Today was a good day. We worked in East New York, Brooklyn. Thugalicious for sure, but it was cool - the facility we visited had this crazy $8 million dollar printer/bag maker. Its sad when you can go to Wal-Mart, randomly pick out items and say, "Yeah, I was there and saw this being made."' The company we visited today makes the plastic bags that other companies use to package their stuff - socks, etc. - you get the idea. The manager we worked with even hooked us up with a ride to the subway in his Mercedes-Benz CL500 coupe - VERY nice car. He told us that if he didn't have another appointment he would have driven us all the way to Penn Station... which I would have absolutely loved.
After work we took the 3 line in Brooklyn to Penn Station then took an Amtrak train to Stamford, CT. It was my first time taking a regional train, and I have to say that its more enjoyable than flying. Its almost just like flying, actually; there are many similarities and you almost feel like you're in a plane. Except for the view, of course. As far as the traveling experience, overall if you ask me its far more enjoyable than being in a plane. The seats are larger with more legroom and are more comfortable, each double seat section has a 120v jack if you want to monkey with your laptop and not worry about battery life, theres a snack car, and also another car with cafeteria-style seating. Theres also a business class section, but I didn't bother. Overall, after countless flying hours, I have to say that after my first ride in a train I wish that airplane travel was more like train travel.
For you wrasslin' fans, we drove right by the WWE headquarters! My first impression of Connecticut is that its full of blueblood, snooty, extremely rich people. Which is probably true for all of New England but still, the area is beautiful. After work tomorrow we go back to Stamford and take another train to BWI airport, then drive to Dover, DE for the night. Then the next day, we work in DE, come back to Baltimore for a short revisit then fly back home... all the same day.
I talk a lot of shit about NYC, but theres something about the place that I love. Could I live there? I'm still not sure, but I know that I'm more accepting of the idea now than I was 5 years ago.
We just got her casserole disk for christmas, I didn't realize she was such a sex symbol.
yo, Rachel is hot. But seriously, the other one is hotter. The italian cook. She rock my socks. Giada De Laurentiis is her name. Google her....love her.
Well Maybe if I could find a wife then we could swap and I would get a shot at Rachel :-) .Wow she is smokin hot I won't make any jokes about not being able to chose wich pie to eat. That cool that you drove past WWE Headquaters.
She is too cute. I saw this 60 min Turkey Day cooking show.. I didnt intend to watch as I never watch Foodie shows. However, I was just pulled in--c'mon thanksgiving in an hour?! Amazing. So I have been following her a little ever since. Charming personality as well..
I hate to break your heart, joshua, but Rachel Ray is married to a lawyer of all people. But all is not lost, (e:leetee) tells me that Rachel Ray is going to have some sort of daytime talk show soon.
Be brave, (e:joshua), be brave. :-)
hey now! careful with the new england jokes, buster. ;)