My Mom had a great sense of humor, and always made everyone laugh. I can't tell you how many of my friends that I run into years later, where the first thing they ask me is how my mother is. She really cared about everyone. She volunteered to work as a home health care nurse on he East Side. She was one of only a few nurses in her company who were willing to be assigned to that area. She was fearless.
She made a difference once she moved back to Utah, too. The church was packed for the funeral. There literally weren't enough seats. The priest said he'd never seen so many people inside of it.

She was from Buffalo, one of nine children. Her father died a few years ago, and they're together now, in whatever way really matters to us left behind. He and my mother were the funniest, most caring members of my family.

My Dad is from Utah, and my mom loved it there. I was born in Utah, but the family moved back to Buffalo when I was 13. My parents recently moved back to Utah, and my mother spent her time fixing up their house... she'd go to a rock quarry and break up rock, load the truck and then use it around their house. It's the desert, so she made rock gardens.

She went to the quarry a couple times a month. She went the day before she died... it was very sudden. She died of an aneurysm on her aorta. They never suspected. And to be honest: I thought she'd out live us all. She projected unstoppable energy, awake every day and out of bed at 5am. This was such a shock.

My Dad is wonderful. He is lost without her. They loved and fought and stayed together, worked things out. They really taught me all I that I think is good within myself. Hopefully I will do her memory well -- I know I've made a poor start in many ways. But I see clearer every year, and hope there is time to make a difference.

My mom loved this life. She never wasted a day. I miss her so much. She was my best friend, these past few years. We talked all the time, and I'm so lucky that I had a chance to know her as an adult and to really listen to her, after all those years as a kid where I was deafened by my own ignorance.
You look so much like your mom!
Sorry for the tardiness - what a beautiful and elegant tribute to your mother! She'd be extremely proud, no doubt about it. Keep your head up.
Thanks everyone for your very kind words, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to respond sooner, but yesterday was very busy and emotional for me. I was a bit hesitant to post something so personal on here, but now I feel no regrets. I hope to see you all at the Halloween party next weekend.
I've expressed this to you before, but i too feel very lucky to have spent time with your Mom. She was one of the kindest people i've ever known. And funny too! After five minuets of meeting her you could tell she was special. If there is someone with a bigger heart out there, i don't know 'em. I'm glad you shared your memories of her with elmwoodstrip.
Jim, please accept my condolences. My grandmother died 6 years ago now this October 27th (Halloween just isn't the same anymore) and we were very close. The loss of a parent is a whole new world... we have never known this world without them to be here, in our lives. Thank you for sharing your post. Very elequent and poignant! I'm sure she is having a wild ride and enjoying the other side! Bless you for truely appreciating your mother for herself. Thank you again!
Ditto what Twisted wrote. It seems she was such a wonderful woman! Excellent post.
Thanks for sharing this touching memorial about your Mom. I'm so sorry for your loss - and for your whole family to lose her at such a young age. My mother died 7 years ago at the age of 60. It's hard to comprehend a future without her.
I have so much more I would like to say, but mostly I wanted to let you know how touched I was reading your post. Your mother's warmth and caring and humor show through in all your wonderful pictures and remembrances. Thanks for sharing that.
I am so very sorry for your loss, Jim. I am happy you got the chance to know your mom as a person and not only your mom. Thank you for introducing her to us all here. Please send my deepest sympathies to your father and the rest of your mom's family and friends.