tree out, leaving only a 2 foot high stump for a few weeks until the maintenance people removed that.
It was hard parting with her, but I knew as soon as I climbed out the window, ran to the passenger side door and made sure everyone else was out, that she was gone. Her entire front end was in the shape of a V, and I was convinced she was about to blow up from all of the dust I saw (for anyone who has not been in a car accident with airbags involved, the white dust that smells like gunpowder... is not smoke, so yes, your car is probably a mess, but don't worry, it's probably not on fire or about to explode).
But as I walked away from her and emptied her out (I couldn't believe they made me do that in the middle of the road, take out everything, golf clubs, snow brushes, everything) she was still on (I guess I just jumped out w/o taking the keys out) and her music played on... just as the thought of Lumiee, my very first car, the one that I will always hold in highest regard, will always drive on in my heart...
Lumiee, I love you and miss you very much
And this is a picture of her in her last winter in Buffalo when my mom got her stuck in the end of our driveway...