Julie's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/10/2005 21:14 #24768
back in the MIAso i got back to miami late last night, plane trouble and all... and went to our first day of our 8 hell days of winter training. the practices were as to be expected, but i totally got burned!!!! i tried to get some color before i went home a month ago and got nothing, but now I'm just rowing and i burn the hell out of my face and yes, i aquired quite a farmer tan as well... i've got thered half arms and 3/4th legs, oh and can't forget the white feet from the socks... ahhh, i even have a mark from my watch!!! this is crazy. well i tried to take a pic of my face but you can't really see the burn all that well and its all shiny from all the aloe i put on it, but this it what the bright sun in sunny miami in early january did to me ;)

01/02/2005 18:16 #24767
sad day...well i guess the bills aren't gonna be going to the superbowl this year :( and what makes their loss even worse is the fact that the jets just lost which would have given them a spot in the playoffs... :( well no more crying tonight i guess, we still have next year...
12/31/2004 02:42 #24766
I am Seth Cohen
so i took the OC "which character are you?" quiz and this is what i got
You are Seth Cohen!
Seen by some as a geek, you're actually a really smart and extremely funny person. Unfortunately, you're also kinda awkward and goofy, which makes you an easy target for bullies. Your lack of self-confidence always leaves you stunned when someone of the opposite sex finds you cute.
12/30/2004 20:20 #24765
ahhhh, creepyahhh, so im sitting on my bed... (that's where my comp is and all) and i start to hear some snooring... COMING FROM UNDER MY BED!!! ahhhh, what's snoring under my bed??? it's such a mess under there, there isn't even room for my little doggie to fit under there... yet i hear it... and i had my brother come in just now and he too heard it... it was louder than the tv show i was watching... ahhhhh, i don't wanna look, BUT WHATS UNDER MY BED???? :(
12/29/2004 20:03 #24764
New Year's Resolutions???so i've never really done thie whole new years resolutions thing... never really got into it, always thought it was a bit stupid... people always talk about "losing 15 lbs this year" or "reuniting w/ long lost friends," or any of the "stop smoking, drinking, biting nails," well i think those are silly, you should just do them, don't waste a whole year focusing on them. well this year i have indeed come up w/ a few possible new years resolutions w/ the help of (e:amanda) they are in no particular order
if you feel any apply to you, feel free to take on the challenge, i still have a few days to choose from the list, wish me luck...
1. to not get piss ass drunk in the presence of my parents
2. to stop participating in little web-cam activities on AIM
3. to not let short little strange men drag me out of a bar and into some alley for hours
4. to not have sex w/ my professor's son on the days i have class w/ his father
5. to not get in fist fights w/ my aunts and uncles at family weddings
6. to limit my alcohol intake to no more than 5 drinks before 9 AM mass
7. to stop stalking people on "Thefacebook.com"
8. to not throw up on the cops after they say "now Julie, don't throw up on me, ok?"
9. to get a job that doesn't involve turning tricks from 1-5 am 6 nights a week
10. to stop wishing i would have gotten him when I had my chance and to finally move on...
well there i go... now i need to pick one, or two, or all of em even...
I'll figure something out, have a Happy New Years everyone!!!!
if you feel any apply to you, feel free to take on the challenge, i still have a few days to choose from the list, wish me luck...
1. to not get piss ass drunk in the presence of my parents
2. to stop participating in little web-cam activities on AIM
3. to not let short little strange men drag me out of a bar and into some alley for hours
4. to not have sex w/ my professor's son on the days i have class w/ his father
5. to not get in fist fights w/ my aunts and uncles at family weddings
6. to limit my alcohol intake to no more than 5 drinks before 9 AM mass
7. to stop stalking people on "Thefacebook.com"
8. to not throw up on the cops after they say "now Julie, don't throw up on me, ok?"
9. to get a job that doesn't involve turning tricks from 1-5 am 6 nights a week
10. to stop wishing i would have gotten him when I had my chance and to finally move on...
well there i go... now i need to pick one, or two, or all of em even...
I'll figure something out, have a Happy New Years everyone!!!!