You know it is time to do dishes when you drink your morning oj out of a bowl because you ran out of cups
Jessbob's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/22/2006 13:43 #24170
DishesCategory: classy
04/01/2006 02:04 #24169
Warm NightsCategory: emotions
In a nostalgic mood tonight.
Stalked a lot of people I use to know on LexisNexis and Google.
Wonder if anyone/who does that to me.
All of the hits on my name as a phrase come from articles I wrote for my friend's now defunct website, articles I wrote for my internship at CAGW, quotes in my undergrad school newspaper, the abstract for my undergrad thesis, and a petition I signed for Arrested Development. (e:strip) is not on there as I have not put my last name in any of my journals (a conscious choice, both so people I have/do/will work for cannot find this and because I don't want everyone who knows me to know about my journal (even though if they are clever in what they search for, they can find it))
(e:maureen) was here the past couple of days. It was nice seeing her and I had a good time while she was here. We saw V for Vendetta
. Not sure how I felt about it. Thought it wasn't that great til the end and I really enjoyed the ending. I am a sucker for melodrama. The movie prompted me to buy two CDs, Rolling Stones - Forty Licks
(Street Fighting Man was in the closing credits) and Antony and the Johnsons - I am a Bird Now
(Bird Guhl was played on the jukebox in the movie). I am listening to the latter now. His voice in Hope There's Somebody is just chilling. I had heard about the album on NPR. And wrote about it previously (e:jessbob,124)
First day o' frisbee tomorrow. should be good. I should go to bed. Happy belated b-day (e:mk).
Warm nights always make me feel weird and bring back a lot of memory feelings.
Stalked a lot of people I use to know on LexisNexis and Google.
Wonder if anyone/who does that to me.
All of the hits on my name as a phrase come from articles I wrote for my friend's now defunct website, articles I wrote for my internship at CAGW, quotes in my undergrad school newspaper, the abstract for my undergrad thesis, and a petition I signed for Arrested Development. (e:strip) is not on there as I have not put my last name in any of my journals (a conscious choice, both so people I have/do/will work for cannot find this and because I don't want everyone who knows me to know about my journal (even though if they are clever in what they search for, they can find it))
(e:maureen) was here the past couple of days. It was nice seeing her and I had a good time while she was here. We saw V for Vendetta

First day o' frisbee tomorrow. should be good. I should go to bed. Happy belated b-day (e:mk).
Warm nights always make me feel weird and bring back a lot of memory feelings.
03/19/2006 10:35 #24168
UpdateCategory: work
Called out again by (e:mk) on posting. Not posting in over a month is a bit long. I will try and give you the run down on what has happened. First, congrats to (e:mk) on "basically officially" becoming a teacher. Second, happy b-day to (e:jill), hope you had a great day.
On to what I have been doing the past month. I just got back from Georgia, where I spent my spring break with Siv, Jess and Dum. It was a really good time. Finally got to meet siv's gf lucy. She is really nice and I really like her. Hanging out was just how it always was, so much so that last night when I went to bed, I got a bit sentimental for living in Park Bethesda, specifically late spring junior year and the summer between junior and senior year. Not any specific incident, just the feeling of the warm air and just hanging out. While there we went to (among many burrito places including chipotle and a place that actually tasted better than chipotle) an exhibit
at the Atlanta Civic Center of human bodies preserved and with their skin removed so you can see all of their different systems, nervous, muscle etc. It was really creepy and cool at the same time. We also went to the Georgia Aquarium
which is the world's largest aquarium and has two whale sharks (the world's largest fist). It was really cool. Overall, it was a great trip.
Also, this past month I got a job for when I graduate. I will be working in the NYS Division of Budget, on the newly formed Public Authorities Budget office. I am really excited about it, it was the job I wanted most. What the office will be working on is looking in to public authorities, like the thruway authority and Buffalo Control Board, which have come under a lot of scrutiny lately for taking on a lot of debt with little oversight. To interview for it was a really intense process. They brought all of the candidates, there were 10 for 6 positions, out to albany for 3 days and we interviewed with a bunch of high level people, including both deputy budget directors and heads of different sections in the Budget office. It was both cool because we were interviewing with some pretty high level people, but it was also pretty terrifying because all you are doing is interviewing and going to receptions (including one at the Governors mansion which was really cool, the governor wasn't there) where are you are mingling and have to be on all the time. Luckily, they made the decision pretty fast and I got a call the next day from the Budget Director personally offering me the position. I am superexcited about it, but it will be really intense. First, most people start in may or june but because my program doesn't finish until june 30th, I have to start late and I graduate on a friday and have to be at work the next monday, which will be pretty stressful. For the first 8 months I will be in the public authorities budget office, for the next 8 months, I will be in the budget office's debt unit to look into the bonds that the authorities are issuing and then for the final four months, I will actually work in a public authority helping them to work with the budget office. After the 2 years, I negotiate my position in the budget division. I am looking forward to starting and hopefully it will be as good as I think it will be.
One thing I am not looking forward to is the rest of this semester. I have a bunch of papers to work on that will all be a pain in my ass. Ugh. I guess it was only a matter of time before I had to do work in grad school. Well I better go get on that because it is not getting anymore done now. Talk to you later
On to what I have been doing the past month. I just got back from Georgia, where I spent my spring break with Siv, Jess and Dum. It was a really good time. Finally got to meet siv's gf lucy. She is really nice and I really like her. Hanging out was just how it always was, so much so that last night when I went to bed, I got a bit sentimental for living in Park Bethesda, specifically late spring junior year and the summer between junior and senior year. Not any specific incident, just the feeling of the warm air and just hanging out. While there we went to (among many burrito places including chipotle and a place that actually tasted better than chipotle) an exhibit

Also, this past month I got a job for when I graduate. I will be working in the NYS Division of Budget, on the newly formed Public Authorities Budget office. I am really excited about it, it was the job I wanted most. What the office will be working on is looking in to public authorities, like the thruway authority and Buffalo Control Board, which have come under a lot of scrutiny lately for taking on a lot of debt with little oversight. To interview for it was a really intense process. They brought all of the candidates, there were 10 for 6 positions, out to albany for 3 days and we interviewed with a bunch of high level people, including both deputy budget directors and heads of different sections in the Budget office. It was both cool because we were interviewing with some pretty high level people, but it was also pretty terrifying because all you are doing is interviewing and going to receptions (including one at the Governors mansion which was really cool, the governor wasn't there) where are you are mingling and have to be on all the time. Luckily, they made the decision pretty fast and I got a call the next day from the Budget Director personally offering me the position. I am superexcited about it, but it will be really intense. First, most people start in may or june but because my program doesn't finish until june 30th, I have to start late and I graduate on a friday and have to be at work the next monday, which will be pretty stressful. For the first 8 months I will be in the public authorities budget office, for the next 8 months, I will be in the budget office's debt unit to look into the bonds that the authorities are issuing and then for the final four months, I will actually work in a public authority helping them to work with the budget office. After the 2 years, I negotiate my position in the budget division. I am looking forward to starting and hopefully it will be as good as I think it will be.
One thing I am not looking forward to is the rest of this semester. I have a bunch of papers to work on that will all be a pain in my ass. Ugh. I guess it was only a matter of time before I had to do work in grad school. Well I better go get on that because it is not getting anymore done now. Talk to you later
mk - 03/20/06 08:26
jessbob, two things, it's OFFICIALLY official that i will be a teacher at the end of this school year for a maternity leave position - yay! second, congrats on the new job as well. but does that mean you will be in albany once you graduate?
jessbob, two things, it's OFFICIALLY official that i will be a teacher at the end of this school year for a maternity leave position - yay! second, congrats on the new job as well. but does that mean you will be in albany once you graduate?
02/14/2006 20:00 #24167
2 degrees from Arctic MonkeysCategory: music
For all of you hipsters who are into Arctic Monkeys (looking at you (e:hodown)) the band that is opening up for them in the States is my friend's band, the Spinto Band, [inlink]jessbob,122[/inlink] You should check them out
They are really good, and if you do happen to catch the arctic monkeys in the states (I know they are coming to NYC, Boston, Toronto, Philly and DC) come early, it will be worth it.

decoyisryan - 02/17/06 23:31
1. I am completely digging the Arctic Monkeys right now. Cannot wait until the CD comes out next week.
2. Thanks for the "good luck"
1. I am completely digging the Arctic Monkeys right now. Cannot wait until the CD comes out next week.
2. Thanks for the "good luck"
twisted - 02/14/06 20:12
I will :::link::: definitely do that. Thanks for the tip.
p.s. - I'm not claiming to be a hipster, but I am looking forward to that show!
I will :::link::: definitely do that. Thanks for the tip.
p.s. - I'm not claiming to be a hipster, but I am looking forward to that show!
02/11/2006 10:35 #24166
Thinking for yourself - a novel conceptCategory: politics
The Washington Post today had an article about former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr, a VERY conservative congressman that lead the impeachment charges against Clinton, and how he has been highly critical of President Bush's eaves dropping program.
In the article Bob Barr says, "Are we losing our lodestar, which is the Bill of Rights? Are we in danger of putting allegiance to party ahead of allegiance to principle?"
I am so glad he is calling out conservatives on this. I saw soooo many people in DC (republicans and democrats) just blindly tow the party line without thinking for themselves about whether it is actually in line with their beliefs. If it is in line, fine, you can believe what you want to believe. But at least think about it.
At the conservative conference that he said this, Barr got the following response, "But nobody said anything in the deathly quiet audience. Barr merited only polite applause when he finished, and one man, Richard Sorcinelli, booed him loudly. 'I can't believe I'm in a conservative hall listening to him say [Bush] is off course trying to defend the United States,' Sorcinelli fumed"
If Bush isn't being conservative (which I believe he isn't, the party of individual rights - B fucking S), then he should be called out on it. Just cause he comes from the same party does not automatically mean you should support everything he does.
Read the article for yourself, "Bob Barr, Bain of the Right?"
In the article Bob Barr says, "Are we losing our lodestar, which is the Bill of Rights? Are we in danger of putting allegiance to party ahead of allegiance to principle?"
I am so glad he is calling out conservatives on this. I saw soooo many people in DC (republicans and democrats) just blindly tow the party line without thinking for themselves about whether it is actually in line with their beliefs. If it is in line, fine, you can believe what you want to believe. But at least think about it.
At the conservative conference that he said this, Barr got the following response, "But nobody said anything in the deathly quiet audience. Barr merited only polite applause when he finished, and one man, Richard Sorcinelli, booed him loudly. 'I can't believe I'm in a conservative hall listening to him say [Bush] is off course trying to defend the United States,' Sorcinelli fumed"
If Bush isn't being conservative (which I believe he isn't, the party of individual rights - B fucking S), then he should be called out on it. Just cause he comes from the same party does not automatically mean you should support everything he does.
Read the article for yourself, "Bob Barr, Bain of the Right?"

twisted - 02/11/06 23:30
Great example of a phenomenon I see running rampant in the US. It's so easy to point out where the "other" side is wrong, but should that absolve you from deciding if "your" side is right?
This is the kind of logic I see applied all the time -
"'God' told the preacher abortion is a sin. Therefore I'm against abortion."
"The right-wing conservatives are against stem-cell research because they're against abortion. I'm pro-choice, therefore I'm for stem cell research."
How are they different?
And it goes on and on...
Here's a great case in point :::link:::
Somehow, "GLBT friendly" = ""not allowing any heterosexuals into the guild simply because of their sexual orientation"? I don't think so. When did being inclusive of minorities equate to excluding the "majority" (whatever that means)?
Crap. I thought I knew when to shut-up about this.
Great example of a phenomenon I see running rampant in the US. It's so easy to point out where the "other" side is wrong, but should that absolve you from deciding if "your" side is right?
This is the kind of logic I see applied all the time -
"'God' told the preacher abortion is a sin. Therefore I'm against abortion."
"The right-wing conservatives are against stem-cell research because they're against abortion. I'm pro-choice, therefore I'm for stem cell research."
How are they different?
And it goes on and on...
Here's a great case in point :::link:::
Somehow, "GLBT friendly" = ""not allowing any heterosexuals into the guild simply because of their sexual orientation"? I don't think so. When did being inclusive of minorities equate to excluding the "majority" (whatever that means)?
Crap. I thought I knew when to shut-up about this.
ajay - 02/11/06 20:49
"at a charity event a decade earlier, he (Barr) licked whipped cream from the chests of two women."
PS: I agree with Barr and with you (I had posted a link to an op-ed by him recently).
"at a charity event a decade earlier, he (Barr) licked whipped cream from the chests of two women."
PS: I agree with Barr and with you (I had posted a link to an op-ed by him recently).
petition for arrested development?! Can i sign? So pissed they cancelled that show. Best thing on TV, and no one every watched it. (and I love David Cross.)
thanks for the bday shoutout :)