I am back at Maxwell and have just completed a full week of school. This semester will be good in that I am taking three classes that I am actually interested in, State and Local Finance, Metropolitan Politics, and Urban Policy, and I don't have a single test. The bad part about this semester is that I am taking five courses and as none of them have tests, it means I get the pleasure of writing papers. Getting back into writing papers will be annoying as I didn't write anything over 4 pages all last semester (the joy of being in an MPA program is that they are preparing you for a job, so you just write lots of memos instead of long papers). Also, last semester I only had 4 courses, now I have 5, but I don't have an internship anymore.
As I do at the beginning of ever ysemester, I have to start getting organized, and this time I am trying to do it right off the bat rather than later because with the writing I will have to do, I won't have time to jerk off for the first few weeks (in previous semesters, I had done jack shit for the first month or so as evidenced by the fact that my last two internships started more than a month into the semester). I am trying to firm up a good routine, especially with my sleep cycle. Part of this routine will try and include a nightly posting of 15mins on (e:strip) to better keep track of my life. This semester, two days I have 8:00 classes and two days I have 12:45 classes. Hopefully I will wake up at the same time each day and exercise or something else that is good for myself. I am not there yet but I should be soon. OK, my 15 mins is almost up. I'll see you tomorrow.
P.S. My hair is all now gone courtesy of (e:maureen)'s beauty salon and I now have a beard courtesy of my mother's genes. I'll post the pics (e:maureen) took soon.
Jessbob's Journal
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01/23/2006 22:53 #24161
Getting OrganizedCategory: school
12/19/2005 12:31 #24160
Back in the -loCategory: estrip
It has been a while since I've posted. The last few weeks of classes were a bit rough but I am done now and enjoying doing as little as possible in the B-lo
I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the party on Saturday night. Thanks (e:PMT) for throwing the party. Happy bday (e:hodown), I hope you had a good night, and it was nice meeting and hanging out with all the (e:peeps).
Also, I found out that one of my friends from the year I went to Starpoint died. I was just flipping through the news and happened to be reading the obits and there was one for him there.
He died the other day in a car crash cause of the weather. I haven't spoken to him since 9th grade. It is weird when I find things like that in the news because I rarely read the obits and just happened to be flipping through.
Well that is all.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the party on Saturday night. Thanks (e:PMT) for throwing the party. Happy bday (e:hodown), I hope you had a good night, and it was nice meeting and hanging out with all the (e:peeps).
Also, I found out that one of my friends from the year I went to Starpoint died. I was just flipping through the news and happened to be reading the obits and there was one for him there.

Well that is all.
11/19/2005 09:27 #24159
Fuck You John HughesCategory: school
Last night my friends here threw me a birthday party. It was really nice. I was kind of a surprise in that it was originally going to be an 80s teen movie night (it still was an 80s teen movie night too). So I didn't know until my friend picked me up and asked me to hold my birthday cake. I am really glad I came here. Though I cannot go on the racist tyrades I could at AU, I am feeling more comfortable with and really like the people here, even if some of them drive me up the wall sometimes. (thanks for talking me out of that one (e:maureen)).
At the party we watched Pretty in Pink and part of another movie (Say Anything?). This was the first time I have watch Pretty in Pink and I was pissed. I really related to duckie in the movie and felt he got fucked. He was the only one with real balls. Fuck the pretty boy. Plus the pretty boy broke the number 1 rule of friendship - bros over hos. I am very bitter in how the nerd gets screwed in these 80s teen movies. Like at the end of Breakfast Club when they all pair up except Anthony Michael Hall who has to write the paper. That's fucking BS. Fuck you John Hughes. At least we have revenge of the Nerds.
At the party we watched Pretty in Pink and part of another movie (Say Anything?). This was the first time I have watch Pretty in Pink and I was pissed. I really related to duckie in the movie and felt he got fucked. He was the only one with real balls. Fuck the pretty boy. Plus the pretty boy broke the number 1 rule of friendship - bros over hos. I am very bitter in how the nerd gets screwed in these 80s teen movies. Like at the end of Breakfast Club when they all pair up except Anthony Michael Hall who has to write the paper. That's fucking BS. Fuck you John Hughes. At least we have revenge of the Nerds.
11/12/2005 01:17 #24158
Business isnt the only one who buys polsCategory: politics
For all of those who think that evil big businesses are the only ones who buy politicians should read this article in the Buffalo News. 
Unions donate $108,000 to Brown (11% of his campaign fund) and the first thing Brown does is ask for the resignation of the nonpolitical commissioner that heads the civil service who still has three years left on his contract (this is due to state law that staggers the appointment of the commissioner so they can't just hire all of the newly elected mayor's cronies). This commissioner is who negotiates the union contracts and has been very unpopular with the city's unions lately.
Guess you get what you pay for.

Unions donate $108,000 to Brown (11% of his campaign fund) and the first thing Brown does is ask for the resignation of the nonpolitical commissioner that heads the civil service who still has three years left on his contract (this is due to state law that staggers the appointment of the commissioner so they can't just hire all of the newly elected mayor's cronies). This commissioner is who negotiates the union contracts and has been very unpopular with the city's unions lately.
Guess you get what you pay for.
metalpeter - 11/12/05 15:32
The scary thing about Giambra is that he was a deomocrat and some then when he ran for reelection was on the rupublican ticket. Who switchs sides like that, it is insane. I'm not to sure about this Bryon guy as mayor. He is certainly going to shake things up, I just hope for the better.
The scary thing about Giambra is that he was a deomocrat and some then when he ran for reelection was on the rupublican ticket. Who switchs sides like that, it is insane. I'm not to sure about this Bryon guy as mayor. He is certainly going to shake things up, I just hope for the better.
dcoffee - 11/12/05 09:06
Wow... good find!
I'm a little scared that the election gave so many seats to the democrats. at first I was glad to see the republicans loose, especially considering our mayor and county executive (not to mention the president) are republican and they havn't done much good. but I'm getting increasingly worried about having too much power concenterated in the democratic machine.
Wow... good find!
I'm a little scared that the election gave so many seats to the democrats. at first I was glad to see the republicans loose, especially considering our mayor and county executive (not to mention the president) are republican and they havn't done much good. but I'm getting increasingly worried about having too much power concenterated in the democratic machine.
11/10/2005 19:00 #24157
TGITCategory: school
Hello All,
Thank god its the weekend and thank god for veterans day 11-11. I was so ready to get done with this week. I had two midterms. The stats midterm I took today was really rough. After working on it for a while, I opted to not be graded on it and have its points be shifted onto the final. I really need to pay more attention in the class. I just kept getting confused over what formulas are used for what. Oh well, it is done.
I just wanted to add some more pic from Halloween. On the first set of pics, my friend Jess commented that I reminded her of Buffalo Bill from Silence of the lambs. Unfortunately, I never saw the movie though I have read the book and seen both the sequel and prequel (Remember seeing Red Dragon (e:Maureen)) and I couldn't find an image of him on the internet, so I guess I will just have to rent it to see. Here are the pics:

Thank god its the weekend and thank god for veterans day 11-11. I was so ready to get done with this week. I had two midterms. The stats midterm I took today was really rough. After working on it for a while, I opted to not be graded on it and have its points be shifted onto the final. I really need to pay more attention in the class. I just kept getting confused over what formulas are used for what. Oh well, it is done.
I just wanted to add some more pic from Halloween. On the first set of pics, my friend Jess commented that I reminded her of Buffalo Bill from Silence of the lambs. Unfortunately, I never saw the movie though I have read the book and seen both the sequel and prequel (Remember seeing Red Dragon (e:Maureen)) and I couldn't find an image of him on the internet, so I guess I will just have to rent it to see. Here are the pics:

It was nice to meet you!
I suppose you were meant to find this information in the newspaper. Life has a way of letting us know things, call it instict or random chance.