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12/29/2004 20:03 #24764

New Year's Resolutions???
so i've never really done thie whole new years resolutions thing... never really got into it, always thought it was a bit stupid... people always talk about "losing 15 lbs this year" or "reuniting w/ long lost friends," or any of the "stop smoking, drinking, biting nails," well i think those are silly, you should just do them, don't waste a whole year focusing on them. well this year i have indeed come up w/ a few possible new years resolutions w/ the help of (e:amanda) they are in no particular order
if you feel any apply to you, feel free to take on the challenge, i still have a few days to choose from the list, wish me luck...

1. to not get piss ass drunk in the presence of my parents
2. to stop participating in little web-cam activities on AIM
3. to not let short little strange men drag me out of a bar and into some alley for hours
4. to not have sex w/ my professor's son on the days i have class w/ his father
5. to not get in fist fights w/ my aunts and uncles at family weddings
6. to limit my alcohol intake to no more than 5 drinks before 9 AM mass
7. to stop stalking people on ""
8. to not throw up on the cops after they say "now Julie, don't throw up on me, ok?"
9. to get a job that doesn't involve turning tricks from 1-5 am 6 nights a week
10. to stop wishing i would have gotten him when I had my chance and to finally move on...

well there i go... now i need to pick one, or two, or all of em even...
I'll figure something out, have a Happy New Years everyone!!!!

12/21/2004 03:24 #24763

how exciting!!!!

and i got rid of the hairy butt pic, now ya gotta look at my dumbass face ;)

12/20/2004 04:57 #24762

i can't see
I think i could have almost died...
i was driving home (hamburg) from amanda's house (williamsville) in my mom's big, dumb mini van.
i hate that thing, the wheel alignment is all off and the left headlight is all crooked...
and the windshield wipers SUCK!!! especially with the salt from the roads.
so I'm driving along the 290 and then the 90 and at first its ok, i cleaned off the windshield before i left her house with some snow and i knew there was still some antifreeze/window washer fluid left, but stupid cars have to go passing me at 3:00 in the morning and of course their tires decide to spit up onto my just cleaned windshield... so after i can't see the white dashed lines anymore, i decide its time to use the antifreeze, but it was sooo cold the stuff hit the windshield and froze. can you believe it, anitifreeze, freezing, crazy, eh??? well you can imagine, the visability didn't get much better except for this tiny little spot right in the middle on the bottom of the window so of course i had to get the rest of the way home peering through this little peep hole. i survived, but it was scary.
I'm not gonna say it, but if you know me or anything about me, you know exactly what i would like to say right now... BUT I'M NOT SAYING IT!!!!!!!!!!
have a good night, my bed is calling for me ;)

12/15/2004 23:59 #24761


12/15/2004 23:57 #24760

my hairy butt
i no longer have my white spandex and bra on my head user pic... but now you can see my big hairy butt!!!!
(no, its not really my butt, but it would be cool it if was ;))