Ms Furedi said there had been a shift in public opinion about parenthood. The stigma of abortion had diminished but there was now concern about being a poor parent. "Parenting is considered to be very important and is taken seriously these days," she said. "The idea of just drifting into unplanned motherhood is seen not to be a good thing and you could argue that among many groups of people in society abortion is seen as a more responsible response to being a victim of uncontrolled fertility," she said.
This type of crap really gets up my nose. "Drifting" into unplanned parenthood? "Victim of uncontrolled fertility?"
What a load of non-sensical bullshit. Sorry, but if you are pregnant, chances are high that the last thing you are is a victim. Oops - I slipped on the floor and some guys dick accidently jammed up my vagina! The only thing drifting here is, apparently, the British peoples collective ability to take responsibility for their actions. Why bother being responsible when you can simply have a half-developed baby pulled out of your uterus into the birth canal and have a hole drilled in its skull, or better yet, have the head removed entirely? That sure beats the "Get Out Of Jail Free" card in Monopoly. Please don't make me post abortion pictures, complete with eyeballs.
Sorry, feminists and abortion activists - you'll never convince me on this one. This is not about control, its about convenience. Abortion is among the most barbaric practices we employ and as far as I'm concerned it is among the darkest of dark parts of humanity.
Anyway, this entry really isn't about my seething hatred for abortion. Its about my seething hatred for the Toronto Maple Leafs.

See you in hell, Toronto! I truly hate the Toronto Maple Leafs. There is no club in the NHL that feels more entitled to be a marquis team. Results do not matter - heritage does! Based on history, the Canadiens have more of a claim to stake on which is a more prominent hockey franchise. Many Maple Leafs fans deride the "new" NHL because it makes these lumbering, oafish Canadian boys obsolete in the professional ranks of their own game. Lets be honest, if Tie Domi didn't have the Maple Leaf tit to suckle off of all these years he'd likely be bailing hay in Alberta. So would a plethora of other so-called athletes in the NHL. Guys like Don Cherry (an enjoyable character to be sure) actually treat players from Quebec, such as Briere and Pominville, as if they aren't Canadian at all. Apparently, according to Toronto Maple Leaf fans, if you aren't playing rugby on ice you are not playing hockey.
Lying, cheating, racism, whining, crying, delusions of grandeur, entitlement - this is why Toronto can never win another Stanley Cup.
ohhh boy. don't want to (really) touch this one with a ten foot pole, but, briefly- yes I agree abortion should be a last resort and should not be taken lightly, and people should be willing to face the consequences (pregnancy) of their actions (sex).
But. For the record, those skull-crushing abortions are third trimester abortions, which I don't think are legal in this country. "Regular" abortions are not that brutal. Did you know that the real word for miscarriage is abortion? "spontaneous abortion" vs "elective abortion" vs "missed abortion". But i digress.
I agree that 'victim of unwanted fertility' is a stupid term. But I have to say, I DO agree that abortion is more responsible than having an unwanted child. There are too many fucked up, abused, unloved people out there as it is - we don't need more. I have plenty of stories of 15 year old girls who heard that smoking causes low birth weight, so they smoked while pregnant so their delivery wouldn't hurt as much. Or women who smoked crack to induce premature labor since they were "sick of" being pregnant. Those babies will not be "adoptable". They will likely be "neurologically devastated" and will spend their lives drooling in wheelchairs, costing society/taxpayers millions. Is that really what we want?
I seriously think people should have to pass some sort of test before being allowed to reproduce. I mean why not? you have to take a class and past a test to drive a car, but not to bring another life into the world?
Ok, I feel my blood pressure rising, will stop there.
Ha - well Matt, at least you hung in there until Ajay galloped across the horizon.
Matt - while abortion is an incredibly complicated issue, there is absolutely zero ignorance or even contradiction in my entry... although I appreciate you standing up for the NARAL liberal wing until the cavalry arrived. This is how I view abortion (generally), and if you don't agree I respect that and for me that is wonderful... although I could really care less about the fact that you or anyone else objects to my views on the issue. While my views do lean one way, I'd love to hear some contrary arguments. If you think I'm wrong, compel me to change my mind. If you have to resort to personal attacks while contributing absolutely nothing to the debate, it shows a lack of maturity and class. I don't think that you are immature or classless, so if you don't mind, the next time you don't agree with something I write I would advise that you follow (e:maureen) ot (e:ajay)'s lead when responding.
We are talking about an entire culture shunning its collective ability to deal with self control and self responsibility, and to ignore that is absolutely careless. I should add, however, that in the case of likely death or serious harm to the mother if the birth is carried out, I can accept abortion as a means to an end. Otherwise, its barbaric and a tragedy - end of.
Ajay - I'm startled and slightly amused at your assumption that I agree with Bush on how to solve the problem. Society doe NOT have a responsiblity to shoulder the burden for people who can't take responsiblity for their own actions, and society at large is certainly justified in criticizing people for using abortion as a substitute for birth control. That is how it is and how it will be.
That being said, I think cutting funding for birth control is ridiculous and the argument that new birth control options should be funded is moot - haven't you heard about the new 'male' pill in development?
I don't think government will generally get into funding research into new and better birth control - this will be lead by private industry and demand, just like everything else. To the extent that government should be involved, my view is that government should fund nearly all facets of sex education, including at least a talk about abstinence. Having teen and pre-teen girls put condoms on bananas, however, is a tad over the top. Also, parents should have control about how and when kids learn about the nitty gritty concerning sex. There are schools out there that are making the 'condom on banana' wing of sex education mandatory, and if parents object to it then they should be allowed to withdraw their kids from sex ed class without penalty to their children. Let the 'free thinkers' (my new androgynous term for liberals) and those who do not object have their kids in the class. If there are some Bible beaters out there that don't want their kids in the class, their wishes should be respected.
Generally, EVERYBODY has access to birth control of some sort. People can even get condoms for free at Planned Parenthood. We are not living in a society where birth control is even marginally difficult to get.
My solution to limiting abortions is to encourage the use of birth control and create a comprehensive Federal sexual education program that gives kids around puberty age all the information and guidance they need across all 50 states. The Bible beaters are wrong on this issue.
I have strong feelings on this situation and for many reasons I will not post all of them. I will say that the idea that abortion ONLY affects women is fucking and absolutely ridiculous. Abortion does NOT only affect women. There are many potential fathers out there who have absolutely no choice in that matter. There are many men who would of stepped up to the plate and raised their child alone, if the woman would only go through with the pregnancy. Abortion does affect many people other than the one who is pregnant. This is a fact and even if you are pro choice or pro life this fact needs to be recognized.
"Victim of Uncontrolled Fertility" - are they really serious about this? If it wasn't so objectionable it would be hilarious!!
Really, they are victims of their own choices, and the thought of pregnancy as an illness, or something that needs to be cured is really grotesque. Pregnancy isn't a disease, it's a consequence of our actions.
The thing is, Ajay's right about limiting abortions by spending money to help people out. I'm not a big government guy by any means, but focusing on prevention (real sex ed, not the kind so politically involved like we see today), and helping people with food and medicine is a no-brainer compared with an abortion. We have to be responsible citizens, first and foremost.
Your indignation would have some ground if the Bush Administration (and the rightwing nuts) didn't also try to ban birth control and other preventive measures.
Abortion affects women only. Unless the society at large is willing to help the woman raise the child properly, they have absolutely no right to criticize her for choosing abortion.
Don't like abortion? Put your money where your mouth is, and support the research into better birth control options.
well, someone had to play the liberal part. :)
I think the contradicton is the idea that those people who are abusing abortion are probably the ones who we don't want passing on their poor social behavior, much less their inferior genetic material.
Death is death. But do we have to suffer at the hands of the Jerry Springer masses?
wow joshua, your ignorance never ceases to amaze me. Your journal entry is a contradiction in itself. and i'm not talking about the hockey part.
I think that abortion should always be the last resort. There are a lot of people who want kids but can't have them so adoption should be pushed. It seems crazzy to me that aborting a fetus is better then being a bad parent or set of parents. I can understand someone who dosn't want a kid because they won't be able to take care of it. But that is diffearant then being a bad parent.
In terms of Candian Teams winning the cup didn't Ottawa choke a couple times in the playoffs before the sabres where great. I will give the leafs credit for one thing they are trying to get women fans into the game by making those pink jersys with the lady cut to them. But mayb that is bad. Go Sabress!!! Oh yeah the Toronto Rock Fans drive me crazzy and sometimes the leaf fans are the same way.
Quebec successionism movements played a part in that, hurting the Canadiens in the nations affections. The Leafs are still shaking the stink of Harold Ballard out of the building. He was a shit of an owner and pennypinched the team and even covered up some child abusing in Maple Leaf Gardens. I was reading a copy of "A Spin of the Wheel." Apparently on his first day in Buffalo, Punch Imlach put a "Beat Toronto" sign on his desk. Still feels good to do just that
agreed- coitus has a specific result and if you don't want spawn, you have the power of prevention at your fingertips. i want to stick pens in those wankers' eyeballs for equating death with the wipe of an eraser.